15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Instar Larva Inang Spodoptera Litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Terhadap Keberhasilan Hidup Parasitoid Eriborus Argenteopilosus Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    Research on the effect of host larval stage on survivorship of the parasitoid E. argenteopilosus was conducted under laboratory conditions. Survivorship was studied by using S. litura larval with different stage (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instars). Result of the research indicated that development rate of the parasitoid E. argenteopilosus is faster when reared on 3rd instar larvae. The higher the level of host-instar larvae, shorter time was needed to complete the parasitoid's life cycle. Only 4.67% of the larvae completed its development to pupal stage, and only 1% reached adulthood, with males being the dominant of the emerging adults

    Gambaran Daya Tahan Aerobik (Vo2max) Pada Atlet Dayung Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (Koni) Provinsi Riau Tahun 2015

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    Rowing is a sport featured Indonesian National Sports Committee Riau Province which require considerable force. Achieve good performance need a good physical condition. Aerobic endurance (VO2max) has contributed in aerobic endurance. VO2max value the better the athlete, the more fit physical health conditions. The purpose of this study was to know the description of aerobic endurance (VO2max) on rower Indonesian National Sport Committee (KONI) Riau province in 2015. This research method is a descriptive cross-sectional with total sampling technique. VO2max values obtained from the results of physical tests using balke test. The study was conducted on 57 respondents consisting of 43 men and 14 women. Results of this study showed the male athletes as many as 24 people (55.8%) in the category of very poor, 13 (30.2%) very poor and 6 (14.0%) enough. Whereas in female athletes earned 8 (57.1%) in the poor category and 6 (42.9%) very poor

    Penerapan Strategi Cooperative Script Dengan Media Komik Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SD Negeri II Gedong Tahun Ajaran 2013/ 2014

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    The study aims to understand the students' learning motivation at Class V of the Indonesiancourse by applying a Cooperative Script strategy with comic media. It was aclass action research. The population included all the 17 students of the Class V at SDNegeri II Gedong Primary School. It consisted of two cycles. The data collection employedobservation and documentation. The technique of data analysis used a qualitativemethod with an interactive model, including data reduction, display data, and conclusion.The indicators were summarizing, listening, speaking, and expressing opinions.The class action research would be said to be successful if it met 80% of the indicatorsand 80% of the students achieved the KKM. The results of the study were summarizingat the early condition of 90.98%, cycle I of 74.51%, cycle II of 88.24%; listening at theearly condition of 50.98%, cycle I of 72.54%, cycle II of 90.20%; speaking at the earlycondition of 45.09%, cycle I of 64.71%, cycle II of 80.39%; and giving opinions at theearly condition of 43.20%, cycle I at 49.02%, cycle II of 80.39%. At the early condition,the students who achieved the KKM amounted to 9 people, at cycle I of 11 students, andat cycle II of 17 students (or 100%). At the cycle II, the students' motivation had achievedthe indicators. It could be concluded that applying a cooperative script strategy withcomic media could increase the students' Indonesian course

    Target and Mastery Lands the Scope of Land Agricultural Land Redistribution in the Province of South Kalimantan

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    This type of research is juridical-empirical, character of an explanatory study, using non probality sampling technique, with sampling purposive or judgment sampling, with its own considerations for selecting members of the sample. Respondents farmers, farmer groups, informants: National Land Agency, Agency for Agricultural Extension and the National Bureau of Statistics.A redistribution subject of Agricultural Land in South Kalimantan province, not all poor farmers and sharecroppers, but there are also traders, private employees and civil servants. Due to ignorance of the farming community will Land Redistribution program. Object of agricultural land redistribution in South Kalimantan, only on state land or land uncultivated state-controlled, whereas the maximum limit for the excess land, absentee land and abandoned land is not part of the object of reform because it could not be implemented due to the constraints of data and information not enough about it. Because the object redistribution of agricultural land that is not up to two (2) acres, has not been able to fulfill the lives of farmers, because it is too small farms and agricultural produce is not maximized

    Kemandirian Pangan Sumber Karbohidrat Dan Protein Untuk Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Keluarga

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    This study aims to: formulate operational concepts to measure the level of household food endurance, to analyze indicators of household food endurance in terms of aspects of education, economics, and food consumption, identify the characteristics of households that experienced food unendurance. Household sample was pre-prosperous, prosperous I, prosperity II, prosperous III, and prosperous III +. Selection random sample coated with proportional allocation. Types of data collected include demographic characteristics of household, ownership of land, the economic characteristics of households, household social characteristics. Based on discriminant analysis, it found five variables that can be indicators of household food enduracnce is the wife of education backgaround, ownership of chickens, the frequency of eating rice consumption , cassava consumption frequency and the frequency of consumption of salted fish. The higher the wife's education, the more resistant the household food. While ownership of the chicken and salted fish consumption is indicated that is the opposite of more domesticated chickens and the higher the frequency of consumption of salted fish is the household food unendurance. Striking characteristic is the average frequency of consumption of salted fish, the frequency of household consumption of food endurance just 0.7 times per week, while the household does not endurance as much food frequency 3.9 times per week

    The Settlement of Disputes Between the Workers and Wetland Palm Oil Company in the District of Barito Kuala

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    Barito Kuala District has developedpalm oil plantation sector in wetlands areawhich gradually changed the pattern of its community life. Previously, most of the peoplewere sharecroppers with the land as their main commodities, then they become the laborbecause the companies employ people especially from the local community.This researchis an empirical legal study to obtain primary data and literature study to obtain secondarydata. Its population is the palm oil plantations in Barito Kuala District and the sample ispalm oil plantations in wetlands, which employ workers. In relation to the employment, thereare sometimes disagreements among the parties which can be caused by a variety of factors.The settlement of the industrial disputes is through stages of the bipartite; the mediation(tripartite); conciliation; arbitration; and the Industrial Relations Court. Industrial RelationsCourt is the last effort for the disputing parties in industrial relations that can not be resolvedthrough out courts, regulated in Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial RelationsCour


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    The objective of this research is to know the influence of compensation work discipline, and motivation on employee productivity of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Jakarta Timur. Population in this study is employee in PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Jakarta Timur. Samples are obtained through purposive sampling method, in which 102 collected data that accordance with the criteria. Data for this study comes from primary source garnered by distributing Likert-Scale questionnaire. The data analyze with SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 25 is multiple linear regression Based on the results of hypothesis test of this study, there is an influence between compensation, work discipline, and motivation on employee productivity

    Covid-19 Fenomena Ancaman Keamanan Non-Tradisional Kontemporer

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    Bentuk baru ancaman keamanan kontemporer yang sedang dihadapi oleh negara-negara di dunia saat ini, tidak  lagi membutuhkan kekuatan angkatan bersenjata untuk menghadapinya, karena musuh yang dihadapi merupakan virus yang menyerang manusia tanpa terlihat. Memasuki tahun 2020 hingga sekarang masih berlangsung, masyarakat dunia dihadapkan pada ancaman serius serangan Covid-19. Globalisasi memiliki peranan dalam penyebaran virus sebagai akibat kemudahan mobilitas warga antar negara, sehingga mengharuskan negara-negara di dunia mengambil sikap dengan melakukan pembatasan sosial hingga penutupan akses masuk negara dalam upaya meminimalisasi penyebaran virus. Covid-19 adalah penyakit baru yang diakibatkan virus corona, dan belum ada obat dan vaksinnya. Covid-19 tidak hanya mengancam jiwa, tetapi juga telah mengakibatkan pelemahan kondisi sosial, ekonomi negara-negara di hampir seluruh dunia, sehingga antar negara menjadi saling tergantung pada kerjasama Internasional dalam upaya penangananny