4 research outputs found

    Life Course Perspective on the Determinants of Stunting and Child Development in Jombang District

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    Background: Stunting is the most prevalent form of child malnutrition worldwide with an estimated 161 million children in 2013. Stunting has been defined as the proportion of children below -2 SD from the WHO length- or height-for-age standards median. Stunting may increase the risk of child mortality and non-communicable diseases. It decreases the cognitive and motor develop­ment, reduces performance in schools, and lowers productivity in adulthood. Indonesia ranks fifth highest in the burden of stunted children in the world. However, life course information about the determinants of stunting in Indonesia is lacking. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of stunting and child development in children under five. Subjects and Method: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted at Mayangan and Jarak Kulon Community Health Centers, Jombang, East Java, in Januari 2018. A total sample of 58 children was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling. The dependent variables were stunting and child develop­ment. The independent variables were birth-length, maternal age, maternal height, maternal education, and family income. The data were collected by questionnaire. Data on birth length was taken from maternal and child record at community health center. The data were analyzed by path analysis model. Results: The risk of stunting decreased with birth-length (b= -0.90; 95% CI= -1.60 to -0.21; p= 0.011) and maternal height (b=-0.92; 95% CI= -1.69 to -0.16; p= 0.018). The risk of stunting increased with maternal age <20 years old or ≥35 years old at pregnancy (b= 0.73; 95% CI= -0.03 to 1.46; p= 0.051). The risk of stunting indirectly decreased with high maternal education and high family income. The likelihood of normal child development increased with maternal education (b= 1.08; 95% CI= 0.41 to 1.75; p= 0.001) and decreased with stunting (b= -0.78; 95% CI= -1.46 to -0.10; p= 0.025). Conclusion: The risk of stunting decreases with birth-length and maternal height, and increases with maternal age <20 years old or ≥35 years old at pregnancy. The likelihood of normal child development increases with maternal education and decreases with stunting. Keywords: child development, stunting, birth-length, maternal age at pregnancy, maternal education, and family incom

    Hubungan Pemanfaatan Beberapa Jenis Media Massa dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Remaja Kelas XI SMA

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    Adolescent means a heavy process that takes a lot of adjustment and cause much anxiety. Growth and maturation of the reproductive organs is one of the major problems they face. That is, one in five people in Indonesia are in the range of adolescents. Adolescents feel taboo to talk about sex with parents so that teens seek alternative sources of information. Many teens use the mass media as sources of information.The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of mass media with the use of adolescent reproductive health knowledge among adolescents XI High School class of Darul Ulum Jombang 2011.Survey research design using cross sectional analytic approach. Sampling was stratified random sampling technique. Number of respondents 52 students who met the study criteria. Dependent variable is the level of knowledge and indepent variable is the use of various mass media. The collected data were tested using analysis of Rank Spearman correlation test.The results showed that respondents with the use of a variety of high-mass media 12 people (23.07%), while 33 people (63.46%), low 7 people (13.46%). Respondents with a good knowledge level 5 persons (9.62%), just 41 people (78.84%), approximately 7 people (11.53%). The results of statistical tests is π = 0.453 with a significance of 0.000 (P <0.005).Conclusion The higher utilization of the various mass media, the higher the level of knowledge of adolescent reproductive health