4 research outputs found

    Resiko Umur dan Paritas Ibu Hamil pada Kejadian Preeklampsi Eklampsi

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    Background: East Kalimantan Provincial Health Office noted that during 2015 there was an increase in maternal mortality and childbirth. Because most deaths caused by bleeding as many as 33 cases, hypertension in pregnancy as many as 31 cases. RSUD AW SjahranieSamarinda, reported that theincidence rate of eclampsipreeklampsi increased from 2014 that is 1.09% to 1.59% in 2015. Objective: The objective of the research is The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal age and parity risk factors in the occurrence of eclampsipreeclampsi in RSUD AW Sjahranie.Methods: : Observational analytical research with case control approach. Research location in RSUD AW Sjahranie. Sampling by purposive sampling which is limited by inclusion and exclusion criteria. The analysis test by calculating Chi squared to know the existence of relation of pregnant mother and parity with pre eclamptic event eclampsi then calculate odds ratio to know the big of risk factor with 95% confidence interval and error rate 5%.Results: Obtain Chi square calculate age risk factor equal to 9.82 bigger compared with Chi squared table at degrees of freedom 1 with 5% error level is 3,841 then Chi squares count>> Chi squared table, thus Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Chi square count parity> chi squared table 18,243> 3,841 means Ho refused and Ha accepted. Odds age ratio at risk of 3.596 is greater than the age that is not at risk. Odds ratios Parity 1 and> 3 have a risk of eclampsiapreeclamption of 5.26 times greater than non-risk parity (Parity 2 - 3).Suggestion: health workers to increase the number and quality of midwifery services, especially in giving counseling and counseling especially in pregnant women with age at risk of eclampsiapreeclamption (ageless than 20 years and over 35 years) or screening pregnant mother so that can be anticipated immediately if Found signs of pre-eclampsi exclusion in pregnant women. For institutions to continuously improve the provision of information on the eclampsiapreeclamption to students

    Activity Ratio Analysis for Measuring Company Effectiveness PT. Martina Berto Tbk Jakarta

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    This research at PT. Martina Berto Tbk. a company listed in the cosmetics and household subsector of Indonesia Stock Exchange. The object of this research is the financial statement PT. Martina Berto Tbk. which is decreasing in sales every year. This research has a purpose to know the analysis of activity ratio to measure the effectiveness of the company PT. Martina Berto Tbk. observerd of seven aspects, its receivable turnover, days of receivable, inventory turnover, days of inventory, working capital turnover, fixed assets turnover and total assets turnover the period of 2012-2016. . The data of this research obtained from secondary data such as literature and company documentation. The analysis method applied in the research was descriptive. Based on the result of the research, it is found that the calculated result of activity of the company consist in effectiveness of company PT. Martina Berto Tbk. in terms of receivable turnovers from 2012-2016 are amounted to 2.4 times, 2.3 times, 2.2 times, 2,1 times, and 1.9 times. The days of receivable in 2012-2016 are amounted to 152 days, 158 days, 165 days, 173 days, and 192 days. The inventory turnovers in 2012-2016 are amounted to 13.5 times, 12,0 times, 8,9 times, 9,0 times, and 7,2 times. The days of inventory in 2012-2016 are amounted to 27 days, 30 days, 41 days, 40 days, and 50 days. The working capital turnovers in 2012-2016 are amounted to 1.9 times, 1.8 times, 2,0 times, 2,1 times, and 2,1 times. The fixed assets turnovers in 2012-2016 are amounted to 8,8 times, 4,7 times, 4.5 times, 4,7 times, and 4,6 times. The total assets turnovers in 2012-2016 are amounted to 1,1 times, 1,0 times, 1,0 times, 1,0 times, and 0.9 times. This fluctuation resulted in poor management of the assets and the ability to decrease sales.[Bold] Keywords: Effectiveness Company, Activity Ratio