2 research outputs found

    The Study Of EFL Students' Extensive Listening Activities At University Of Islam Malang

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    Abstract: Listening is a basic language skill that is important in receiving oral messages to carry out communication with others more effectively. However, mastering listening especially in the EFL context requires a lot of practice, therefore language learners need to carry out extensive listening practice outside of class activities. Extensive listening can be defined as listening for pleasure that allows learners to receive both comprehensive and enjoyable input. Due to this reason, the researcher is interested in studying EFL students’ extensive listening activities at the university. This study was carried out using descriptive qualitative research methods through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as an instrument. The questionnaire is used to find 5 suitable participants for the interview from the students of the English department at the University of Islam Malang. The data for this research was collected online through the use of WhatsApp voice notes and video calls. The result of the interview is analyzed using qualitative analysis for more detailed data about extensive listening activities. The result showed that all students have a medium to a high level of perception towards both aspects of extensive listening such as enjoyment and benefit and give positive responses towards six kinds of extensive listening material such as English songs, movies, podcasts, audio, news, and speech. The result also indicated that extensive listening has many benefits, such as providing an enjoyable learning experience and environment, flexibility to be used anywhere anytime, and flexibility to choose material based on learning purpose and needs. Moreover, extensive listening also benefits language skills such as vocabulary, pronunciation, retention, comprehension, authentic material, and more importantly improvement in listening skills. Keywords: Listening Skill, Extensive Listening Activitie

    Pemanfaatan Sampah Organik Untuk Pengolahan Kompos

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    Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan kegiatan manusia dalam suatu daerah maka semakin tinggi jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan. Dibutuhkan cara pengelolaan yang lebih baik agar sampah tidak menjadi masalah bagi lingkungan. Pola pengelolaan sampah dengan cara pengumpulan, pengangkutan serta pembuangan di tempat akhir sampah tidak dapat menyelesaikan persoalan ini. Disamping berbiaya tinggi pola ini juga menghasilkan volume sampah yang dibuang tidak terkurangi, diketahui bahwa TPA memiliki daya tampung dan usia pemakaian maksimal. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan komposisi sampah di salah satu sumber penghasil sampah yaitu rumah penduduk Desa Wonoayu Kecamatan Wajak, serta memberikan solusi lebih ekonomis dan efisien dalam penanganan sampah yang dihasilkan khususnya sampah organik. Metode yang dilaksanakan menggunakan eksperimen dengan subjek sampah organik yang dihasilkan dari rumah penduduk. Bahan kompos yang terbaik untuk dilakukan proses pengomposan adalah sampah sayur plus kotoran ternak dengan penambahan 10 ml EM-4 (kompos variasi A). Dukungan warga masyarakat terutama Wanita Tani Desa dan Ibu-Ibu PKK serta remaja sangat diharapkan untuk melaksanakan dan melanjutkan program ini