111 research outputs found

    Islamic law and modern guarantees in Malaysia

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    The guarantee is regarded as the most common instrument used in the business of commercial banks. Being simplest and least expensive, it is regarded as the most acceptable form of security in the banking lending transactions. However, due to the ‘unfettered discretion’ that the law gives to the creditor banker upon defaults, the reception of the instrument has decreased. This paper seeks to discuss the above issue in the light of Islamic legal point vis-à-vis the current position of Malaysian law of guarantee. The paper suggests that amendments should be made to the existing laws and this could be made through the process of harmonization of Islamic and Malaysian laws

    The influence of classical interpretation on the law of guarantees in the United Arab Emirates.

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    During the past four decades, the world has awakened with the reassertion of Islamic law in the Muslim world. At this point, the reassertion also means the embedment of classical interpretations in modern law as they are regarded as part of Islamic law. The question that arises is how far these classical interpretations bind modern legislators and to what extent, if any, classical interpretations influence the development of modern legal principles. This article seeks to clarify these issues through the examination of the law of guarantees in the United Arab Emirates. Both classical and modern legal sources of the United Arab Emirates have been examined for the above purpose. The study demonstrates that classical interpretation has a profound influence in the development of the law of guarantees in the United Arab Emirates

    Common law rights and liabilities in relationship debt

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    Relationship debt is a term usually used to describe a situation where a woman becomes liable for the debt of her spouse or partner. This occurs when she becomes the guarantor for her partner's loan or when she is co-borrowing with her partner. She becomes liable for the whole loan when her partner fails to meet the loan. Most of the time, woman will signed the loan agreement without acknowledging the legal and financial obligation. She signed it purely on a basis of relationship of dependence and emotional ties that exist between the woman and her partner. Is there a legal protection for them? This is a review paper on the common law position towards these women in the United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia. It explores on the legal mechanism for which this woman can argue in the court of law so as to avoid being liable for her partner's debt

    Transforming noun phrase structure form into heuristics and rules for detecting compound noun in Malay sentence

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    This paper addresses the process of transforming noun phrase structure form into a list of suitable heuristic used for detecting compound noun word in Malay sentence.The heuristic is used to obtain the syntax sentence structure for finding a compound noun pair of words in Malay sentence. To obtain the list of these rules, the noun phrase structure form must be created first, so that we know the possibility of the words' combination as a compound noun.The noun phrase structure form is grouped based on three different noun categories, such as i) noun and noun ii) noun and noun modifier, and iii) noun and non-noun modifier.However, in our research work, we focus on the category of noun and noun modifier.The heuristic rules and noun phrase structure form are important to understand because they help to clarify the concept of finding compound noun pair of words in Malay sentence.This compound noun output will use an input in our next research named head modifier detector

    Heuristics-based method for head and modifier detection in Malay sentences from the cultural heritage domain

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    The process of detection for the head and modifier in Malay sentences from the cultural heritage domain is difficult to identify. This is due to the position of head and modifier which varies in sentences depending on the sentence structures. Hence, there are different point of views about the theory and concept of detection for the head and modifier in a compound noun that have been discussed by language experts. Additionally, the existing research is also limited especially in the areas of computational linguistics. Therefore, research should be conducted to identify appropriate methods especially used in the detection of head and modifier which appear in Malay setences from the cultural heritage domain. The aim of this study is to construct a list of heuristic rules to be used for detecting the position of compound nouns in Malay sentences from cultural heritage domain. By using 15 rules, the position of head and modifier that exist in a compound noun can also be detected. These rules are called heuristic rules. The purpose of formulating these 15 rules is to detect the head and modifier that exist in the Malay sentences from the cultural heritage domain. To measure the accuracy of the results, precision, recall and F1-score values are used. Based on the results of the experiments, Sentence Structure of Malay Cultural Heritage Domain (SADWBM) have an F1-score of 80.4% compared to Noun Phrase Structure (SFN) which is 56%. Consequently, SADWBM shows better scores compared to SFN. Therefore it is clear that the approach used in this study is effective in resolving the identified problems

    Children and M-Commerce: some social and legal issues

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    Mobile-culture among children and young person is happening all around the world. For the new generation, mobile phones are not only a devise to make calls, but rather as an instrument for coordinating their social life. SMS, MMS, games, music, and videos are features available on the mobile phones and teenagers are their main players. Little that they know that these activities are part of a new way commerce is carried out. Mobile commerce or M-Commerce is gr owing but its impacts on the young generation can be tremendous. This short article aims at highlighting possible issues that may arise with regard to minors and M-Commerce. Special reference has been made to the legal positions in Malaysia with regard to contractual issues arising from M-Commerce

    Development of halal nutrition framework

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    The preservation of future generation and the protection of consumer welfare, as contained in the “Maqasid Shariah”, is a priority in view of the incremental negative behaviours existing in today’s societies at large. This qualitative research on halal nutrition focused on halal food consumed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his eating practices which will affect any individual in the areas of mind, spirit, intellect, physiology and health. Some foods mentioned in the Quran and Hadith were studied to associate the relationship of halal food, human development and health. The research attempted to develop the framework of Halal Nutrition to provide proper nutrition guidelines for quality and better consumption of halal food for the future generation

    Humanist Islam in Indonesia Ahmad Syafii Maarif perspective

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    Purpose of the Study: The issue focused on this study is how is the idea of the Islamic conception in the concept of humanity and Indonesianness? Whereas the purpose of this study is to reveal the perspective of Ahmad Syafii Maarif on Islam Indonesia and the concept of humanism. Methodology: The method used is qualitative, with a historical, phenomenological, biographical, sociological, and normative approach. Results: The result from this study concluded that this is no longer the time for Muslims, who are the majority in this archipelago, to question the trilogy correlation between Islam, Indonesianness, and humanity. The three conceptions must be in the same breath and rhythm so that Islam that is thriving in Indonesia is Islam that is progressive, hospitable, open and rahmatanlil ‘alamin. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: The study focused more on the description of the thinking of a figure or a person and emphasized on the process with deductive, inductive, interpretative, and comparative methods, especially on the thinking of Ahmad Syafii Maarif about the concept of Islam in the frame of Indonesianness

    A first step design in integrating an English-Malay translation memory system into the semantic web

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    This paper discusses on the first step designing integration Semantic Web into our English-Malay Translation Memory (TM) prototype system.The main research activity that we need to perform is on how we can design and construct the ontology database in the architecture of the semantic web environment. Research also need to be carried out by understanding precisely the layer-cake architecture of semantic web, mainly in designing and implementation interaction between English-Malay TM system via a semantic web

    Assessing knowledge and religiosity on consumer behavior towards halal food and cosmetic products

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    This paper investigates the relationship between knowledge and religiosity on attitude towards Halal food and cosmetic products. It also looks at existence of significant difference between consumers’ attitude towards Halal cosmetic and Halal food products were investigated. Based on the sample of Malaysian Muslim consumers, results show that religiosity is more influential towards behavior compared to knowledge pertaining to halal matters and there is a significant difference on respondent’s behavior between halal food products and halal cosmetic products. The results of the study give implication to firms competing in cosmetic industry. Religiosity is one of the main factors that should be taken into account in promoting their cosmetic products