47 research outputs found

    The Uniqueness of Hypergravity

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    We show that consistent interactions of a spin-2 and a higher-spin Majorana fermion gauge fields in 3D flat space lead uniquely to Aragone-Deser hypergravity or its generalization. Our analysis employs the BRST-cohomological techniques, and works in the metric-like formulation under the assumptions of locality, parity and Poincar\'e invariance. Local hypersymmetry shows up as the unique consistent deformation of the gauge transformations. An extension of the theory with fermion flavors does not change these features, while a cosmological deformation becomes obstructed in the absence of other degrees of freedom and/or non-locality.Comment: 40 pages, minor changes in the text, references adde

    Frame- and Metric-like Higher-Spin Fermions

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    Conventional descriptions of higher-spin fermionic gauge fields appear in two varieties: the Aragone-Deser-Vasiliev frame-like formulation and the Fang-Fronsdal metric-like formulation. We review, clarify and elaborate on some essential features of these two. For frame-like free fermions in Anti-de Sitter space, one can present a gauge-invariant Lagrangian description such that the constraints on the field and the gauge parameters mimic their flat-space counterparts. This simplifies the explicit demonstration of the equivalence of the two formulations at the free level. We comment on the subtleties that may arise in an interacting theory.Comment: 19 pages, published in the special issue "Higher Spin Gauge Theories" of Univers

    Higher Spin Theory - Part I

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    These notes comprise a part of the introductory lectures on Higher Spin Theory presented in the Eighth Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics. We construct free higher-spin theories and turn on interactions to find that inconsistencies show up in general. Interacting massless fields in flat space are in tension with gauge invariance and this leads to various no-go theorems. While massive fields exhibit superluminal propagation, appropriate non-minimal terms may cure such pathologies as they do in String Theory--a fact that we demonstrate. Given that any interacting massive higher-spin particle is described by an effective field theory, we compute a model independent upper bound on the ultraviolet cutoff in the case of electromagnetic coupling in flat space and discuss its implications. Finally, we consider various possibilities of evading the no-go theorems for massless fields, among which Vasiliev's higher-spin gauge theory is one. We employ the BRST-antifield method for a simple but non-trivial gauge system in flat space to find a non-abelian cubic coupling and to explore its higher-order consistency.Comment: 33 pages, references added, to appear in Proceedings of Scienc

    Notes on a Cure for Higher-Spin Acausality

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    We present a Lagrangian describing a massive charged spin-2 field and a scalar in a constant electromagnetic background, and we provide a consistent description of the system. The Lagrangian, derived from string field theory through a suitable dimensional reduction, propagates the correct number of degrees of freedom within the light cone in any space-time dimension less than 26. We briefly discuss the higher-spin generalization of this construction, that cures the pathologies of a massive charged particle of arbitrary integer spin by introducing only finitely many new massive degrees of freedom.Comment: 14 pages, comments and references added, minor reorganization done. To appear in PR

    Higher-Spin Modes in a Domain-Wall Universe

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    We find a consistent set of equations of motion and constraints for massive higher-spin fluctuations in a gravitational background, required of certain characteristic properties but more general than constant curvature space. Of particular interest among such geometries is a thick domain wall--a smooth version of the Randall-Sundrum metric. Apart from the graviton zero mode, the brane accommodates quasi-bound massive states of higher spin contingent on the bulk mass. We estimate the mass and lifetime of these higher-spin resonances, which may appear as metastable dark matter in a braneworld universe.Comment: minor changes made, to appear in JHE

    From Higher Spins to Strings: A Primer

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    A contribution to the collection of reviews "Introduction to Higher Spin Theory" edited by S. Fredenhagen, this introductory article is a pedagogical account of higher-spin fields and their connections with String Theory. We start with the motivations for and a brief historical overview of the subject. We discuss the Wigner classifications of unitary irreducible Poincar\'e-modules, write down covariant field equations for totally symmetric massive and massless representations in flat space, and consider their Lagrangian formulation. After an elementary exposition of the AdS unitary representations, we review the key no-go and yes-go results concerning higher-spin interactions, e.g., the Velo-Zwanziger acausality and its string-theoretic resolution among others. The unfolded formalism, which underlies Vasiliev's equations, is then introduced to reformulate the flat-space Bargmann-Wigner equations and the AdS massive-scalar Klein-Gordon equation, and to state the "central on-mass-shell theorem". These techniques are used for deriving the unfolded form of the boundary-to-bulk propagator in AdS4AdS_4, which in turn discloses the asymptotic symmetries of (supersymmetric) higher-spin theories. The implications for string-higher-spin dualities revealed by this analysis are then elaborated.Comment: 106 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the collection of reviews "Introduction to Higher Spin Theory" edited by S. Fredenhagen. V2: Typos corrected, acknowledgements and references adde

    Fermion Dipole Moment and Holography

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    In the background of a charged AdS black hole, we consider a Dirac particle endowed with an arbitrary magnetic dipole moment. For non-zero charge and dipole coupling of the bulk fermion, we find that the dual boundary theory can be plagued with superluminal modes. Requiring consistency of the dual CFT amounts to constraining the strength of the dipole coupling by an upper bound. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for the physics of holographic non-Fermi liquids.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, revised version with WKB analysis added, accepted for publication to JHE

    Helicity-1/2 Mode as a Probe of Interactions of Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field

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    We consider the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions of a massive Rarita-Schwinger field. Stueckelberg analysis of the system, when coupled to electromagnetism in flat space or to gravity, reveals in either case that the effective field theory has a model-independent upper bound on its UV cutoff, which is finite but parametrically larger than the particle's mass. It is the helicity-1/2 mode that becomes strongly coupled at the cutoff scale. If the interactions are inconsistent, the same mode becomes a telltale sign of pathologies. Alternatively, consistent interactions are those that propagate this mode within the light cone. Studying its dynamics not only sheds light on the Velo-Zwanziger acausality, but also elucidates why supergravity and other known consistent models are pathology-free.Comment: 18 pages, cutoff analysis improved, to appear in PR