16 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alternative strategi pengembangan usaha tenun songket motif  tradisional Singengu Textile. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini yaitu pemilik dan karyawan Singengu Textile. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara semi terstruktur. Metode analisis data penelitian menggunakan metode analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan analisis lingkungan ekternal Singengu Textile diperoleh hasil perhitungan matriks EFE sebesar 2,5. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis lingkungan internal Singengu Textile diperoleh hasil perhitungan matriks IFE sebesar 2.6. Berdasarkan hasil analisis General Strategy Matrik diperolah bahwa Singengu Textile berada pada kuadran I yaitu berada pada strategi pertumbuhan agresif (growth oriented strategy). Sehingga alternative strategi yang tepat diterapkan adalah strategi penetresi pasar, pengembangan pasar, dan memelihara mutu produk dan meningkatkan pelayanan. Ketiga strategi ini dibagi menjadi lima yaitu meningkatkan promosi penjualan, membuat variasi harga, memelihara mutu produk dan meningkatkan pelayanan, menambah jenis produk, dan membuat segmentasi pasar bar

    Local Regulation on Homelessness and Beggars in Yogyakarta: Human Rights and Maqasid of Sharia Perspectives

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    The existence of vagrants and beggars as a sub-culture of poverty is a separate problem for the government and the people of Yogyakarta in general. This research was conducted to examine and analyze the effectiveness of the Yogyakarta City Government Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning the handling of homeless and human rights beggars in the review of maqasid shariah and seeks to find the crucial factors that influence the effectiveness of the DIY city government regulation based on a human rights perspective. humans in the view of maqasid syariah. The facts in the field were collected using qualitative methods with a sociological normative juridical approach and technical analysis using analytical descriptions. The results of this study are the Role and Functions of the Social Service in tackling Homeless and Beggars in the Special Region of Yogyakarta which has been procedurally fulfilled based on the Yogyakarta Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014, but conceptually has not been fully implemented in the DIY City Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014. In the perspective of human rights, in terms of quantity, the regional regulation has guaranteed the fulfillment of the rights of the homeless and beggars, the implementation is in accordance with standard operational procedures in the field. According to the Maqasid syariah perspective, the government's program to overcome sprawl has realized the maqasid syariah, namely the maintenance of religion (hifz din), reason (hifz al-aql) maintenance of the soul (hifz al-nafs) maintenance of offspring (hifz al-nasl) maintenance of property ( hifz al-mal

    Edukasi Ketahanan Keluarga Berbasis Agama Islam Di Desa Banyuraden

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    The high and evenly distributed number of early marriages in Banyuraden Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency should raise concerns in order to lessen the issue of family discord by bolstering the spiritual principles of Islam, which is the predominant religion practiced by the locals. One way to do this is by participating in one of the Toddler Family Development (Bina Keluarga Balita) activity groups. For this reason, Participation Action Research (PAR) was used to teach family resilience and conduct community service projects with pertinent themes. Planning, licensing, and communicating family resilience challenges are all part of the implementation at the BKB community group in the same village, Mutiara Hati Child Care Center. Additionally, a focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted about the creation of Islamically oriented family resilience materials associated with the BKB activities. The evaluation process is then preceded by socialization. The strengthening of Islamic-based family resilience materials that have been modified for BKB activities can still be done after completing this PKM activity

    Analisis Penerapan Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah Terintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Religius di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    The background of this research is learning problems, low teacher performance, character, work programs are not implemented properly due to the less than optimal leadership of the principal. The formulation of the problem in this study is how is the leadership of the islamic schools head integrated with religious values? The purpose of this research is to describe and find the leadership of principals who are integrated with religious values. This study uses a qualitative method of multiple case study types. The research locations were Madrasah Aliyah Madania and Salaffiyah Islamic Boarding School Fadlun Minalloh D.I. Yogyakarta. Data sources include: Headmaster, Madrasah, Deputy Headmaster, and Teachers. Data collection techniques include: in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The results: the application of integrated leadership to religious values includes: Deliberation, effective communication, collaboration, cooperation, honesty, responsibility, trustworthiness, strategic thinking. Headmaster need to implement planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring

    Peraturan Daerah Dalam Hirarki Perundang-undangan Indonesia

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    Regional regulations in Indonesia which are formed by regional heads of provinces and cities with regional representative councils in equivalent areas have been regulated in such a way that efforts for comprehensive harmonization and synchronization of all aspects must be carried out on an ongoing basis. This prescriptive normative research prioritizes careful literature searches, especially in terms of legislative documents. The formation of a region is not easy because it requires competent insight and expertise, especially regarding the techniques of its formation, so that the regional regulations that are formed do not conflict with the hierarchy of regulations and fulfill the interests of the community in the area of authority

    Pandangan Tokoh Muhammadiyah Di Kota Kupang Terhadap Childfree

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    In marriage that has been prescribed in Islam, having children is one of the goals of marriage because children are the best investment for both parents, religion, society, and the country. But over time, having children is no longer the goal in marriage, there are some couples who choose not to have children. This term is called childfree. In this study, the problems raised by the researcher are: 1) How does the decision of childfree become a life choice for the people of Kupang City. 2) How is childfree according to the view of Muhammadiyah leaders. The purpose of this study was to find out the in-depth reasons for the decision of childfree being the life choice of the people of Kupang City and to find out the views of Muhammadiyah leaders in Kupang City on childfree. The type of research used in this research is field research. The data collection method used in this study was obtained through interviews and documentation. Child-free decisions are decisions that a person makes consciously. Choosing not to have children is not easy, and requires a time-consuming decision-making process that takes into account many factors, including rejection from family members and those closest to you, as well as social pressure. Even so, people with this choice feel that the choice not to have children makes them feel like they are living the free life of their dreams. However, Muhammadiyah leaders in Kupang City did not justify this decision, because it was not in accordance with the purpose of marriage, one of which was to have children. All informants also share the same view, namely, that child-freedom will be allowed if it contains an emergency (maslahah dharuriyat) for example a couple with a medical history does not allow them to have children. Keywords: Childfree, Descendants, Choice, Character ViewIn marriage that has been prescribed in Islam, having children is one of the goals of marriage because children are the best investment for both parents, religion, society, and the country. But over time, having children is no longer the goal in marriage, there are some couples who choose not to have children. This term is called childfree. In this study, the problems raised by the researcher are: 1) How does the decision of childfree become a life choice for the people of Kupang City. 2) How is childfree according to the view of Muhammadiyah leaders. The purpose of this study was to find out the in-depth reasons for the decision of childfree being the life choice of the people of Kupang City and to find out the views of Muhammadiyah leaders in Kupang City on childfree. The type of research used in this research is field research. The data collection method used in this study was obtained through interviews and documentation. Child-free decisions are decisions that a person makes consciously. Choosing not to have children is not easy, and requires a time-consuming decision-making process that takes into account many factors, including rejection from family members and those closest to you, as well as social pressure. Even so, people with this choice feel that the choice not to have children makes them feel like they are living the free life of their dreams. However, Muhammadiyah leaders in Kupang City did not justify this decision, because it was not in accordance with the purpose of marriage, one of which was to have children. All informants also share the same view, namely, that child-freedom will be allowed if it contains an emergency (maslahah dharuriyat) for example a couple with a medical history does not allow them to have children

    Peningkatan Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional bidang Studi Islam

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    The purpose of this activity is to describe the implementation of the preparation of the Ulumuddin Journal: Journal of Islamic Studies or UJII from FAI UCY to become an Islamic studies journal that has increased its level of accreditation. In it there are several activities that are summarized in the UJII National Journal Accreditation Improvement Program which are based on the findings in the self-evaluation of the journal in the field of Islamic studies itself. A number of Journal activities based on the Open Journal System (OJS) version 3 have had an impact on journals and faculties that oversee their management


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    Gegulu Hamlet is a hamlet located in Gulurejo Village, Lendah District, Kulon Progo Regency. Gegulu Hamlet is one of the hamlets in Gulurejo Village which is the location of the Group 5 Regular Real Work Lecture. The results are for personal consumption as well as opportunities for the livelihoods of the surrounding community. In addition, many people own livestock, rice fields, and gardens to increase their personal income. The 20 sub-districts that had the highest average monthly rainfall in 2016 were in Samigaluh District of 364 mm with a total of 12 rainy days per month. The rainfall in Kulon Progo Regency fluctuates from year to year. In addition, there is no health service post that has adequate road access in Gegulu Hamlet, Gulurejo Village, Lendah District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta

    Peran Penyuluh Agama dalam Program Desa Binaan Keluarga Sakinah Di Desa Dlingo

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    Religious counsellor are officials under the Ministry of Religion who are in charge, responsible and have full authority to carry out religious guidance and development education activities through religious language. The Religious Instructor is one of the parties in the implementation of the Sakinah Family Assistance Village Program (SFAF). Based on their duties and authority as civil servants, this research was held at the same time to find the factors that support and hinder the implementation of the program. This qualitative study concludes that they support the implementation of the DBKS not moving much more than according to their duties and functions as religious extension agents. However, the main thing that hinders the social conditions in religious knowledge, and the problem of early marriage becomes an obstacle even though the support for coordination between the parties involved in the program in Dlingo has been well established. So this program can be continued because of its positive impact in motivating people to have religion


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    Economy is the main thing and must be experienced by every human being in this world, so that the economy is always developing so rapidly, so is the Islamic economy which is currently developing rapidly to compensate for conventional economics. The Islamic economy has a function as a filter for the economic activities of every Muslim in the world, because in the concept of its implementation it has principles based on the strength of the Muslim Al-Qur'an and Sunnah that avoid usury, gharar and maysir. This study uses a quantitative method, which uses a questionnaire as a measurement tool, while the object of research is the Islamic boarding school students in Yogyakarta, and the variables studied are the attitude and behavior of students toward saving desires in Islamic banks. The results showed that the students 'attitudes and behavior had a positive effect on students' desire to save at Islamic banks