9 research outputs found

    Folk Medicinal Plants Used by Local Herbalists in and around Rajshahi Metropolitan City, Bangladesh

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    Folk medicinal plants used by local herbalists in and around Rajshahi metropolitan city were recorded. The study include 111 medicinal plants used to cure various diseases such as diarrhea, diabetes, toothache, fever, worm, snake-bite, blood disease, cough, menstrual disease, wound, itches, chicken pox, constipation, dysentery, eczema, piles, sex problems, skin diseases, headache, anemia, burning sensation, bronchitis, paralysis, jaundice, asthma,etc. Finally, this study shows that traditional medicine really contributes to the health care of the population and deserves to be accompanied. The identified medicinal plants will guide future research into natural substances for the development of improved traditional medicines

    Domestic Violence Against Women in Bangladesh: Nature, Reasons and Policy Guidelines

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    Domestic violence is a pattern of assault and coercive behavior including physical, sexual and psychological attacks, by a person against his/her own intimate partner. Women are more frequently the victims. Domestic violence against women in Bangladesh is a major social problems and barriers to national development. In a patriarchal society like Bangladesh woman always remain subordinate to male and sometimes become victim of repression. This article provides a scenario of different forms of domestic violence against women. As well as reasons of domestic violence i.e., social, cultural, traditional, religion, economical, legal and psychological were also explored and some policy guidelines have been suggested. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Woman, Empowerment, Bangladesh DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-8-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Medicinal Plants Used by the Santal Tribal Practitioners at the Village Jamtala of Chapai Nawabganj District, Bangladesh

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    Ethnobotanical study of traditional medicinal plants used by the Santal tribal practitioners at the village Jamtala of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh was recorded. Frequent field trips were made during July 2013 to June 2015 to record ethno-medicinal data by interviewing Santal tribal practitioners of various age groups, mostly ranging between 22 to 84 years, including medicinal healers (herbalists/hakims). A total of 146 plant species under 126 genera of 64 families have been documented which are used for the treatment of 102 categories aliments/diseases. Out of these plants species, 59 belonged to herbs, 45 trees, 24 shrubs, and 18 climbers. In majority cases, leaves of the medicinal plants were found leading in terms of their use followed by 29.80% fruits, 36.42% roots, 19.20% bark, 24.50% whole plant, 9.93% stem, 2.65% latex, 1.32% bulb, 10.60% rhizomes, 9.27% seed, 4.63% gum, 1.32 % leaf stalks,1.32% petiole, 9.93% flower, 2.65% juice, 1.99% cotton, 0.67% pericarp, 2.65% young buds, 0.67% pods, 1.32% grain, 0.67% central tender part. For each species scientific name, local name, habit, family, ailments to be treated, mode of treatment and part(s) used are documented. Collected information depicts that Santal  tribes largely depend on medicinal plants to meet their primary health care needs

    Traditional Medicine Practices for the Treatment of Blood Pressure, Body Pain, Gastritis, Gonorrhea, Stomachic, Snake Bite and Urinary Problems of Santal Tribal Practitioners at the Village Jamtala of Chapai Nawabganj District, Bangladesh

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    Traditional medicine practices for the treatment of blood pressure, body pain, gastritis, gonorrhea, stomachic, snake bite and urinary problems of Santal tribal practitioners at the village Jamtala of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh was carried out. The information presented in this paper was gathered by field visit, participatory observation, group discussion and interviews with questionnaires in the year July 2013 to June 2015 after frequent field visit in the study area. A total of 38 ethno-medicinal climber species belonging to 31 families and 36 genera are documented in this study. The plants used for different purpose are listed with scientific name, common name, family; ethno-botanical importance and parts used. The investigation can be concluded that the plant can considered as a suitable source of pharmaceutical industry for new drug development

    An Assessment of the Family Asteraceae at Shadullapur Upazila of Gaibandha District, Bangladesh with Particular Reference to Medicinal Plants

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    An assessment of the family Asteraceae at Sadullapur upazila of Gaibandha district, Bangladesh was carried out from August 2014 to October 2015. A total of 32 species under 27 genera belonging to the family Asteraceae were collected and identified. Frequent field trips were made during August 2014 to October 2015 to record medicinal information by interviewing local people of various age groups, mostly ranging between 18 to 67 years, including medicinal healers (herbalists/hakims). A total of 28 plant species under 24 genera of the family Asteraceae have been documented which are used for the treatment of 57 diseases/illness. In majority cases, leaves of the medicinal plants were found leading in terms of their use followed by whole plant, stem, bark, flower, seed and root. For each species scientific name, local name, chromosome number, voucher number, ailments to be treated and part(s) used are provided.

    Assessment of Angiospermic Flora at Rajshahi Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh

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    Assessment of angiosperm flora at Rajshahi metropolitan area of Bangladesh was carried out from February 2016 to March 2017. An extensive floristic survey an angiosperms and collection have been made throughout the study area. A total of 494 species belonging to 455 genera and 106 families were recorded. Of these, Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones) is represented by 413 species under 390 genera and 84 families while Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) is represented by 81 species under 65 genera and 22 families. Asteraceae is the largest family in Magnoliopsida represented by 37 species and, in Liliopsida; Poaceae is the largest family with 18 species. Habit analysis shows that herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees are represented by 233, 79, 58 and 124 species, respectively. Distribution of angiosperm plant species in the families shows variation. The family Cucurbitaceae is represented by 19 species. Each of Solanaceae and Fabaceae is represented by 16 species and 25 species. Poaceae is represented by 18 species. Each of Moraceae and Apocynaceae is represented by 10 species and 12 species. Amaranthaceae is represented by 14 species. Each of Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae is represented by 9 species and Euphorbiaceae is represented by 26 species. Out of the recorded species, 49 species was rarely distributed in the study area.  For each species scientific name, local name, family name, habit, relative occurrence and flowering time were recorded

    Angiosperms in Gobindaganj upazila of Gaibandha district, Bangladesh

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    Taxonomic Study and Medicinal Uses of Verbenaceae Family of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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    Taxonomic study and medicinal uses of the family Verbenaceae of Rajshahi was carried out from July 2015 to June 2016. A total of 9 species under 9 genera belonging to the family Verbenaceae were collected and identified. For each species botanical name, local name, status of occurrence, habit, habitat, flowering and fruiting time, chromosome number, distribution and traditional medicinal uses have been mentioned. Photographs of all species are presented. The medicinal data collected about these commonly used plant species were recorded, preserved and documented which revealed that they are quite effective remedies for different diseases such as fever, rheumatism, worm, ulcers, asthma, headache, ringworm, piles, diuretic, eczema, skin disease, bronchitis, stomachic, boils, menstrual disease, malaria, tetanus, wounds, burning sensation, jaundice, anaemia, cough and leprosy. Thus a survey was carried out, to record the traditional health care remedies currently practiced by the local people

    Diversity of Angiosperm Taxa in Chaar Khidirpur Area of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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    Purpose: The aims to investigate the angiosperm taxa in the study area. The present research also documented the species diversity and important medicinal plants.  Subjects and Methods: Angiosperm flora in the Chaar Khidirpur area of Rajshahi, Bangladesh was carried out from November 2018 to October 2019 to cover the seasonal variations. Plant parts with either flower or fruits collected using traditional herbarium techniques to make voucher specimens for documentation.  Results: The result focused that a total of 210 species belonging to177 genera under 71 families were recorded. Forty-five (45) medicinal plants were used for the treatment of more than 61 diseases. Conclusion: The present study was the first time to report angiosperm diversity and medicinal plants in the study area. In this research, the status of occurrence has been recorded for proper conservation management and sustainable utilization of the taxa resulting in 81.33% being common, 16.74% as rare and 1.91% are found as threatened in the study area