3 research outputs found

    Manajemen Teknis Produksi Peternakan Puyuh (Studi Kasus Di Peternakan Masagena Kecamatan Tenayan Raya)

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the development of business as well as to analyze the aspects of production and determine the feasibility of breeding quail in Livestock Masagena from 2006 to 2010. The study was conducted from May to June 2011. The data consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data were hatchability, mortality, hen day egg production, meat production, by product, the characteristic of the respondents, marketing, technical maintenance, financial analysis, fixed costs and variable costs. Secondary data was the data from the Village Office and Head Office. Case study research method was determined by purposive sampling. Data collected by observation and interviews directly with respondents using questionnaires. Data of quail production were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while for financial feasibility quantitatively was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the average production Ranch quail egg hatchability Masagena coverr were 78.59%, 3.09% mortality quail, hen day egg production and meat production 62.24%, 152.51 head/day. Financial feasibility analysis results showed a positive NPV, BCR was more than one, and the IRR was higher than the interest rate, indicated that the Ranch Masagena financially viable to run

    Analisis Finansial USAha Peternakan Ayam Broiler Di Peternakan Karisa Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the financial feasibility of the Karisa Broiler Farm based on Net PresentValue (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The research was conducted on May to June2010 at Karisa Broiler Farm located in Simpang Baru, Tampan, Pekanbaru, Riau. The data consisted of primary data andsecondary data. The primary data consisted of the respondent identity, the general condition of broiler farm, the reveniew, theneed of employee, the sallary of employee, the structure of reveniew, the production factors, the fixed cost and the variablecost. The secondary data was the data from the village office and the sector office. The method was case study. The location ofstudy was choosed directly where the Karisa Broiler Farm was a potentially broiler farm in Pekanbaru. The data was collectedas indept interview using questioner. The respondents were the owner and the employee of Karisa. The data was analyzedusing quantitative descriptive analysis and then showed using financial analysis model throught out project analysisapproach. The result showed that if the Karisa farm use the own capital, where the interest rates was 6,25%, then the NPVwas Rp 274.192.038,8,- and the BCR was 1,12 and if the Karisa farm use the loan capital, where the interest rate was14,5%, then the NPV was Rp 100.583.235,4 and the BCR was 1,06. The IRR of Karisa farm was 22,25%. Based on theeligibility criteria, where the NPV was possitive, the BCR more than one, and the IRR higher than the prevailing interestrate, then the Karisa farm financially feasible to be runed and to be continued

    Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Minuman Susu Fermentasi Di Tiga Mall Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted to know consumen preferences to comercial fermented milk in order to: frequency ofconsumption, form of consumption, type of fermented milk, place to take the product and reason consumption. Total samplewas used 100 respondences in three Malls Pekanbaru City. Result showed that highest frequency of comsumption wasweekly, form of comsumption was ready to drink, type of product yakult, place to take the product was supermaket and thereason to consumption was benefit to their healthy