2 research outputs found
Pengaruh Larutan Benfield, Laju Alir Gas Proses, Dan Beban Reboiler Terhadap Analisa Kinerja Kolom Co2 Absorber Dengan Menggunakan Simulator Aspen Plus V. 8.6
-Absorption is the operation separation of solutes from the gas phase into the liquid phase, with contacting the gas which contains solute liquid with solvent that doesn\u27t evaporate. The application of absorption in the industry is taking a component from gas mixture to take reaction product, one of the component that frequently separated is CO2. Equity levels of CO2 from process gas stream can be avoid poisoning the catalyst synthesis as well as can be reduced the cost of operation. The property of simulation program Aspen Plus v.8.6 is ELECNRTL and equilibrium vapor-liquid. The method that used for this simulation or research is determination flow rate of process gas from column absorber based from base design data and working data which then simulated. The purpose from this simulation is to get knowing the profil level of exodus CO2 in CO2 column absorber in the actual condition which compare with design condition, which under review from effect of the concentration of Benfield solution, circulation flow of Benfield solution, flowrate from gas process, and effect from reboiler duty in column absorber. Based on the result, CO2 gas outlet from the absorber is 0.11% which exceeds the limit from design, that is 0.1% with this condition, to increase the performance of the absorber, the CO2 must have the same output from the limit of design. To solve this problem, increasing the concentration of Benfield to 29.8% and lowering the gas flow rate. Adding reboiler duty in the absorber, it will increase the level of CO2 output from absorber, so adding reboiler duty in the absorber is not necessary