81 research outputs found

    Umbilical artery pH and base excess at birth are poor predictors of neurodevelopmental morbidity in early childhood

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    Abstract Aim We sought to evaluate the associations between umbilical artery pH and base excess and neurodevelopmental outcome at four years of age. Methods This study comprised 84,588 singleton children born alive at term in 2005-2011 in the hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa in Finland. Data from the maternity hospital information system were linked to the data from the Medical Birth Register and the Hospital Discharge Register. Neurodevelopmental morbidity included cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual or sensorineural impairment. Results After adjustment for maternal and perinatal factors, a combination of pHPeer reviewe

    Preterm delivery and selected biomarkers : phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 and matrix metalloproteinase-8 – in cervical fluid

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    Premature delivery is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The incidence of premature deliveries has increased around the world. In Finland 5.3%, or about 3,000 children per year are born prematurely, before 37 weeks of gestation. The corresponding figure in the United States is about 13%. The morbidity and mortality are highest among infants delivered before 32 weeks of gestation - about 600 children each year in Finland. Approximately 70% of premature deliveries are unexplained. Preterm delivery can be caused by an asympto-matic infection between uterus and the fetal membranes, such can begin already in early pregnancy. It is difficult to predict preterm delivery, and many patients are therefore unnecessarily admitted to hospital for observation and exposed to medical treatments. On the other hand, the high risk women should be identified early for the best treatment of the mother and preterm infant. --- In the prospective study conducted at the Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Helsinki University Central Hospital two biochemical inflammation related markers were measured in the lower genital tract fluids of asymp-tomatic women in early and mid pregnancy in an order to see whether these markers could identify women with an increased risk of preterm delivery. These biomarkers were phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8). The study involved 5180 asymptomatic pregnant women, examined during the first and second ultrasound screening visits. The study samples were taken from the vagina and cervicix. In addition, 246 symptomatic women were studied (pregnancy weeks 22 – 34). The study showed that increased phIGFBP-1 concentration in cervical canal fluid in early pregnancy increased the risk for preterm delivery. The risk for very premature birth (before 32 weeks of gestation) was nearly four-fold. Low MMP-8 concentration in mid pregnancy increased the risk of subsequent premature preterm rupture of fetal membranes (PPROM). Significantly high MMP-8 concentrations in the cervical fluid increased the risk for prema-ture delivery initiated by preterm labour with intact membranes. Among women with preterm contractions the shortened cervical length measured by ultrasound and elevated cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 both predicted premature delivery. In summary, because of the relatively low sensitivity of cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 this biomarker is not suitable for routine screening, but provides an additional tool in assessing the risk of preterm delivery. Cervical fluid MMP-8 is not useful in early or mid pregnancy in predicting premature delivery because of its dual role. Further studies on the role of MMP-8 are therefore needed. Our study confirms that phIGFBP-1 testing is useful in predicting pre-term delivery.Ennenaikainen synnytys on suurin vastasyntyneen sairastavuutta ja kuolleisuutta aiheuttava tekijä. Huolimatta lääketieteen kehittymisestä ennenaikaisten synnytysten määrä maailmalla on lisääntynyt. Suomessa 5,3 % eli noin 3000 lasta syntyy ennenaikaisesti ennen 37. raskausviikon päättymistä. Vastaava luku Yhdysvalloissa on n.13 %. Suurimmassa sairastumis- ja vammautumisvaarassa ovat ennen 32 raskausviikkoa syntyneet lapset, joita Suomessa syntyy vuosittain noin 600. Ennenaikaisista synnytyksistä noin 70 % tapahtuu ilman tiedossa olevaa syytä, mutta jopa puolessa syynä oletetaan olevan kohdun seinämän ja sikiökalvojen välissä oleva oireeton tulehdus, joka voi alkaa jo alkuraskaudessa. Koska nykyisillä menetelmillä emme pysty riittävän hyvin ennustamaan ennenaikaista synnytystä, joudutaan monia potilaita ottamaan tarpeettomasti sairaalaseurantaan ja lääkehoitoihin. Toisaalta todellisessa riskissä olevat äidit pitäisi tunnistaa ja ohjata oikeaan synnytyssairaalaan, missä ennenaikaisesti synytynyt lapsi saa parhaan hoidon. HYKS:in synnytyssairaaloissa (Kätilöopisto, Naistenklinikka ja Jorvi) tehdyssä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin voidaanko tulehdusta osoittavien merkkiaineiden määrityksellä tunnistaa jo alku- tai keskiraskaudessa ne naiset, joilla on suurentunut ennenaikaisen synnytyksen vaara. Merkkiaineina käytettiin insuliininkaltaisen kasvutekijän sitojaproteiinia (phIGFBP-1) ja matrix metalloproteinaasia 8 (MMP-8). Tutkimukseen osallistui 5180 oireetonta raskaana olevaa naista, joilta otettiin tutkimusnäytteet emättimestä ja kohdunkaulakanavasta alku- ja keskiraskauden ultraääniseulontojen yhteydessä. Lisäksi tutkittiin 246 oireilevaa supistelevaa naista raskausviikoilla 22 - 34. Tutkimus osoitti, että suurentunut phIGFBP-1 pitoisuus kohdunkaulanavassa jo alkuraskaudessa lisäsi ennenaikaisen synnytyksen vaaraa. Vaara synnyttää hyvin ennenaikaisesti (ennen 32 raskausviikkoa) oli lähes nelinkertainen. Matala MMP-8 pitoisuus keskiraskaudessa lisäsi sikiökalvojen puhkeamisen riskiä ja huomattavan korkeita MMP-8 pitoisuuksia synnytyskanavassa oli naisilla, joilla ennenaikainen synnytys alkoi ennenaikaisilla supistuksilla. Ennenaikaisesti supistelevilla naisilla kohdun kaulakanavan mittaus ultraäänellä ja phIGFBP-1 pitoisuuden määritys kohdunkaulakanavavasta yhdessä ennustivat parhaiten ennenaikaista synnytystä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että kohdunkaulakanavan phIGFBP-1 tarjoaa lisätyökalun arvioitaessa ennenaikaisen synnytyksen vaaraa. MMP-8 ei sovellu alku- ja keskiraskaudessa kliiniseen käyttöön ennenaikaisen synnytyksen ennustamiseen johtuen sen kaksijakoisuudesta. Lisätutkimuksia MMP-8 merkityksestä alemmissa synnytyselimissä siis tarvitaan. Tutkimuksemme vahvistaa phIGFBP-n käyttökelpoisuuden ennenaikaisen synnytyksen ennustamisessa

    Synnytyksen käynnistäminen, kun raskaus on täysiaikainen

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    •Synnytyksistä 20–30 % alkaa käynnistyksellä, ja käynnistysten osuus on jatkuvasti kasvanut. •Synnytys käynnistetään lääketieteellisestä syystä, kun raskauden jatkamisen riskit ovat suuremmat kuin käynnistykseen liittyvät riskit. •Käynnistykseen liittyy lisääntynyt pitkittyneen synnytyksen ja päivystyskeisarileikkauksen riski. •Kohdunkaula kypsytetään lääkkeellisesti misoprostolilla tai mekaanisesti laajentamalla balonkimenetelmällä vaiheeseen, jossa lapsivesikalvojen puhkaisu on mahdollinen. Tarvittaessa käytetään oksitosiinia supistusten aloittamiseksi tai voimistamiseksi. •Lääkkeellisen ja mekaanisen käynnistysmenetelmän välillä ei ole todettu eroja tehossa, keisarileikkausten määrissä, infektioissa tai vastasyntyneen voinnissa.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of primiparous women & apos;s childbirth experience in labor induction with cervical ripening by balloon catheter or oral misoprostol - a prospective study using a validated childbirth experience questionnaire (CEQ) and visual analogue scale (VAS)

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    Introduction Primiparity and labor induction, especially when cervical ripening is required, are risk factors for a negative childbirth experience. Our aim was to compare childbirth experience in primiparous women with cervical ripening by balloon catheter or oral misoprostol using the validated Childbirth Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). We also wanted to compare assessment of a negative childbirth experience by visual analogue scale (VAS) and CEQ. Material and methods This is a prospective study of 362 primiparous women undergoing cervical ripening and labor induction by balloon catheter (67.4%) or oral misoprostol (32.6%) at Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, between January 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020. After delivery, the women assessed their childbirth experience using the CEQ, and patient records provided the patient characteristics, delivery outcomes and VAS ratings. We analyzed the results using IBM SPSS Statistics. Results Overall, the women experienced their labor and delivery rather positively, with a mean CEQ score of 2.9 (SD 0.6) (scale 1-4), and no differences were detectable when comparing women with cervical ripening by balloon catheter or misoprostol. However, women with balloon catheter were more often satisfied with the method chosen for them and would choose the same method in a future pregnancy. Compared with CEQ, VAS seems mainly to reflect the women's perception of their own capacity to give birth and the safety of the hospital setting, not the level of professional support or participation in decision-making. According to our results, CEQ and VAS are comparable, but the usability of the CEQ is limited by its inability to distinguish the most negative and the most positive experiences, and the VAS is limited by its simplicity. Conclusions Women with cervical ripening by balloon catheter or oral misoprostol experienced their childbirth rather positively, results being similar in both groups. However, women with cervical ripening by balloon catheter were more content with their labor induction. The CEQ and VAS can both be used to assess the childbirth experience of primiparous women undergoing labor induction, but both methods have limitations.Peer reviewe

    Maternal childbirth experience in induced and spontaneous labour measured in a visual analog scale and the factors influencing it; a two-year cohort study

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    Background Poor maternal childbirth experience plays a role in family planning and subsequent pregnancies. The aim of this study was to compare childbirth experiences in induced and spontaneous labor and to investigate the factors influencing the childbirth experience. Methods This two-year cohort study included all women with term singleton pregnancies in cephalic presentation aiming for vaginal delivery at Helsinki University Hospital between January 2017 and December 2018. Maternal satisfaction in the childbirth experience was measured after delivery using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score. A low childbirth experience score was defined as VAS <5. The characteristics and delivery outcomes of the study population were collected in the hospital database and analyzed by SPSS. Results A total of 18,396 deliveries were included in the study, of which 28.9% (n = 5322) were induced and 71.1% (n = 13 074) were of spontaneous onset. The total caesarean delivery rate was 9.3% (n = 1727). Overall, 4.5% (n = 819) of the women had a low childbirth experience VAS score. The women who underwent labor induction were less satisfied with their birth experience compared to women with spontaneous onset of labor [7.5% (n = 399) vs. 3.2% (n = 420);p <0.001]. Poor childbirth experience was associated with primiparity [OR 2.0 (95% CI 1.6-2.4)], labor induction [OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.9)], caesarean delivery [OR 4.5 (95% CI 3.7-5.5)], operative vaginal delivery [OR 3.3 (95% CI 2.7-4.0)], post-partum hemorrhage [OR 1.3 (95% CI 1.1-1.6)], and maternal infections [OR 1.7 (95% CI 1.3-2.4)]. Conclusions Poor childbirth experience was associated with labor induction, primiparity, operative delivery, and labor complications, such as post-partum hemorrhage and maternal infections. These results highlight the aspects of care for which patient experience may be improved by additional support and counselling.Peer reviewe

    Planned vaginal and planned cesarean delivery outcomes in pregnancies complicated with pregestational type 1 diabetes - A three-year academic tertiary hospital cohort study

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    Background Finland has the world's highest incidence of 62.5/100000 of diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) with approximately 400 (1%) DM1 pregnancies annually. Pregnancies complicated by DM1 are accompanied with increased risk for perinatal morbidity and mortality. Timing and mode of delivery are based on the risk of complications, yet the data on labor induction is limited. The aim of this study was to compare delivery outcomes in planned vaginal (VD) and planned cesarean deliveries (CD) in late preterm and term DM1 pregnancies, and to evaluate the feasibility of labor induction. Materials and Methods Pregnant women with DM1, live singleton fetus in cephalic presentation >= 34 gestational weeks delivering in Helsinki University Hospital between January 1st 2017 and December 31st 2019 were included. The primary outcome were the rates of adverse maternal and perinatal outcome. The study population was classified according to the 1980-revised White's classification. Statistical analyses were performed by IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows. Results Two hundred four women were included, 59.8% (n = 122) had planned VD. The rate of adverse maternal outcome was 27.5% (n = 56), similar between the planned modes of delivery and White classes. The rate of perinatal adverse outcome was 38.7% (n = 79), higher in planned CD (52.4% vs. 29.5%;p = 0.001). The most common adverse perinatal event was respiratory distress (48.8% vs. 23.0%;p < 0.001). The rate of adverse perinatal outcome was higher in White class D + Vascular compared to B + C (45.0% vs. 25.0%, OR after adjustment by gestational age 2.34 [95% CI 1.20-4.50];p = 0.01). The total rate of CD was 63.7% (n = 130), and 39.3% (n = 48) in planned VD. Women with White class D + Vascular more often had emergency CD compared to White Class B + C (48.6% vs. 25.0%;p = 0.009). The rate of labor induction was 51%, being 85.2% in planned VD. The rate of VD in induced labor was 58.7% (n = 61) and the rate of failed induction was 14.1% (n = 15). Conclusion Planned VD was associated with lower rate of adverse perinatal outcome compared to planned CS, with no difference in the rates of adverse maternal outcome. Induction of labor may be feasible option but should be carefully considered in this high-risk population.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of delivery outcomes in low-dose and high-dose oxytocin regimens for induction of labor following cervical ripening with a balloon catheter : A retrospective observational cohort study

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    A variety of oxytocin regimens are used for labor induction and augmentation. Considering the increasing rates of labor induction, it is important to assess the most optimal oxytocin regimen without compromising maternal and fetal safety. The aim of this study was to compare delivery outcomes of low-dose and high-dose oxytocin induction protocols. This retrospective cohort study of 487 women comparing low-dose oxytocin protocol (n = 280) and high-dose oxytocin protocol (n = 207) in labor induction following cervical ripening by balloon catheter was performed in Helsinki University Hospital after implementation of a new oxytocin induction protocol. The study included two six-month cohorts from 2016 and 2019. Women with vital singleton pregnancies >= 37 gestational weeks, cephalic presentation, and intact amniotic membranes were included. The primary outcome was the rate of vaginal delivery. The secondary outcomes were the rates of maternal and neonatal infections, postpartum hemorrhage, umbilical artery blood pH-value, admission to neonatal intensive care, and induction-to-delivery interval. Statistical analyses were performed by using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Armonk, NY, USA). The rate of vaginal delivery was higher [69.9% (n = 144) vs. 47.9% (n = 134); pPeer reviewe

    Vaginal streptococcus B colonization is not associated with increased infectious morbidity in labor induction

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    Introduction Labor induction rates are increasing and, in Finland today, one of three labors is induced. Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a bacterium found in 10%-30% of pregnant women and it can be transmitted to the neonate during vaginal delivery. Although GBS is rarely harmful in the general population, it is the leading cause of severe neonatal infections such as sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis. In addition, GBS can cause maternal morbidity. Labor induction in GBS-positive women has not yet been investigated but concerns of infectious morbidity associated with balloon catheters have been raised. Material and methods A historical cohort study of 1959 women undergoing labor induction by balloon catheter in Helsinki University Hospital, Finland, between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2017. Women with viable singleton term pregnancy in cephalic presentation, unfavorable cervix (Bishop score Results Of the women, 469 (23.9%) were GBS-positive. The rate of maternal intrapartum infection was 7.4%, being lower in the GBS-positive group compared with the GBS-negative group (4.7% vs 8.3%; p = 0.01). The rate of maternal postpartum infection was 3.9%, and the rate of neonatal infection was 3.3%, both being similar between the groups. Also, no difference in the rates of other adverse neonatal outcomes was seen. No GBS sepses occurred in the study. In multivariable logistic regression, rupture of membranes to delivery interval >= 12 hours was associated with maternal intrapartum and postpartum infection, as well as neonatal infection. Other risk factors for maternal intrapartum infection were GBS-negativity, nulliparity, prolonged pregnancy (>= 41 weeks), and Bishop score Conclusions Regarding maternal and neonatal infectious morbidity, labor induction with balloon catheter appears safe in women colonized with GBS when prophylactic antibiotics are administered at the onset of labor or at membrane rupture.Peer reviewe

    Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum erythropoietin in term and prolonged pregnancies

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    Objective: Erythropoietin - a hormone regulating erythropoiesis - is a biomarker of chronic fetal hypoxia. High erythropoietin levels in fetal plasma and amniotic fluid are associated with increased risk of adverse neonatal outcome. Since the risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality is increased in pregnancies beyond 41 gestational weeks, we evaluated erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum in apparently low-risk term (>= 37 gestational weeks) and prolonged pregnancies (>= 41 gestational weeks) with labor induction. Study design: This prospective cohort study comprised 93 singleton pregnancies at 37(+0)-42(+1) gestational weeks, of which prolonged pregnancies numbered 63 (67.7%). Amniotic fluid samples were collected at time of labor induction by amniotomy. Umbilical cord blood samples for evaluation of pH, base excess, and umbilical cord serum erythropoietin were collected at birth. Erythropoietin levels were measured by immunochemiluminometric assay. Normal value of amniotic fluid erythropoietin level was defined as = 27 IU/L. Normal umbilical cord serum erythropoietin was defined as <40 IU/L. Data on maternal pregnancy and delivery characteristics and short-term neonatal outcomes such as Apgar score were obtained from the hospital charts. Associations were calculated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and the Mann-Whitney U test were utilized to determine differences in the study groups. Results: Amniotic fluid erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age (r = 0.261, p = 0.012) and were higher among prolonged pregnancies as compared to term pregnancies (p = 0.005). There were 78 (83.9%) vaginal deliveries, and among these erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid correlated with the levels in umbilical cord serum (r = 0.513, p <0.000). Umbilical cord serum erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age among vaginal deliveries (r = 0.250, p = 0.027). Erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum did not correlate with umbilical artery pH or base excess, or other adverse pregnancy outcome. Conclusions: In vaginal deliveries erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid correlated with the levels in umbilical cord serum. Erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age, probably due to weakening placental function and relative hypoxemia occurring in advanced gestation. However, in this relatively low-risk study population erythropoietin was not related to adverse delivery outcome. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe