9 research outputs found

    Self-Esteem Challenges of Nursing Students: An Integrative Review

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    Introduction: Self-esteem among nursing students is important in providing high-quality serviceto clients, yet each study in this field has described only a portion of existing relevant knowledge.Integrative review studies are the best practice for identification of existing nursing knowledge.The purpose of this study was to determine self-esteem challenges among nursing students. Methods: An integrative review was conducted in this study. The databases ProQuest, Medlineon PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Iran Medix were used for the review. The articleswere retrieved in three steps, including searching by search terms, reviewing the proceedingsbased on inclusion criteria and final retrieval and assessment of the available full texts. We used alist of keywords, including nursing, self-esteem and challenges and mixed them with "AND" and"OR" as a search strategy. Papers were included and eligible if they were associated with problemsrelated to nursing students’ self-esteem. Those studies that focused only on the self-esteem ofregistered nurses or patients were excluded. Search results were limited to the years 1960-2014. Results: Our findings showed three major challenges, including challenges associated withinconsistency in determining the level of students’ self-esteem, self-esteem associated challengesin professionalism of students, and the psychosocial challenges pertaining to the consequences oflow self-esteem. Conclusion: The findings suggest there is a need for more qualitative research to explore thefactors that contribute to self-esteem in nursing students with a particular focus on the factorsthat increase or decrease self-esteem. In addition, strategies to maintain and increase self-esteemneed to be designed, implemented and evaluated

    تأثیر خوش‌بینی و قدردانی صفتی در تاب‌آوری دانشجویان: نقش واسطه‌ای قدردانی از خداوند

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: يعتبر التحمل من البنى المهمة والمطروحة في علم النفس الإيجابي، والتي تشير إلى نمو الفرد واكتسابه التجربة من الظروف غير الملائمة. والتحمل هو قوة نفسية وداخلية تحمي الإنسان في مواجهة صعوبات الحياة، وتساعد في المحافظة على الصحة النفسية للفرد عند مواجهة العوامل الخطيرة. والهدف من هذا التحقيق دراسة تأثير التفاؤل وصفة الشكر على التحمل بملاحظة الدور الوسيط لشكر الله عند طلاب جامعة تبريز. منهجية البحث: تعتبر هذه الدراسة الوصفية من النوع التكافلي. وتشمل مجموعة الدراسة جميع طلبة الدراسات التكميلية في جامعة تبريز في العام الدراسي 2019-2018، وقد تم اختيار 240 فرداً منهم بطريقة الاختيار العشوائي متعدد المراحل من كليات الرياضيات، والهندسة المدنية، وعلم النفس. كما أنه وبغرض جمع البيانات فقد تم الاستفادة من استبيان التفاؤل لـ (شير وكارور)، واستبيان الشكر (GQ-6)، واستبيان شكر الله لـ (نيل كروز)، واستبيان التحمل لكانر-ديويدسون (CD-RISC). كما تم الاستفادة من تحليل مسير من أجل التحليل الإحصائي للبيانات. وقد تمت مراعاة جميع الضوابط الأخلاقية في هذه الدراسة، ولم يلحظ مؤلفو المقالة أي تضارب للمصالح. المعطيات: تشير نتائج الدراسة الحاضرة إلى أن صفة الشكر (267/0=β) وشكر الله (308/0=β) بصورة مباشرة، وصفة الشكر (147/0=β) والتفاؤل (038/0=β) بصورة غير مباشرة، ومن خلال شكر الله؛ تؤثر في توقع نسبة 24 في المائة من تحمل الجامعيين. الاستنتاج: طبقاً للمعطيات الحاصلة فإن صفة الشكر والتفاؤل من خلال شكر الله تؤثر في زيادة تحمل الجامعيين.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Najarian Z, Badri-Gargari R. The Effect of Optimism and Trait Gratitude on Student's Resilience: the Mediating Role of Gratitude toward God. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;7(3):22-34. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v7i3.31468Background and Objective: Resilience is one of the important structures in positive psychology that refers to one's growth and experience of adverse conditions. It is psychological and intrinsic power that protects human beings against the disadvantages one faces in life and helps maintain one's mental health when exposed to risk factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of optimism and trait gratitude on resilience of Tabriz University students with the mediating role of gratitude toward God. Methods: This is a descriptive correlational study and its samplepopulation included all graduate students of Tabriz University in the academic year 2018-2019. Out of these students, 240 were selected by multiple random sampling method from the faculties of Mathematics, Civil Engineering, and Psychology. Data were collected using the Scheier and Carver Optimism Questionnaire, the GQ-6 Questionnaire, the Gratitude toward God Questionnaire (Neal Krause) and the Connor Davidson Resiliency Questionnaire (CD- RISC). Path analysis was used to analyze the data. In the present study, all the ethical considerations were observed and the authors declared no conflict of interests. Results: The results showed that students' resilience was directly predicted by trait gratitude (β=0.276) and gratitude toward God (β=0.308). Resilience is also indirectly predicted by trait gratitude (β=0.147) and optimism (β=0.038) by the mediating role of gratitude toward God. The results show that 24% of students' resilience is explained by optimism, gratitude toward God, and trait gratitude. Conclusion: Based on the findings, trait gratitude and optimism increase resilience through gratitude toward God.   Please cite this article as: Najarian Z, Badri-Gargari R. The Effect of Optimism and Trait Gratitude on Student's Resilience: the Mediating Role of Gratitude toward God. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;7(3):22-34. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v7i3.31468  سابقه و هدف: تاب­آوری از سازه­های مهم و مطرح در روان‌شناسی مثبت است که به رشد فرد و کسب تجربه از شرایط نامطلوب اشاره دارد. تاب­آوری توانمندی روان‌شناختی و درونی است که از انسان در مقابل ناملایمات زندگی محافظت و به حفظ بهداشت روان فرد به هنگام مواجهه با عوامل خطر کمک می­کند. هدف از انجام این پژوهش بررسی تأثیر خوش­بینی و قدردانی صفتی بر تاب­آوری با نقش واسطه­ای قدردانی از خدا در دانشجویان دانشگاه تبریز بود. روش کار: این پژوهش توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش تمامی دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه تبریز در سال تحصیلی 98-1397 بود که از میان آنان 240 نفر با روش نمونه­گیری تصادفی چندمرحله­ای از دانشکده­های ریاضی، مهندسی­ عمران و روان‌شناسی انتخاب شدند. به‌منظور جمع­آوری اطلاعات از پرسش‌نامۀ خوش­بینی شی­یر و کارور، پرسش­نامۀ قدردانی (GQ-6)، پرسش­نامۀ قدردانی از خدا نیل کروز و پرسش­نامۀ تاب­آوری کانر-دیویدسون (CD-RISC) و برای تحلیل آماری داده­ها از تحلیل مسیر استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش حاضر نشان داد که قدردانی صفتی (267/0=β) و قدردانی از خدا (308/0=β) به‌صورت مستقیم و قدردانی صفتی (147/0=β) و خوش­بینی (038/0=β) به‌صورت غیرمستقیم و از مسیر قدردانی از خدا، 24 درصد از تاب­آوری دانشجویان را پیش­بینی کرده‌اند. نتیجه‌گیری: بر اساس یافته‌های به‌دست‌آمده، قدردانی صفتی و خوش­بینی از طریق قدردانی از خداوند، تاب­آوری دانشجویان را افزایش می­دهد.   استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Najarian Z, Badri-Gargari R. The Effect of Optimism and Trait Gratitude on Student's Resilience: the Mediating Role of Gratitude toward God. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;7(3):22-34. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v7i3.31468 &nbsp

    Comparing the effectiveness of Interventions of Academic Engagement and Dweck’s MindSet on health-oriented academic lifestyle among high school students

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    Background and Aim: Adolescence represents a critical period of rapid physical, social, cognitive, and emotional change that has important implications for health and well-being later in life The aim of this study was to comparing the effectiveness of interventions of academic engagement and Dweck’s mindset on health-oriented academic lifestyle among high school students. Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest-follow-up design and a control group. The statistical population of the study included all female high school students in Mahabad in the academic year 2021-2022. The statistical sample consisted of 45 students who were selected by stage cluster sampling and randomly replaced in two experimental groups and one control group. Research data were collected through Promoting and Preventing Educational Health Academic Lifestyle Behaviors Questionnaire (Salehzadeh, Shukri and Fathabadi, 2016). For the experimental groups, the study engagement interventions (Reeve and Tsenning, 2011) was performed in 12 sessions of 75 minutes and the Dweck’s mindset program (Dweck, 2006) was performed in 8 sessions of 50 minutes, and the control group did not receive any intervention. Analysis of variance with repeated measures in SPSS version 26 was used to analyze the data. Results: Data analysis showed that both academic engagement interventions and Dweck’s mindset in the post-test stage were effective in improving health-promoting behaviors (F=29.16, P=0.0001, 2=0.587) and reducing health inhibitory behaviors (F=23.26, P=0.0001, 2=0.532), but academic engagement idnterventions was more effective and effective in the follow-up stage was stable for one month. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be argued that academic engagement interventions and Dweck’s mindset are effective interventions to improve health-oriented lifestyle in students

    Effect of the penn resiliency program on student with emotional problems

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    Aim: Education in university is difficult for some students and so depression, stress, and anxiety are prevalent problems in colleges across the country. People experiencing such psychosocial difficulties are more likely to be defeated in the course. Resilience training can target these risk factors, but there is little research evaluating the effectiveness of such programs. This paper describes the design and measures of a study to evaluate a resilience training program to decrease emotional problems. Methods: This study followed a randomized controlled trial and included a pretest and posttest. A purposive sampling was used. In this way, participants were 30 students randomly selected between who have emotional problems in 2014 at Tabriz University, Iran. They were assigned into control and experimental group. Data were collected using depression, anxiety, and stress scale 21. Cronbach's alpha coefficients for each subscale indicate high internal reliability. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was run to analyze the data. Results: The findings of this study show a decrease in the mean score in the mean score of the experimental group in the posttest. Multivariate variance analysis MANOVA showed difference in posttest mean scores of participants' anxiety, depression, and stress in the experimental group. Conclusions: The Penn Resiliency Program will promote psychosocial well-being for student with emotional problems

    A systematic review studyEmotional-centered prevention programs in the school

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    The current study's objective was to examine and assess emotion-based preventive programs in the setting of schools using a systematic review methodology. By conducting a systematic assessment of the literature and searching specialist databases using the terms "school-oriented social-emotional learning," "prevention-oriented programs," "emotion-based programs," and "emotion-based preventative programs." To accomplish the research's objective, data from PubMed, Springer, Scopus, ProQuest, Elsevier, Science Direct, and Google Scholar from 1990 to 2022 were evaluated. After examining the databases, a number of reputable journals were manually searched to find and review more published publications (Hand Searching). The variables of emotion-based preventative programs were examined in the setting of the school in the research results connected to the Prisma model. Co-occurrence network clusters were created once the recovered data were entered into the analysis program for the software. Following identification, a number of papers were disqualified from further consideration after receiving their titles and abstracts reviewed. In the end, a handful of papers were selected as the final population of research based on their applicability to the study's subject. Programs for social and emotional learning have been applied as preventive treatments at the whole-school level in all studies. Based on the findings of this analysis, school-based emotional learning programs give kids the tools they need to deal with emotional dysregulation and develop effective coping mechanisms while also teaching children specific skills. As a result, it has been suggested that excitement-focused programs be used in elementary schools

    Psychometric properties of the changing epistemic beliefs questionnaire in Iraqi nursing students

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    The aim of this study was to construct and validate of Changing Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire(CEBQ) in Iraqi nursing students.for this purpose, first with the help of psychology professors, the relevant research literature was studied, then 17 items related to the changing epistemological beliefs were created. The research method was descriptive correlational studies. The statistical population of the study was Iraqi nursing students and a sample of 200 students was selected as a class from the research community. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by psychologists, exploratory factor analysis was used to determine factor validity and Cronbach's alpha method was used to assess the internal validity of the questions. Factor analysis of the questions showed that this scale has three factors: epistemic doubt, epistemic volition and resolution strategies. In total, these three factors can explain 65.25% of the variance in the changing of epistemic beliefs and have a good fit. According to the obtained results, this questionnaire can be used as a valid tool to assess the changing of epistemological beliefs

    آثار الحقيبة التدريبية لخصائص الحياة الإسلامية على مرونة الطلاب

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    سابقه و هدف: تاب‌آوری یکی از اهداف پرورشی نظام‌های تربیتی است و آموزش ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی که عامل مهم ایجاد آرامش روانی و سازگاری فردی در برابر موانع و مشکلات زندگی به حساب می‌آید در تاب‌آوری فراگیران مؤثر تلقی می‌شود. ازاین‌رو هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثربخشی آموزش ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی بر تاب‌آوری دانشجویان بود. روش کار: اين پژوهش، شبه‌آزمايشي از نوع طرح پيش‌آزمون-پس‌آزمون با گروه کنترل است. جامعۀ آماري شامل ­تمامی دانشجویان دانشگاه صنعتی سهند بود که در سال 1397 مشغول به تحصيل بودند و از میان آنان نمونه‌ای به تعداد­ 60 نفر به‌روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای ­انتخاب شد و به‌صورت تصادفي در دو گروه آزمايش (30 نفر) و كنترل (30 نفر) قرار گرفتند. آموزش ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی به‌مدت 10 جلسه در گروه آزمايش اجرا شد، اما گروه کنترل مداخله‌ای دریافت نکرد. داده‌های به‌دست‌آمده با استفاده از روش تحلیل واریانس تک‌متغیّره (ANCOVA) تحلیل شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج تحلیل واریانس نشان داد که متغیّر تاب‌آوری (001/0P<) و مؤلفه‌های آن بین دو گروه آزمایش و گواه تفاوت معناداری داشت و آموزش ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی در بهبود تاب‌آوری از نظر آماری مؤثر بود. نتیجه‌گیری: بر اساس یافته‌ها می‌توان استنباط نمود که تاب‌آوری از ویژگی‌های فردی محسوب می‌شود که از طریق فرایند به‌کارگیری ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی تعدیل و تغییرپذیر است. بنابراین، آموزش ویژگی‌های زندگی اسلامی می‌تواند در حوزه‌های مختلف برای دانشجویان مؤثر واقع شود.   استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Hashemi-Nosratabad T, Badri-Gargari R, Beirami M, Roohani-Majd A. The Effectiveness of Teaching the Characteristics of Islamic Life in Improving Students’ Resilience. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):45-56. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.27057Background and Objective: Resilience is one of the objectives of educational systems and Islamic life Characteristics training is known as an important factor in mental health and compatibility of individuals in confrontation with problems in educational life. Accordingly, the present study investigates the effect of training Islamic life characteristics on resilience of students. Methods: This was an experimental investigation includng pre-test, post-test, and control groups. Sample size included 60 participants from students of university of Sahand in 2018, who they were assigned into experimental (30) and control (30) groups using accidental clustering method. The training of life characteristics continued for 10 sessions in the experimental group but the control group did not receive any intervention. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis of covariance. In this study, all ethical considerations have been observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Results: The results of analysis of variance showed that the variable of resilience (P<0.001), and its components were significantly different in the experimental and control groups and teaching the characteristics of Islamic life had a statistically significant effect on improving resilience. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that resilience is a personal trait that can be modified by applying Islamic life characteristics. Therefore, Islamic life skills training can be beneficial and effective in educational settings for students.   Please cite this article as: Hashemi-Nosratabad T, Badri-Gargari R, Beirami M, Roohani-Majd A. The Effectiveness of Teaching the Characteristics of Islamic Life in Improving Students’ Resilience. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):45-56. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.27057خلفية البحث وأهدافه: تعتبر المرونة أحد الأهداف التربوية للأنظمة التربوية. ويعتبر تعليم خصائص الحياة الإسلامية التي لها دور مهم في تحقيق السكينة النفسية واستقامة الإنسان في مواجهة الموانع ومشاكل الحياة؛ عاملاً مؤثراً في رفع مستوى مرونة المتعلمين. ومن هنا فإن الهدف من هذا التحقيق الفعلي هو دراسة آثار تعليم خصائص الحياة الإسلامية على مرونة طلبة الجامعات. منهجية البحث: يعتبر هذا التحقيق الشبيه بالاختبار من نوع مشروع ما قبل الامتحان-ما بعد الامتحان، مع مجموعة ضابطة. وتشمل المجموعة الاختبارية جميع طلبة جامعة سهند الصناعية الذين كانوا مشغولين بالدراسة خلال عام 2018. وقد تم اختيار 60 فرداً من بينهم بطريقة الاختيار العنقودي، ومن ثم فقد تم تقسيمهم إلى مجموعتين: اختبارية (30 فرداً) وضابطة (30 فرداً). وتم تنفيذ تعليم خصائص الحياة الإسلامية بمدة 10 جلسات على المجموعة الاختبارية، بينما لم تخضع المجموعة الضابطة لأية مداخلة في البين. وقد تم تحليل البيانات الناتجة بالاستعانة بطريقة تحليل واريانس ذات المتغير الواحد (ANCOVA). وقد تمت مراعاة جميع الضوابط الأخلاقية في هذا البحث، ولم يلحظ مؤلفو المقالة أي تعارض للمصالح. الكشوفات: تشير نتائج تحليل واريانس أن متغير المرونة (001/0P<) وعناصرها المكونة لها قد حصل له تفاوت ذو معنى بين مجموعتي الاختبار، وأن تعليم خصائص الحياة الإسلامية كان مؤثراً من الناحية الإحصائية في تحسين مستوى المرونة. الاستنتاج: بناءً على المعطيات فإنه يمكن الاستنباط بأن المرونة تعتبر من الخصائص الفردية التي يمكن تعديلها وتغييرها من خلال عملية تطبيق خصائص الحياة الإسلامية. وبناءً على هذا، فإن تعليم خصائص الحياة الإسلامية يمكنه أن يكون مؤثراً في المجالات المختلفة بالنسبة لطلبة الجامعات.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Hashemi-Nosratabad T, Badri-Gargari R, Beirami M, Roohani-Majd A. The Effectiveness of Teaching the Characteristics of Islamic Life in Improving Students’ Resilience. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2021;6(4):45-56. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v6i4.2705

    Nursing students' understanding of the concept of self-esteem:a Qualitative Study

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    Introduction: The concept of self-esteem has several definitions in different paradigms. Nursing has a unique and combined paradigm; therefore it is necessary to explore nursing students’ understanding of the concept of self-esteem. The present study aimed to discover the extent and characteristics of the concept of self-esteem from the perspective of Iranian nursing students through a qualitative approach. Methods: This study was conducted using the conventional content analysis method with the participation of 14 nursing students. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants and data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews and analyzed simultaneously. Results: Study findings showed that the nursing students’ self-esteem is related to the sense of worthy they perceived as being a nursing student. Nursing students’ self-esteem was determined through sense of worthy related to their perceived professionalism level, socialization into the profession, and enthusing of them about being a nursing student. Conclusion: If a nursing student was proud of her or his nursing role, then he or she would enjoy the nursing course and all that entailed; such as communication with colleagues, performing the tasks and, generally her or his career