4 research outputs found


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    The medicinal plants are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners for curing various diseases in their day to day practice. Ocimum is one of the most popular culinary herb known for its medicinal properties. The genus of Ocimum belongs to the family Labiatae. It includes at least 150 species and numerous cultivars. Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke is an aromatic under shrub with pubescent quadrangular branchlets. The leaves of Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke are acrid, thermogenic, aromatic, anti-bacterial, insecticidal, antiviral, appetizing, ophthalmic and deodorant. This review summarizes the most interesting studies on the various pharmacognosy and pharmacological works done on the Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerk

    Lessons learned during covid-19 pandemic, a worldwide survey: evolution of global neurosurgical practice

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a multitude of surveys have analyzed the impact virus spreading on the everyday medical practice, including neurosurgery. However, none have examined the perceptions of neurosurgeons towards the pandemic, their life changes, and the strategies they implemented to be able to deal with their patients in such a difficult time. Methods: From April 2021 to May 2021 a modified Delphi method was used to construct, pilot, and refine the questionnaire focused on the evolution of global neurosurgical practice during the pandemic. This survey was distributed among 1000 neurosurgeons; the responses were then collected and critically analyzed. Results: Outpatient department practices changed with a rapid rise in teleservices. 63.9% of respondents reported that they have changed their OT practices to emergency cases with occasional elective cases. 40.0% of respondents and 47.9% of their family members reported to have suffered from COVID-19. 56.2% of the respondents reported having felt depressed in the last 1 year. 40.9% of respondents reported having faced financial difficulties. 80.6% of the respondents found online webinars to be a good source of learning. 47.8% of respondents tried to improve their neurosurgical knowledge while 31.6% spent the extra time in research activities. Conlcusions: Progressive increase in operative waiting lists, preferential use of telemedicine, reduction in tendency to complete stoppage of physical clinic services and drop in the use of PPE kits were evident. Respondents' age had an impact on how the clinical services and operative practices have evolved. Financial concerns overshadow mental health