91 research outputs found
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Permukiman di Kota Semarang Bagian Selatan
Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah menjadi salah satu daerah tujuan kaum urban untuk mencari kehidupan yang lebih layak. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan peningkatan jumlah penduduk yang cukup signifikan dan berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan lahan di pusat kota yang terbatas sehingga kawasan pinggiran seperti Kota Semarang bagian selatan menjadi pilihan untuk lokasi bermukim. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perguruan tinggi yang banyak mendatangkan penduduk dari luar Kota Semarang baik mahasiswa maupun pedagang serta fasilitas penunjang yang sudah lengkap. Selain itu, kawasan ini juga dilalui jalur utama Semarang, Yogyakarta dan Solo yang membuat kawasan ini semakin ramai karena akses yang mudah dijangkau. Tingkat kesesuaian lahan permukiman yang berkembang di wilayah studi menjadikan permasalahan yang menarik sebagai objek penelitian. Hal ini disebabkan perkembangan permukiman di wilayah studi mengalami peningkatan, yang pada tahun 1999 adalah lahan non permukiman berubah menjadi lahan permukiman pada tahun 2009. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian lahan permukiman di Kota Semarang bagian selatan. Dari hasil analisis dapat diketahui persentase kawasan untuk permukiman di Kota Semarang bagian selatan yang sangat sesuai seluas 3987,7 Ha (29,8%), sesuai 2265,5 Ha (16,9%), kurang sesuai 321,5 Ha (2,4%) dan tidak sesuai 6812,3 Ha (50,9%). Hasil evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk permukiman eksisting (Tahun 2009) diketahui bahwa terdapat lahan permukiman yang berada pada kawasan lindung lokal seluas 293,6 Ha dan pada kawasan penyangga seluas 1735,5 Ha. Sedangkan hasil evaluasi yang ditinjau dari Perubahan penggunaan lahan periode tahun 1999-2009 diketahui bahwa terdapat lahan permukiman yang berada di kawasan lindung lokal seluas 87,6 Ha dan di kawasan penyangga seluas 738,5 Ha. Oleh karena itu, perlu aturan yang tegas dalam hal permukiman terutama yang berada dikawasan tidak sesuai untuk permukiman
Penerapan Teknik Kepala Bernomor dalam Pembelajaran IPS terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Dasar
This research aims to determine mastery of the effect of the application of skills teacher held variation on math learning on learning outcomes of the fourth grade students of SDN 17 Pontianak city?". The method used is the quasi-experiment research design used is Non- Equivalent Control Group Design . The sample of this research is class IVA ( experimental class ) amounted to 31 people and IVC grade students ( grade control ) , amounting to 30 people . The results of the analysis of data obtained by the average post-test experimental class was 79.83 and the average post-test control class is 66.76 . Concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes which apply skills hold variation ( experimental class ) with skills that do not fully implement the holding of variation ( control class ) . From the results perhitung effect size ( ES ) ES obtained was 0.78 ( moderate criterion ) . This means that the application of the skills of teachers held a variation on the math learning effect being on learning outcomes Elementary School fourth graders country 17 Pontianak City
Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Profitabilitas dan Leverage terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahan Perbankan yang Terdaftar pada Bei Periode 2013-2015)
Good corporate performance is a capital that must be met by companies in Indonesia in order to attract investors and make the company's stock price rise and also will raise the value of the company. The variables that are used as a measure of corporate value in this study are the level of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Profitability and Leverage. The purpose of this study is to know how far the influence of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Profitability and Leverage affect the value of the company. The data is taken from banking companies listed in BEI in the period 2013-2015. The results in this study is the determination coefficient test (R2) shows GCG variables, Profitability and Leverage able to explain the company's value of 35.6%. The result of simultaneous test or F test is F count> F table (18,631> 2,6946) with significance 0.000 mean with error rate 5% can be concluded that all three independent variable (GCG, Profitability and Leverage) dependent variable (company value). The T test results stated that Good Corporate Governance (GCG) variable does not affect the variable of firm value. Profitability variables affect firm value variables positively significant. The leverage variable negatively affects the firm's value variable significantly
Pengaruh Bi Rate, Fed Rate, Dan Kurs Rupiah Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (Ihsg) (Studi Pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2015)
The purpose of this study to examine the effect of BI Rate, FED Rate, and Kurs Rupiah simultaneously, partially, and dominant variabels affect on Composite Stock Price Index by using multiple linier regression analysis. This study uses data monthly of January 2008 to December 2015 with 96 sample of data time series for each independent and dependet variabel. Simoultan analysis shows BI Rate, FED Rate, and Kurs Rupiah significantly affect Composite Stock Price Index. Partial analysis shows: first, BI Rate affect negative on Composite Stock Price Index; second, FED Rate does not affect Composite Stock Price Index; third, Kurs Rupiah affect negative on Composite Stock Price Index. Variables dominant affect on Composite Stock Price is variable Kurs Rupiah. The finding in this study idicate the diversity information about changes in FED Rate so that investors tend to be confident on the self evaluation to decide on stock investing
Perancangan Aplikasi Absensi Peserta Bimbingan Belajar Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Framework Yii
Activities attendance of participants in a learning institution is generally done every meeting in order to determine whether students are sick , license , negligent , or late for any class. Then, the data will be entered into the data absentee participant, the participant data include NIP, Name, Class.. Attendance data on the participants learning institution can be used as an assessment to the level of discipline on each participant. It also serves to obtain attendance data summary for each participant at the end of the meeting. Attendance data of pre-existing participants can not meet the needs of the user at the time of charging participants for attendance officers are still using manual attendance register. Attendance manually participants will encounter some problems such as easily wear away, difficulty in data retrieval and slow time in the data processing is considered a need for change in a computerized system so that the information obtained are more accurate. It is because the system uses a database, where the data is stored in an integrated way. Construction of the system by using web yii framework has advantages which are small data size, the Security Concern framework to anticipate and put up a shield against the various security issues that may arise.  
Peran Penyidik Reserse Kriminal Unit II (Dua) Polisi Resor Pelalawan Dalam Penanganan Tindak Pidana Perusakan Hutan Di Wilayah Hukum Polres Pelalawan
Pelalawan which is one of the districts in the province of Riau . This district suffered very severe damage to forests , this is caused by the illegal logging and burning of land carried out by the responsible party. actions taken by police investigating criminal detectives Pelalawan resort is to take some action. District detectives investigate criminal conduct investigations for violations of illegal logging and the inspection is to catch and hold the perpetrators of crimes against forest destruction , investigators also seized evidence that is used to destroy forests conducted by parties who are not responsible , but the implementation of the role of police investigators kiriminal resorts Palalawan have not done as we expected because there are still many obstacles faced by investigators in handling the destruction of forest.Cnstraints experienced by the investigator in the prevention of deforestation in Pelalawan district is limited means and facilities to prevent the destruction of forests , such as operational vehicles , investigators were lacking , and the funds are limited and difficult to find evidence and perpetrators of the forest . Eforts made to overcome the obstacles existing by adding facilities and infrastructures , adding police investigation , proposed budget for the cost of the process of investigation and repression of acts of criminal damage to forests , while also coordinating with related agencies such as the local community as well as investigators more , and to supervise and patrols in areas prone to illegal logging
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