49 research outputs found

    Peranan Sektor Publik Lokal dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional di Wilayah Surakarta (1987-2000)

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    This paper's aim is to explain the role of the local public sectors in regional economic growth in Ex-Residency of Surakarta. The question we ask in this paper is whether local taxes and local expenditures affect regional economic growth in Ex Residency of Surakarta. This question is very important in two respect. First, It would be especially interesting to know whether local government taxes and/or expenditures have had an impact on regional economic growth. An alternative view argues againts any such impact. Second, as local autonomy will soon be granted, local government need to understand the mechanism by which local taxes and expenditures affect the regional economy.The major finding in this paper area as follows. The role of local government in regional economic growth has been very significant. Local taxes and local revenues have a significant negative effect on local regional economic growth, while local government investment have a significant positive effect on regional economic growth. On the other hand, Local government consumption and labor force have no significant effect on regional economic growth. One of the crusial policy implication of this paper is that we must enhance the role of local government, local autonomy having been recently introduced. More specifically, the central government should transfer more revenue sources to its lower level local government through. For example, revenue sharing of national taxes

    Investment Decision in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia*

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    The purpose of this study are: First, to analyze is there any significant influence among debt ratio, internal capital, cash flow, inflation expectations and the expectations of rupiah exchange rate against the decisions of businessmen in the real sector to invest or not to invest; Second, to analyze the impact of the variables perception mortgage interest rates, perceptions of bank regulation, internal capital and cash flow on debt ratio of the real sector (leverage). Investment decision model is estimated using logit models. The results of regression estimates the overall good for business and risk analysis for financial risk shows that almost all explanatory variables in the equation are statistically significant. There are three variables have a positive influence on the investment decisions taken by the businesses i.e. the debt ratio, cash flow and exchange rate expectations

    Analisis Pembentukan Uni Moneter Asean-5 Dengan Pendekatan Paritas Internasional Dalam Hubungan Keseimbangan Nilai Tukar Jangka Panjang (1980.01 – 2004.12)

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    In order to strengthening cooperation regional and form the strength regional in ASEAN, likely require to relate at successful European Union in forming financial and economic market integration (EMU). ME become the “model" a success economic integration. We can conclude that to reach monetary union have to beforehand realized by economic union supported by union and strong politics willingness, where this matter have been blazed the way old in such a way by leaders of European countries of West which is merged into EMU. Intention of this research is to see the International parity condition of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and rate of interest parity (UIP) of among currency in ASEAN-5 with the currency of United States. Result of this research obtained is show that the goodness of theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and rate of interest parity (UIP) cannot be holded for the nations of ASEAN-5. In general, hypothesis ß 1=1 refused by existing data. This fact is indication that PPP and UIP cannot be holded during period 1980.01 until 2004.12. With do not hold of two the parity (PPP and UIP) hence possibility to existing of monetary uni ASEAN likely still will passing sufficient process

    Hubungan Self-esteem Dengan Tingkat Kecenderungan Kesepian Pada Lansia

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    "> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara SelfEsteem (harga diri) dan kesepian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para lansia yang tinggal di Dinas Sosial “UPT Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Pasuruan di Lamongan. Para lansia di tempat tersebut berjumlah 55 orang, yang terdiri dari 8 laki-laki dan 47 perempuan yang berusia kurang lebih 65 tahun. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala model likert untuk kedua variabel, analisis data menggunakan korelasi sperman. Hasil diperoleh harga koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,267 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0,147 yang berarti tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara Self-Esteem terhadap tingkat kecenderungan Kesepian pada Lansia

    Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System

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    Internet has played a vital role in this modern world, the possibilities and opportunities offered are limitless. Despite all the hype, Internet services are liable to intrusion attack that could tamper the confidentiality and integrity of important information. An attack started with gathering the information of the attack target, this gathering of information activity can be done as either fast or slow attack. The defensive measure network administrator can take to overcome this liability is by introducing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in their network. IDS have the capabilities to analyze the network traffic and recognize incoming and on-going intrusion. Unfortunately the combination of both modules in real time network traffic slowed down the detection process. In real time network, early detection of fast attack can prevent any further attack and reduce the unauthorized access on the targeted machine. The suitable set of feature selection and the correct threshold value, add an extra advantage for IDS to detect anomalies in the network. Therefore this paper discusses a new technique for selecting static threshold value from a minimum standard features in detecting fast attack from the victim perspective. In order to increase the confidence of the threshold value the result is verified using Statistical Process Control (SPC). The implementation of this approach shows that the threshold selected is suitable for identifying the fast attack in real time.Comment: 8 Pages, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Securit

    Implementasi Pengendalian Sediaan Dengan Model Eoq Pada Toko Nasional Makassar

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    Penerapan pengendalian sediaan sangat penting bagi badan USAha yang bertujuan untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan organisasi agar   didapatkan sediaan yang optimal. Toko Nasional merupakan badan USAha yang terletak di jalan Veteran Utara, Makassar yang di jadikan sebagai objek penelitian. Permasalahan  yang ada dalam Toko Nasional yaitu sering terjadi kelebihan sediaan karena pemesanan barang hanya berdasarkan perkiraan sehingga terjadi penumpukan sediaan digudang. Jenis barang yang akan di bahas yaitu Kompor Rinnai 522CE dan Vortex. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk mengendalikan persediaan agar tidak terjadi kelebihan stock dan dapat meminimalkan biaya persediaan. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dengan EOQ, didapatkan biaya-biaya persediaan menjadi rendah serta didapatkan nilai safety stock (persediaan pengaman) dan reorder point (pemesanan kembali)

    An Empirical Investigation of Outsourcing Implementation in the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry

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    This study aims to identify regulations and analyze the determinants of outsourcing implementation in the Indonesian manufacturing industry using an analyctic hierarchy process (AHP). We examines both the Indonesian Labor Law–Act No. 13/2003 and the Regulation of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. 19/2012 on Conditions for Outsourcing the Implementation of Work to Other Companies. The results suggest that business efficiency, human resource development plan, types of outsourcing, wage level and worker incentive, recruitment and training cost, skilled worker and productivity, recruitment process, and government regulation are the priority factors to implement outsourcing in Indonesian manufacturing industries

    Faktor-faktor Yang Melatarbelakangi Perilaku Adiksi Bermain Game Onlinepada Anak Usia Sekolah

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    Online games addiction is an activity to excess playing online games tend to give a negative influence to daily life. District Jatinangor, Sumedang has a high rates in addiction of online games among school-age children. The purpose of this study was to identify the determinant factors that influence the behavior addiction toward the game onlie among children in the school age. This study design used descriptive method. The sample are 52 respondent. It's were taken by consecutive sampling. The data collection used a questionnaire of 51 questions. The data was analysed by distributive frequencies. The results showed that 56% and 60% addiction behavior influenced by motivational factor and attraction factors. Based on this finding, it is recommended to treated and prevent games addiction behavior in children based on collaboration between family, school and health provider