4 research outputs found

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Strategi Distribusi Fisik Produk Handphone Smartfren

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    In an economy that has been advanced, the manufacturers do not sell their products directly to the end user. Many options can be used to distribute goods and also to the buyer. A company may distribute goods directly to consumers though is quite large, while other companies distribute their products through intermediaries. And not a few companies that use some combination of distribution channels to reach different market segments .A competition for the company can be an opportunity to develop the companys business and can be a threat to the company. Therefore, the management company is required to always be responsive in adapting to environmental changes that continue to occur and have an influence on economic enterprise. The company should have a strategy to excel in the market. This research was conducted at PT. Prima Sejahtera Barelang Pekanbaru located at HR.Soebrantas No. 89. This study aims to determine the distribution strategy undertaken by PT. Prima Sejahtera Barelang Pekanbaru to increase sales volume.Keywords: Distribution, Strategy, Sales, Management, Marketin

    Morfologi Malai Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) pada Beragam Aplikasi Pupuk Nitrogen

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    The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic and morphological characters depend on several factors such as genotypes and nitrogen rate. The study was aimed to evaluate nitrogen effects on rice panicle. A field experiment was conducted at Babakan Research Station during November 2015- February 2016 using a split-split plot design with three replicates. Nitrogen doses was a main plot, genotypes was a subplot, and time of application was a sub-subplot. A greenhouse experiment was carried out at PAIR, Jakarta during February-July 2017 using a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results from the field experiment indicated that the highest panicle number (13.25), number of filled grains (177.94) and spikelet number (213.76) were obtained at doses of 450 kg urea ha-1. Analysis of variance showed that the genotypic effects were significant for all traits observed, while the interaction effect between genotypes and time of nitrogen application was significant on the length of first grain from first node. However, the three-factors interactions were not significant for all traits. The greenhouse experiment revealed that both genotypes and N rates significantly affected all traits except for panicle number and the length of first grain from first node, respectively, while their interaction only significant for number of primary branch. Nitrogen increased all traits observed except the length of first grain from first node. Simultaneously, both experiments showed significant effects of genotypes for all traits observed. Doses of urea fertilizers above 400 kg ha-1 could improve the performance of panicle traits in order to increase yield potential

    Skrining Kapang Aspergillus Spp. Penghasil Aflatoksin pada Jagung Pipilan di Daerah Bekasi, Jawa Barat

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    Aflatoksin merupakan senyawa metabolit sekunder dari kapang Aspergillus flavus dan Aspergillus parasiticus yang dapat mengontaminasi bahan pangan atau pakan sehingga berbahaya bagi kesehatan hewan dan manusia. Kontaminasi kapang penghasil aflatoksin banyak ditemukan pada bahan pangan dan pakan yang berasal dari produk pertanian. Jagung merupakan salah satu produk pertanian yang mudah terkontaminasi oleh kapang penghasil aflatoksin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat kapang Aspergillus spp. penghasil aflatoksin pada jagung pipilan yang dijual di sekitar Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Isolasi kapang dilakukan menggunakan metode dilution plating pada medium Dichloran-Glycerol. Hasil penelitian memperoleh 12 isolat kapang, dengan warna koloni hijau (J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J9, J10, J12), hitam (J11), dan jingga (J8). Identifikasi dilakukan dengan cara mengamati morfologi kapang secara makroskopik dan mikroskopik pada medium Malt Extract Agar. Isolat kapang yang diduga memiliki kemiripan dengan A. flavus berjumlah 6 isolat, yaitu J1, J2, J4, J6, J10, dan J12. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji konfirmasi menggunakan medium selektif Aspergillus flavus dan parasiticus Agar. Terdapat 2 isolat kapang, yaitu J1 dan J4, yang menunjukkan pigmentasi sebalik koloni berwarna pada medium selektif AFPA. Isolat kapang yang ditemukan pada jagung pipilan diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada petani dan peternak mengenai jenis kapang yang dapat menyebabkan kontaminasi pada jagung, sehingga mereka dapat menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas jagung untuk mengurangi kerugian dalam bidang ekonomi dan kesehatan

    Studi Optimalisasi Perparkiran dan Pedestrian di Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Sipil Universitas Lampung

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    Faculty of Civil Engineering Department as one of the majors at the University of Lampung whichhas the number of students, faculty and others are quite large, this has resulted in demand forparking at the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil is a problem that can not be ignoredbecause of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department as a center of community activityacademic need a good arrangement and the campus community college population continues toincrease each academic year. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the motorvehicle users both motorcycles and cars in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil,knowing parking needs in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil, find out if parking andpedestrian facilities in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil been sufficient,, analyzeparking management solution and pedestrian in the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department.Characteristics of motor vehicle users both motorcycles and cars derived from a comparisonbetween the accumulation of the highest parking vehicles with the number of parking spacesavailable, vehicle car I is 14 pieces of land, land second car that is 20 pieces, motorcycle land I is20 pieces, motorcycles land II is 27 pieces, motorcycles III, 11 pieces of land and land motorcycleIV is 4 pieces. Based on a survey and analysis parking requirements for the Faculty ofEngineering Department of Civil to cars I and II land at 192% / day, for the motorcycle land I of11.2% / day, for the motorcycle land II, III and IV of 126% / day