5 research outputs found

    Kebebasan Pers Dalam Konteks KUHP Pidana: Menyoal Undang-Undang Sebagai Fungsi Komunikasi

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    In his book, The Limits of Law, Anthony Allots stated that regulation is no more that a communication system based on Wittgenstein's phrase: the language game. Regulations always ask the same questions: who's the actor of communication? For whom the regulations been imposed? How did its communication method? What were communication obstacles which disturbed the communication process? Speaking about press regulations, which cutting-off and narrowing the freedom of press in Indonesia as imposed by KUH Pidana, it was clear enough that such regulation's function mainly part of repressive acts, not preventive purposes

    Isu Penegakkan Hukum Lingkungan dalam Kerangka Perdagangan Bebas di Era Globalisasi

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    WTO telah mencantumkan secara eksplisit pengaturan mengenai lingkungan hidup dalam Pasal XX ayat (b) dan (g) GATT. Aturan tersebut merupakan ide dari negara maju dan dimaksudkan untuk penegakkan hukum lingkungan agar fungsi lingkungan tetap lestari. Namun, ketentuan tersebut pada Kenyataannya tidak menjadikan lingkungan menjadi lebih baik bahkan makin menimbulkan masalah lingkungan hidup global. Selain itu, penetapan standar lingkungan dalam perdagangan bebas menjadikan negara berkembang tidak dapat bersaing di pasar bebeas karena tidak dapat memenuhi standar lingkungan hidup yang diisyaratkan bagi transasksi dalam perdagangan bebas

    Pemberdayaan Hukum dan Konstruksi Model Pemberdayaan Komunikatif Responsif

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    A recklesness in coastal exploitation has lead to environment disaster. During exploitation process, economy aspect of the coastal become the main focus, whereas social aspect and ecology were ignored. This research tries to identify and analyze the conditions of Cirebon coastal area. Abrasion, sedimentation, junk/trash problems, and the lack of people awareness toward the importance of coastal planning and reclamations became the root of environment problems. By employing normative jurisdiction and sociolegal as analysis approach, the research concluded that regulations concerning conservation of coastal functions has failed to open up a space for raising awareness among people. The regulations also unable to empower public to protect their environment. A model for empowering public, by exercising Responsive Communicative approach was proposed as solution for conservation problems in coastal area of Kota Cirebon

    Model Pemberdayaan Hukum Lingkungan Religius – Kosmik sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Fungsi Lingkungan Hidup

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      This paper is derived from the results of research that seeks to elevate the values of Sundanese cultural wisdom in environment conservation efforts by building a model of environmental law with religious empowerment-based cosmic Watershed (DAS) based on the conception of Sundanese culture. This model emphasizes deemed necessary because the relationship between justice and ecological balance and social justice, equality and better accommodate a balance between social welfare and environmental harmony.It is also illustrated how human interaction with the environment with the objective picture of rural communities in implementing value if Ciomas ancestral cultural values in environment conservation efforts and how to implement the values of the Sundanese cultural wisdom in the formulation development of environmental law in Indonesia to be more characteristic of Indonesia. Keywords: Environmental; Sundanese Culture; Cosmic Religious