5 research outputs found


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    This classroom action research was carried out by applying the hands on activity method to improve observing abilities. Through hands on activity will be formed an appreciation and experience to establish an understanding, because it is able to teach together cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities and can provide a deep appreciation of what is learned, so that what is obtained by students is not easily forgotten. The research method used is classroom action research (CAR) in class II SDK Gamaliel. To find out how to improve the ability to observe, the instruments used were written tests, oral tests, and observations. Peneliatian conducted in two cycles, each cycle consists of four (4) steps of activity, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Before the first cycle begins with observation activities to determine the condition of learning and the ability to observe students. Cycle I actions as an effort to improve conditions that are stated as lacking or not yet complete in observation. Cycle II activity, an effort to improve / improve the situation that is still lacking in cycle I. The results of the study show that by using the hands on activity model the ability to observe SDK Gamaliel students increases

    Effect of STEM-based Learning on the Cognitive Skills Improvement

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    The success in the modern era is determined by how students strive to have certain skills. This can be achieved by students through the development of cognitive domain, because it is considered as the ability to master subject matter with regard to thinking ability in addition to learning. Hence, this research aims at improving the learning outcomes in the cognitive domain of students at the primary school level. This research was conducted using the Pre-Experiment method with the pretest-posttest One-Group design. The lessons were implemented using Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-based learning, while the learning method was referred to the Engineering Design Process. The stages consist of problem scoping, idea generation, design and construct, design evaluation and re-design. The research involved 30 fourth grade primary school students in Cimahi City as the research samples. The data were collected using observation and analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results revealed that there were differences in learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. To conclude, STEM-based learning could improve primary school students' cognitive skills


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    This classroom action research was carried out by applying the hands on activity method to improve articulation abilities. Through hands on activity will be formed an appreciation and experience to establish an understanding, because it is able to teach together cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills and can provide a deep appreciation of what is learned. Research conducted in two cycles, each cycle consists of four (4) steps of activity, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Before the first cycle begins with observation activities to determine the condition of learning and the ability of student articulation. Cycle I actions as an effort to improve conditions that are stated as lacking in observation. Cycle II activity, an effort to improve that is still lacking in cycle I. The results of the study show that the teacher's observation still uses classical learning methods, lectures and teaching aids that are as simple as the articulation unclear and a lot of distortion. After conducting research for the last two cycles, the results of the study showed that by using the hands on activity method the students' articulation ability increased and learning on rounded material in the fourth grade of Macedonia was declared complete

    Analisis Kekeliruan dalam Penulisan Kata Baku pada Lembar Jawaban Materi Keragaman Suku Bangsa dan Agama pada Siswa Kelas V SD

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    Menulis merupakan aspek penting dalam pendidikan, khususnya bagi siswa saat pembelajaran berlangsung di kelas. Dalam penulisan secara formal banyak aspek penting yang harus diperhatikan, salah satunya adalah kebakuan kata yang digunakan. Namun pada kenyataannya masih banyak penulisan kata baku yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah kebahasaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kekeliruan kata baku yang ditulis oleh siswa dalam menulis jawaban dari soal materi pelajaran keragaman suku bangsa dan agama serta menjabarkan faktor yang mempengaruhi kekeliruan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas V SDN Cibabat Mandiri 1. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 28 kekeliruan penulisan kata dari 39 siswa dengan faktor penyebab sebagai berikut: (1) faktor dwikebahasaan, (2) faktor lingkungan, (3) faktor kebiasaan dalam bahasa ibu, dan (4) faktor tidak cukupnya kosakata bahasa penerima

    Enhancing Narrative Writing Skills of Elementary School Teacher Education Students through Concentrated Language Encounter (CLE) Model Assisted by Short Film Learning Media

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    This research aims at improving the narrative essay writing skills of elementary school teacher education students through Concentrated Language Encounter (CLE) learning activities assisted by short film learning media by employing a quasi-experimental nonequivalent group design. The subjects were all primary teacher education students in West Java, with a sample of 31 elementary school teacher education students in Cimahi City as the experimental class, and 31 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teacher education students in Bandung City as the control class. The results of the post-test research showed that the average skill of writing narrative essays in the experimental class was 81.10, while the control class obtained an average of 66.32. While the test results of the average N-gain difference in writing narrative essay skills with 2-tailed sig were 0.000 with a significance level of less than 0.05. These findings revealed that there was an increase in the writing narrative essay skills of elementary school teacher education students through the application CLE Model assisted by short film learning media. This research is expected to facilitate lecturers/teachers to teach narrative essay writing skills by optimizing all language skills through the CLE model assisted by short film media