8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKeadaan meteorologi selama banjir bandang di Kota Padang tanggal 24 Juli 2012telah dianalisa. Analisa berdasarkan kepada data curah hujan yang diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika Sicincin (BMKG), Dinas Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air (PSDA) Sumatera Barat, satelit Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), pergerakan awan dari Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) dan data meteorologi dari National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) danNational Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa banjir bandang yang terjadi di Padang pada tanggal 24 Juli 2015 tidak disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi. Hujan yang terjadi hanya berkisar 13 mm/hari. Hujan ini tidak disebabkan oleh faktor global seperti Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dan monsun. Dengan demikian, hujan ini kemungkinan disebabkan oleh sirkulasi lokal (land-sea breeze). Sebelum terjadinya banjir bandang kemungkinan telah terbentuk bendungan alami di sekitar bukit pada kawasan banjir bandang. Dengan sedikit saja tambahan air, bendungan ini menjadi longsor yang menyebabkan banjir bandang.Kata kunci : banjir bandang Padang,land-sea breeze, Madden–Julian oscillationAbstractMeteorological condition during the Padang flash flood occurred on July 24, 2012 has been analyzed. The analysis was based on the rainfall data from Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics, West Sumatra Agency for Water Management, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, cloud propagation from Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT) and meteorology data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) reanalysis. It was found that the flash flood was not due to the heavy rain. The rainfall intensity during theflash flood was only about 13 mm/h. This rain was not from the global phenomena such as Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), El Niño Southern oscillation (ENSO) and monsoon. It may be formed by the local phemomenon such as land-sea breeze. A natural dam may have been created before the flash flood and it would be easily broken when the light rain occurred.Keywords :Padang flash flood, land-sea breeze, Madden–Julian oscillatio


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    Pergerakan awan-awan konvektif di atas Pulau Sumatera dan daerah sekitarnya (10oLU-10oLS, 70o-120oBT) selama Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere-I (CPEA-I) (10 April-10 Mei 2004) dilacak menggunakan data puncak awan (Tb) dari satelit GOES-9. Pelacakan berdasarkan kepada data tiga dimensi dengan threshold Tb < 210 K. Secara umum ditemukan bahwa awan yang bergerak ke barat lebih banyak dari pada yang bergerak ke timur, dengan rasio sekitar 4:1.Hal ini konsisten dengan dominannya angin yang mengarah ke barat pada troposfir atas selama CPEA-I. Sebagian besar awan bergerak dengan kecepatan dalam rentang 4–35 m/s dengan kecepatan rata-rata 13,7 m/s. Awan yang bergerak ke barat mempunyai kecepatan, umur, dan jangkauan yang lebih besar dibandingkan awan yang bergerak ke timur. Rata-rata umur, kecepatan, dan jarak penjalaran untuk awan yang bergerak ke barat adalah 7,7 jam, -14,5 m/s, 435,5 km sedangkan untuk yang mengarah ke timur adalah 5,8 jam, 9,8 m/s, dan 187,1 km. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa karakteristik awan selama CPEA-I dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan seperti kelembaban, temperatur, pergerakan udara vertikal, dan wind shear. Akan tetapi, di dalam penelitian ini tidak ditemukan hubungan yang kuat antara kecepatan awan dengan kecepatan angin. Penelitian juga memperlihatkan bahwa Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) mempengaruhi karakteristik awan dimana jumlah awan meningkat pada periode aktif MJO. Pada periode aktif, awan berukuran besar yang terbentuk di atas Sumadera Hindia banyak teramati sedangkan pada fase tidak aktif awan berukuran kecil lebih dominan yang banyak terbentuk di daratan. Kata kunci : Temperatur puncak awan, Sumatera, pergerakan awan, CPEA-I, MJ


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai perbandingan karakteristik keluaran antara pesawat sinar-X Toshiba unit model DRX-1824B dan Toshiba unit model DRX- 1603B. Parameter yang diukur adalah: (1) akurasi tegangan tabung (2) akurasi waktu eksposi (3) linieritas keluaran (4) stabilitas tegangan, waktu dan keluaran radiasi (5) kualitas berkas sinar-X (6) uji kebocoran tabung sinar-X. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat-alat: pesawat sinar-X konvensional merek Toshiba unit model DRX-1824B (pesawat I), pesawat sinar-X konvensional merek Toshiba unit model DRX-1603B (pesawat II), dan detektor xi unfors set. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum kedua pesawat sinar-X konvensional telah memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan dan masih layak untuk digunakan. Perbandingan karakteristik kedua pesawat menunjukkan keluaran radiasi dan laju dosis radiasi pesawat II lebih besar dari pesawat I. Kata kunci : radiodiagnostik, pesawat sinar-X konvensional, sinar-X, keluaran radias

    Statistical Properties of Cloud Propagation over Sumatra during CPEA-I

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    Cloud propagation over Sumatra and the surrounding area (10°S-10°N, 70°-120°E) during the Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere-I (CPEA-I) campaign (10 April to 9 May 2004) was tracked using brightness temperature (Tb) data from the GOES-9 satellite. The cloud tracking was based on three-dimensional data with a threshold of Tb < 210 K. During the campaign, westward-moving clouds were more dominant than eastward-moving systems, with a ratio of approximately 4:1. This characteristic coincided with the dominant easterly wind aloft. Most clouds propagated with a speed varying between 4 and 35 m/s, with a mean value of 13.7 m/s. If the westward and eastward propagations were separated, the average duration, speed, and span of the westward (eastward) moving clouds are 7.7 (5.8 h), -14.5 (9.8 m/s), and 435.5 (187.1 km), respectively. The characteristics of cloud propagation during the CPEA-I were influenced by environmental factors such as relative humidity, temperature, the vertical movement of air, and wind shear. Such factors interacted with the inactive and active phases of the Madden-Julian Oscillation

    Statistical Properties of Cloud Propagation over Sumatra during CPEA-I

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    Cloud propagation over Sumatra and the surrounding area (10&deg;S-10&deg;N, 70&deg;-120&deg;E) during the Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere-I (CPEA-I) campaign (10 April to 9 May 2004) was tracked using brightness temperature (Tb) data from the GOES-9 satellite. The cloud tracking was based on three-dimensional data with a threshold of Tb &lt; 210 K. During the campaign, westward-moving clouds were more dominant than eastward-moving systems, with a ratio of approximately 4:1. This characteristic coincided with the dominant easterly wind aloft. Most clouds propagated with a speed varying between 4 and 35 m/s, with a mean value of 13.7 m/s. If the westward and eastward propagations were separated, the average duration, speed, and span of the westward (eastward) moving clouds are 7.7 (5.8 h), -14.5 (9.8 m/s), and 435.5 (187.1 km), respectively. The characteristics of cloud propagation during the CPEA-I were influenced by environmental factors such as relative humidity, temperature, the vertical movement of air, and wind shear. Such factors interacted with the inactive and active phases of the Madden-Julian Oscillation

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Jus Belimbing Wuluh dan Mentimun terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Wanita Dewasa Penderita Hipertensi Rawat Jalan di Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2022

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    Hypertension is a manifestation of hemodynamic balance disorders of the cardiovascular system, where the pathophysiology is multi-factorial, so it cannot be explained by only one single mechanism. Some plants in Indonesia that need to be considered as blood pressure lowering are wuluh starfruit (Avverhoa bilimbi L) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). This study aimed to determine the effect of giving a combination of star fruit juice and cucumber to decrease blood pressure in adult women with hypertension outpatients in Bekasi Regency in the experimental group and the control group. This quasi-experimental study used a pre and post-test with control group design. The sample in this study was 36 patients with hypertension class 1 consisting of 18 patients in the experimental group and 18 patients in the control group. The sampling technique used wasv purposive sampling technique. The research instrument uses standard operating procedures. Data analysis had been done Paired t-test if the data was normally distributed, and if the data is not normally distributed using the Wilcoxon and Man-Whitney test which is a nonparametric test. Wilcoxon test in the systolic and diastolic experimental groups obtained P-Value 0.000. The control group had systolic P-Value 0.004 and diastolic P-Value 0.034. In the Mann-Whitney Systolic and diastolic test in the experimental group and the control group, 2-tailed Asymp.Sig was 0.000. There was a significant difference in the effect of reducing blood pressure in adult women between the control group and the experimental group given a combination of star fruit and cucumber juice. It is hoped that the combination of starfruit juice and cucumber to reduce blood pressure of hypertension sufferers can be applied in health service