259 research outputs found

    Point perturbations of circle billiards

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    The spectral statistics of the circular billiard with a point-scatterer is investigated. In the semiclassical limit, the spectrum is demonstrated to be composed of two uncorrelated level sequences. The first corresponds to states for which the scatterer is located in the classically forbidden region and its energy levels are not affected by the scatterer in the semiclassical limit while the second sequence contains the levels which are affected by the point-scatterer. The nearest neighbor spacing distribution which results from the superposition of these sequences is calculated analytically within some approximation and good agreement with the distribution that was computed numerically is found.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Intermediate statistics for a system with symplectic symmetry: the Dirac rose graph

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    We study the spectral statistics of the Dirac operator on a rose-shaped graph---a graph with a single vertex and all bonds connected at both ends to the vertex. We formulate a secular equation that generically determines the eigenvalues of the Dirac rose graph, which is seen to generalise the secular equation for a star graph with Neumann boundary conditions. We derive approximations to the spectral pair correlation function at large and small values of spectral spacings, in the limit as the number of bonds approaches infinity, and compare these predictions with results of numerical calculations. Our results represent the first example of intermediate statistics from the symplectic symmetry class.Comment: 26 pages, references adde

    On the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat torus

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    We study the level spacing distribution for the spectrum of a point scatterer on a flat torus. In the 2-dimensional case, we show that in the weak coupling regime the eigenvalue spacing distribution coincides with that of the spectrum of the Laplacian (ignoring multiplicties), by showing that the perturbed eigenvalues generically clump with the unperturbed ones on the scale of the mean level spacing. We also study the three dimensional case, where the situation is very different.Comment: 25 page

    Lower bounds on dissipation upon coarse graining

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    By different coarse-graining procedures we derive lower bounds on the total mean work dissipated in Brownian systems driven out of equilibrium. With several analytically solvable examples we illustrate how, when, and where the information on the dissipation is captured.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Time independent description of rapidly oscillating potentials

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    The classical and quantum dynamics in a high frequency field are found to be described by an effective time independent Hamiltonian. It is calculated in a systematic expansion in the inverse of the frequency (ω\omega) to order ω4\omega^{-4}. The work is an extension of the classical result for the Kapitza pendulum, which was calculated in the past to order ω2\omega^{-2}. The analysis makes use of an implementation of the method of separation of time scales and of a quantum gauge transformation in the framework of Floquet theory. The effective time independent Hamiltonian enables one to explore the dynamics in presence of rapidly oscillating fields, in the framework of theories that were developed for systems with time independent Hamiltonians. The results are relevant, in particular, for exploration of the dynamics of cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Revised versio

    Fluctuation relations and coarse-graining

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    We consider the application of fluctuation relations to the dynamics of coarse-grained systems, as might arise in a hypothetical experiment in which a system is monitored with a low-resolution measuring apparatus. We analyze a stochastic, Markovian jump process with a specific structure that lends itself naturally to coarse-graining. A perturbative analysis yields a reduced stochastic jump process that approximates the coarse-grained dynamics of the original system. This leads to a non-trivial fluctuation relation that is approximately satisfied by the coarse-grained dynamics. We illustrate our results by computing the large deviations of a particular stochastic jump process. Our results highlight the possibility that observed deviations from fluctuation relations might be due to the presence of unobserved degrees of freedom.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, very minor change

    Semiclassical theory of a quantum pump

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    In a quantum charge pump, the periodic variation of two parameters that affect the phase of the electronic wavefunction causes the flow of a direct current. The operating mechanism of a quantum pump is based on quantum interference, the phases of interfering amplitudes being modulated by the external parameters. In a ballistic quantum dot, there is a minimum time before which quantum interference can not occur: the Ehrenfest time. Here we calculate the current pumped through a ballistic quantum dot when the Ehrenfest time is comparable to the mean dwell time. Remarkably, we find that the pumped current has a component that is not suppressed if the Ehrenfest time is much larger than the mean dwell time.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Revised version, minor change

    Planktonic Aggregates as Hotspots for Heterotrophic Diazotrophy: The Plot Thickens

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    Biological dinitrogen (N-2) fixation is performed solely by specialized bacteria and archaea termed diazotrophs, introducing new reactive nitrogen into aquatic environments. Conventionally, phototrophic cyanobacteria are considered the major diazotrophs in aquatic environments. However, accumulating evidence indicates that diverse non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs (NCDs) inhabit a wide range of aquatic ecosystems, including temperate and polar latitudes, coastal environments and the deep ocean. NCDs are thus suspected to impact global nitrogen cycling decisively, yet their ecological and quantitative importance remain unknown. Here we review recent molecular and biogeochemical evidence demonstrating that pelagic NCDs inhabit and thrive especially on aggregates in diverse aquatic ecosystems. Aggregates are characterized by reduced-oxygen microzones, high C:N ratio (above Redfield) and high availability of labile carbon as compared to the ambient water. We argue that planktonic aggregates are important loci for energetically-expensive N-2 fixation by NCDs and propose a conceptual framework for aggregate-associated N-2 fixation. Future studies on aggregate-associated diazotrophy, using novel methodological approaches, are encouraged to address the ecological relevance of NCDs for nitrogen cycling in aquatic environments

    Semiclassical Approach to Chaotic Quantum Transport

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    We describe a semiclassical method to calculate universal transport properties of chaotic cavities. While the energy-averaged conductance turns out governed by pairs of entrance-to-exit trajectories, the conductance variance, shot noise and other related quantities require trajectory quadruplets; simple diagrammatic rules allow to find the contributions of these pairs and quadruplets. Both pure symmetry classes and the crossover due to an external magnetic field are considered.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures (appendices B-D not included in journal version

    dd3Hendd\to {^3}He n reaction at intermediate energies

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    The dd3Hendd\to ^3He n reaction is considered at the energies between 200 MeV and 520 MeV. The Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas equations are iterated up to the lowest order terms over the nucleon-nucleon t-matrix. The parameterized 3He{^3He} wave function including five components is used. The angular dependence of the differential cross section and energy dependence of tensor analyzing power T20T_{20} at the zero scattering angle are presented in comparison with the experimental data