230 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Tomat Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Sistolik Dan Diastolik Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Lawang Malang Tahun 2007

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    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN JUS TOMAT TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TEKANAN DARAH SISTOLIK DAN DIASTOLIK PADA PENDERITA HIPERTENSI DI DESA WONOREJO KECAMATAN LAWANG MALANG TAHUN 2007The Influence of Consuming Tomato Juice Toward The Change of Sistolic And Diastolic Blood Pressure Hypertension Patient In The Village of Wonorejo Lawang District 2007Priyo Raharjo1UPT Pelatihan Kesehatan Masyarakat Murnajati LawangJl. Argotunggal No. 1 Lawang 65211e-mail: [email protected] adalah penyakit degneratif yang semakin sering dijumpai di masyarakat. Kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat yang masih rendah menimbulkan ketidakpatuhan dalam pengobatan, mereka menganggap bahwa pengobatan hanya cukup minum obat sakit kepala. Demikian pula yang terjadi di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Lawang. Tujuan penelitian adalah mencoba mencari pengaruh konsumsi jus tomat dengan Perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik. Tomat yang digunakan adalah tomat buah yang biasa dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Sembilan puluh enam orang berusia 30-65 tahun sebagai responden dengan penyakit hipertensi essensial. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 hari dan responden diukur tekanan darahnya 5 menit sebelum konsumsi jus tomat, dan 30, 60, 90 menit setelah konsumsi jus tomat. Hasil uji analisa statistik menunjukkan ada pengaruh pemberian jus tomat terhadap penurunan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik dan penurunan terbesar pada 30 menit setelah pemberian jus tomat. Hasil ini diharapkan memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat dan merupakan salah satu solusi bagi perawatan penderita hipertensi.Kata kunci: hipertensi, jus tomat, Perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolikABSTRACTHypertension is a degenerative disease which is more and more frequently found within the society. Low awareness and ignorance cause disobedience in medication, they consider that medication is enough by taking headache pills. It also happens in the village of Wonorejo, in the district Lawang. The research was conducted to try to find the influence of consuming tomato juice toward the changes of sistolic and diastolic blood pressure. The tomatoes used were the ordinary ones consumed by people. The respondences were 96 people at the age to 30-65 years with essensial hypertension disease. This research was conducted for 2 days and the respondences blood pressure was measured 5 minutes before consuming the tomato juice, and 30, 60, 90 minutes after consuming. The result of statistical analysis test showed that there were some influencews of consuming tomato juice toward the decrease of the sistolic and diastolic blood pressure and the most significant decrease occurred 30 minutes after consuming the tomato juice. This result is expected to give any benefit for the society and become one of the solutions to treat the hypertension suffers

    Pengenalan Ekspresi Wajah Berbasis Filter Gabor Dan Backpropagation Neural Network

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    Sebuah algoritma berbasis filter Gabor dan Backpropagation (BPP) Neural Network diusulkan untuk pengenalan ekspresi wajah. Pertama, ciri emosi ekspresi wajah dinyatakan dengan filter Gabor. Kemudian ciri digunakan untuk melatih jaringan neural dengan algoritma pelatihan Backpropagation. Terakhir, ekspresi wajah diklasifikasi dengan jaringan neural. Menggunakan algoritma tersebut, diperoleh hasil pengenalan yang tinggi.Kata Kunci—Pengenalan ekspresi wajah, filter Gabor, Jaringan Backpropagation

    Pengaruh Gempa Patahan Lembang Terhadap Fleksibilitas Pipa Dan Kegagalan Nozel Peralatan Sistem Pendingin Primer Reaktor Triga 2000 Bandung

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    Gempa bumi di suatu instalasi nuklir dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan sistem peralatan karena adanya Perubahan fleksibilitas pipa akibat beban berlebih pada sistem perpipaannya. Beban dari sistem perpipaan dapat membebani nozel peralatan seperti pompa, penukar panas, dll. Apabila beban tersebut terlalu besar dan melebihi beban yang diizinkan akan mengakibatkan kegagalan nozel peralatan. Penelitian ini menganalisis besarnya beban-beban yang terjadi di semua nozel  sistem pendingin primer Reaktor TRIGA 2000 Bandung. Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Caesar II yang berbasis metode elemen hingga (finite element method). Acuan analisis yang digunakan adalah code ASME B31.1 yang mengatur tentang perancangan sistem perpipaan untuk sistem pembangkit daya (Power Piping). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa gaya yang terjadi pada nozel masukan pompa arah aksial (FZ) melebihi batas yang diijinkan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan modifikasi terhadap jalur perpipaan sistem pendingin tersebut agar nozel tidak menerima gaya yang berlebih. Penyangga pipa titik(node) 22 di jalur PriOut dilepas dan/atau dipindahkan pada nozel masukkan pompa. Perpipaan sistem pendingin primer reaktor TRIGA 2000 Bandung akan aman beroperasi jika terjadi gempa.yang berasal dari patahan Lemban

    Pengaruh Strategi Permainan Lari Kanan-kiri Benar Salah terhadap Keterampilan Dribble Bola Basket di SMA

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    The problem in this research is how the influence of left-right game strategy is wrong against the dribble skill of basketball. The purpose of this study to find out how the influence of the game run right-left is wrong to the dribble skill of basketball game on the students of class XI in SMA Taruna Bumi Khatulistiwa Kubu Raya. This research method used experiment (one group pretest-posttes design) with quantitative descriptive. The population in this study as many as 4 classes with the number of 109 students. Sampling using sampling systematic multiples of number 5, then the number of samples is 21 students. The result of data analysis using computerized tcount of 4,035 By looking at statistics table at degrees of freedom db = (N-1) is 21-1 = 20 and 5% significance level, ttable value equal to 1.72. Based on the results of the study concluded that the game run right-left right wrong can improve learning outcomes dribble. The result of the research shows that the percentage increase is 20,67%. Furthermore the average value of the initial test is lower than the final test that is (72.86 <87.94). Thus in this study there is a significant increase

    Faktor Determinan Marjin Bunga Bersih Bank Pembangunan Daerah Di Indonesia: Suatu Studi Data Panel

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    This paper analyzed the determinants of net interest margins of the regional development banks (BPD) inIndonesia. The empirical specification was focused on the reported net interest rate margin that was assumed tobe a function of two sets variables namely bank internal variable and macro economic factor as the externalvariable. The sample used in this study consisted of eight regional developments banks during the first threemonths of 2008 until the fourth three months of 2012. The results of panel data analysis with fixed effect modelshowed that bank internal factors such as Return on Asset (ROA) and asset growth (LNSIZE) had a contributionto the hight of net interest margin of the regional development banks (BPD) in Indonesia. Furthermore, themarket interest rate as a macroeconomic variable had a positive relationship with the net interest margin of theregional development banks

    The Application of Landsat TM Data and SRTM Data for Detection Vulnerability Assessment of Flood in Bengawan Solo Watershed

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    Bengawan Solo watershed is one of watershed that has frequent floods. Due to high rainfall in the rainy season, the river can't accommodate the surface runoff and resulted flooding around the area. The high rainfall is not only causing flood in some areas upstream watershed, but also threaten the downstream areas in East Java province, especially Bojonegoro, Lamongan, Tuban and Gresik. Data of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) could detect assessment vulnerability of flooding. The research objective is to study flood vulnerability assessment in Bengawan Solo watershed using remote sensing data. The method is the combination of information from remote sensing data, i.e.. (1) to combine band 4 with band 7 Landsat TM in which the flood pixel value is ≤ 78; (2) to detect flow accumulation using SRTM data; and (3) to detect flooding areas at the altitude of 0-50 m. The result obtained from the study is the flood vulnerability in Bengawan Solo watershed including Sragen District (Masaran, Plupuh, Gesi, Sidoharjo Sub District); Ngawi (Widodaren, Kedungalar, Pitu SubDistrict); Tuban District (Rengel, Plumpang, Widang Sub District); Bojonegoro (Padangan, Malo, Kalitidu, Trucuk, Bojonegoro,Dander, Kanor, Baureno, Sumberejo Sub District); Lamongan (Laren, Solokuro, Karanggeneng, Kalitengah Sub District); Gresik Regency (Hamlet and Bungah Sub District)

    Exploring Plagiarism Into Perspectives of Indonesian Academics and Students

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    Plagiarism has been done by students from around the globes. There has been a heated discussion of finding reasons why plagiarism occurred in academic world and Eastern students in particular. This research wants to explore how actually students perceive plagiarism in their academic writing as well as how lecturers coped with plagiarism in the students\u27 assignments. The research participants were taken from 2 different majors, 32 English Education students and 10 Psychology students as well as 5 lecturers from English Education Department and 3 lecturers from Psychology Faculty in one of private universities in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed to those respondents and also interviews were conducted to several lecturers and students. The results of questionnaire and interview showed that both students and lecturers knew and understand the essence of plagiarism, however, students admitted that they still plagiarised in their assignment. Lecturers, on the other hand, revealed that they could figure out when students plagiarised others\u27 works. However, it was limited to crossing over assignments between students. In other words, detecting plagiarism was done manually and restricted to students\u27 written works only. In conclusion, despite comprehending the meaning of plagiarism, student still plagiarised since there was not any real action from lecturers to encounter it

    Daya Dukung Sedimen Dasar Laut di Perairan Pelabuhan Cirebon dan Sekitarnya

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    Daya dukung sedimen dasar laut dan aspek keteknikan pada perencanaan pengembangan pelabuhan Cirebon lebih ditekankan pada faktor geoteknik, geofisika dan oseanografi. Pada saat pasang arah arus cenderung ke arah selatan dan baratdaya, sedangkan pada saat surut cenderung ke arah utara dan timurlaut dengan kecepatan rata-rata maksimum 0.11 m/detik dan minimum 0.08 m/detik. Morfologi dasar laut di perairan pelabuhan Cirebon sangat landai bervariasi antara - 6,5 m (LWS) dan -8.00 m, sedangkan kolamnya sendiri antara 0.00 -2.00 m, Daya dukung tanah pada kedalaman 18.00 - 27.00 m dari LWS di bagian atas diselingi oleh pasir lepas hingga lempung pasiran merupakan tanah bersifat lunak (soft) dengan N SPT = 22 hingga 32 tumbukan (blows). Data sondir di sekitar lokasi dermaga menunjukan nilai harga Qc = 2-4 kg/cm2 pada kedalaman 2.00-11.50 m dan nilai Qc > 150 kg/cm2 dijumpai pada kedalaman 14.00-15.50 m. Sedangkan lapisan bawah di daerah Astanajapura pada kedalaman lebih dari 20.00 meter tertumpu pada pasir, padat, keras, nilai SPT antara 35 hingga lebih dari 50 tumbukan. Analisis mineral lempung yang ada di daerah selidikan memperlihatkan bahwa lempung monmorilonite sangat dominan dan diketahui bahwa tanah yang mengandung monmorilonite sangat mudah mengembang oleh tambahan kadar air sehingga tekanan pengembangannya dapat merusak struktur bangunan pondasi. Bottom sediments bearing capacity on Cirebon harbor development planning are focused on Geotechnique, geophysical and oceanographically aspects. During tidal spring, current tend to the south and southwest wards and during the neap tide tend to the north and northeast with mean maximum velocity was 0.11 m/sec and minimum velocity was 0.08 m/sec. The sea floor morphology in the Cirebon harbor waters is slightly gentle and the water depth varies from -6.5 to 8.5 m (LWS), while the depth of the pond itself are between 0.00 to -2.00 meters. The bearing capacity from SPT (Standard Penetration Test) at depth between 18.00 - 27.00 m are composed of loose sand to sandy clay, soft, with (N) SPT values about 22 to 32 blows. Sondir data obtained at depth 2.00 - 11.50 and Qc value about 2 - 4 kg/cm2 while at depth 14.00 m to 15.50 m Qc value data about more > 150 kg/cm2 was found at depth more than 20.00 meters. The lower part layers in Astanajapura are composed of sand, dense, hard, with SPT value data obtained are 35 to more than 50 blows. Clay mineral analysis showed montmorilonite is dominant in this survey area. So that very easy to swell and will influenced the foundation structure construction
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