4 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anggrek Dendrobium Anosmum pada Media Kultur In Vitro dengan Beberapa Konsentrasi Air Kelapa

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    Dendrobium anosmum is one of natural orchids in Indonesia. Optimization of medium composition for orchid propagation through in vitro culture is necessary to enhance propagule multiplication capabilities and quality. This study was aimed to study the influence of concentration of coconut water in culture medium on in vitro growth and development of D. anosmum orchid species and to determine the optimal coconut water concentration in culture media. The experiment were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and eight replications. The treatments consisted of the addition of coconut water with concentrations: 0 ml•l -1 (control), 50 ml•l-1, 100 ml•l-1 and 150 ml•l-1. The results showed that addition of coconut water in culture medium gave different effect on shoot growth and multiplication of D. anosmum orchids. Coconut water concentration of 100 ml•l-1 was the best concentration for growth and multiplication of D. anosmum orchids, based on both shoots and roots growth, plantlet height and wet weight

    Pengelompokan Klon-Klon Ubi Jalar Berdasarkan Analisis Gerombol, Komponen Utama dan Biplot dari Karakter Morfologi

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    Sweet potato is a food crop with high genetic and phenotypic diversities. The objective of this study was to cluster sweet potato clones based on their morphological characters. This research used descriptive method using 25 morphological characters on 28 sweet potato clones and clustered using dice coefficient, principal component analysis and biplot analysis. The results showed that the clones were grouped into two clusters and 14 sub-clusters. Three sub-clusters had high similarity coefficients, i.e., 0.68-0.96, one clone was eliminated, and 11 sub-clusters had a low similarity, i.e., 0.41-0.52. The principal component analysis showed 14 of 25 morphological characters determined the diversity in 27 sweet potato clones with cumulative variance of 70.79%. Biplot analysis showed that 12 characters contributed to cumulative variance of 61.3%. Twelve morphological characters had weak contribution on the characteristics of the clones in quadrant I; meanwhile, characteristics of clones in quadrant II were orange, yellow and white tuber flesh, in quadrant III was dark purple tuber flesh, and in quadrant IV were purple tuber flesh and cortex. Result of the grouping analysis identified clones that were closely related and those distantly related for improvement purposes

    Akurasi Karakterisasi Tingkat In situ Tanaman Ubi Jalar pada Dua Kecamatan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    Karakter morfologi tajuk ubi jalar dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda antar aksesi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sejumlah klon ubi jalar yang beragam berdasarkan morfologi tajuk serta ketepatan karakterisasi morfologi pada tingkat in situ. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei di lima desa pada dua kecamatan yaitu kecamatan Inomosol dan Huamual Muka pada Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, Propinsi Maluku. Tahap pertama dengan mengkarakterisasi morfologi tajuk di kebun petani (in situ), dan tahap kedua penanaman dan karakterisasi ex situ di kebun koleksi pada umur tanaman 2 bulan menggunakan deskriptor ubi jalar. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25 aksesi ubi jalar di kecamatan Inomosol dan Huamual Muka yang dibedakan berdasarkan bentuk dan warna daun, pola dan jumlah lekuk daun, warna tangkai dan batang, serta sifat membelit. Hasil verifikasi terhadap karakterisasi in situ didapatkan akurasi ≥80% pada 3 fenotip pada pola lekuk daun, daun dengan bentuk bagian tengah linear, daun dengan jumlah cuping 1, 5 dan 7, tulang daun permukaan bawah berwarna hijau, 2 fenotip pada warna tangkai daun, batang berwarna merah keunguan, serta ada warna tambahan pada batang. Sedangkan akurasi karakterisasi pada fenotip lainnya yaitu 0-76%. Kata kunci: ex situ, Ipomoea batatas, keragaman, Maluku, morfolog