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    Pengembangan Budidaya Stroberi Berbasis Barcode Yang Memuat Link Tutorial Budidaya Guna Meningkatkan Pariwisata Desa

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    Stroberi (Strawberry sp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan dari Kelompok Tani Desa Tamankuncaran. Dengan produktivitas dan mutu stroberi yang baik dari Kelompok Tani Desa Tamankuncaran, maka hal tersebut menjadi potensi dalam meningkatkan Pariwisata dan perekonomian Desa. Produktivitas stroberi yang baik dapat dihasilkan dengan memperhatikan cara penanaman dan perawatan stroberi yang baik. Pemanfaatan teknlogi barcode adalah salah satu penunjang untuk mempermudah penyampaian informasi kepada seluruh warga desa yang ada tanpa mencetak banyak kertas. Pemanfaatan barcode ini juga akan menuntut masyarakat desa untuk membuka mata akan berkembangnya teknologi. Penggunaan barcode ini juga sangat mudah dan murah tidak menghabiskan banyak biaya hanya memerlukan perangkat android yang mayoritas setiap warga desa memiliki perangkat tersebut. Sosialisasi tentang barcode ini akan menunjang proses pengenalan barcode kepada masyarakat desa yang mayoritas masih belum mengerti. Penggunaan barcode ini juga akan menunjang hal lain diluar program kerja ini setelah warga mengetahui proses penggunaan barcode ini warga akan dengan mudah memanfaatkan barcode ini untuk menyimpan banyak informasi yang bermanfaa


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    ABSTRACT: Teaching is the main task of the teachers. Therefore, to prepare the students in Teaching they must be trained before they deal with the real situations in the school. Teaching practice program is one of the courses that must be completed by students who majored in education so that when they get involved in the world of work they have experience in teaching.This research entitled “Teaching Practice Program : Pre-service teachers’ voice” aims at (1) Pre –service teacher’s perception towards teaching practice 2) finding out problems Pre –service teachers faced in teaching practice. The partisipants of this research involves 30 EFL students as Pre-service teachers, in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Malang who have completed their teaching practice program which lasted for about 2 months.This research used a descriptive qualitative approach.  The participants of this research were the sixth semester students of teaching practice program in English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Islam Malang. In gathering the data, the researcher used instruments namely questionnaire and online interview. The questionnaire and online interview was used to answer the research problems.Based on the results of data analysis, the researcher found that pre-service teachers have perceptions that teaching practice helps them in their teaching, especially in the personal competence, the pedagogical competence, the professional competence and the social competence.  Then, the results also showed that the problems that the Pre-service teachers found during teaching practice program were they felt unconfident since they first faced students in classroom. It makes them difficult to adapt the classroom condition. Lack of learning media in teaching such as LCD, projectors, licensing which is difficult in using the lab causes, not mastering the material, will be given to his students cause less effective learning in the classroom.  Pre-service teacher also have problems in their social relationships, especially with students and teachers.  Keywords: Perception, Teaching Practice Program, Pre-service teachers, 4 teacher’s competencies