20 research outputs found

    „The Croats have no right to a state“ – Serbian historiography, autobiographers, and publicists on Croatian state independence

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    By analyzing a number of authors from the body of contemporary Serbian historiography, memoirs and current affairs writing, the author provides an insight into the standpoints on the establishment/renewal of Croatian state independence

    Founding and fall of the territorial defense of the Serbian Autonomous Region of Western Slavonia in 1991

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    Cilj članka je prikazati osnovnu strukturu Teritorijalne obrane (TO) Srpske autonomne oblasti (SAO) Zapadne Slavonije tijekom 1991. godine i okolnosti njezina nestanka krajem te godine.This article portrays the basic structure of the Territorial Defense of the Western Slavonia SAR during 1991 and the circumstances of its disappearance during the end of that year. Territorially speaking, this defense covered the area from Gradiška – Novljana Posavina to Bilogora and Papuk mountains. However, keeping in mind that the Janković magazine primarily covers the middle and northern portion of Western Slavonia, the article will not show the defense structures in the Gradiška – Novljana Posavina itself. Also, the defense structures mentioned here persevered, unlike those in the north, which were destroyed as a result of Croatian victories. As was the case of SARs in Krajina, the Western Slavonia SAR had the TD, along with the police, as the basic military organization of rebelled Serbs


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    Na osnovi arhivskih fondova, vjerske periodike, literature i memoarskih djela autor rekonstruira i analizira položaj Katoličke crkve i stanje vjere na prostoru Konavoskog dekanata za vrijeme druge Jugoslavije, a u uvjetima državnog ateizma.During the period of the second (communistic) Yugoslavia traditionally strong and socially deeply rooted Catholic Church in the region of Konavle (near Dubrovnik) faced a forced political atheism. In spite of proscriptions of priests, clergy and believers, and despite of material losses and decrease of social influence, Church in Konavle never was diminished. Moreover, during the years immediately after the World War II in some ways Church became meaning of resistance towards imposition of communist social order. Consequently, at the end of communist era 90 % of Konavle population were declared Catholics, and Church flourished in this community. However, one can notice consequences of communist regime because some forms of popular piety and devotion faded away


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    Posljednja godina Domovinskoga rata na dubrovačkom području protekla je u znaku triju događanja. Prvo su bili cjelogodišnji topnički napadi Hercegovačkoga korpusa Vojske Republike Srpske, u kojima je stradao veći broj civila i hrvatskih vojnika te nanesena velika materijalna šteta, drugo plan “Maestral”, prema kojem su postrojbe Hrvatske vojske uredile obrambeni sustav dubrovačkoga područja i obranile ga od ponovnoga pokušaja osvajanja Vojske Republike Srpske, a treće operacija “Burin”, kojom je Hrvatska vojska trebala zauzeti dio istočne Hercegovine i dugoročno zaštititi Dubrovnik od topničkoga terora Vojske Republike Srpske. Zbog niza diplomatsko-vojnih razloga operacija nije provedena.The peak of the war in the Dubrovnik area lasted from October 1991, when the Serbo-Montenegrin aggression began, to October 1992, when the Croatian Army ended the liberation of this territory. Then established lines of the battlefield would remain unchanged until the end of the war. For the next two years there were battles of lower intensity between the Croatian Army (CA) of the Southern Front and the Herzegovina Corps of the Army of Serb Republic (ASR) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The overall situation also changed in 1995 when the Croatian and the Serbian side were leading larger attack operations, a part of which was related to Dubrovnik. The ASR was going to win the Dubrovnik region and the Neretva valley, and so gain access to the Adriatic Sea. The CA directed attacks on Central Croatia, whilst for Dubrovnik, where a satisfactory condition had been achieved in 1992, a defensive plan called „Mistral“ was made. In the first eight months of 1995 the bulk of the conflict was in southwestern Bosnia. To relieve its troops on this battlefield, the ASR was leading artillery attacks on the CA positions and civilian targets in the Dubrovnik area for months, due to which a large number of soldiers and civilians were killed and the normal life of population was paralysed. The combat operations of the ASR Herzegovina Corps, with the aim of winning the access to the sea, began on August the 12th and lasted till September the 1st. Seven soldiers of the CA were killed in these attacks, but the frontline did not move. This proved that the winning of the access to the sea was beyond the real capabilities of the ASR and that the balance of power shifted in favour of the CA. As a reaction to the Serbian attacks, the CA drafted plans for the operation „Gale“ by which it was supposed to occupy a part of the eastern Herzegovina and to long term protect Dubrovnik from Serbian artillery attacks. The preparations were completed in September and October, but the conclusion of the Dayton Agreement prevented the implementation of these plans. There followed the demobilization of the Croatian and the Serbian forces thus ending the war on the Dubrovnik frontline also. Comparing to the developments on other battlefields, the Dubrovnik frontline in 1995 had a secondrate importance, while its dynamics of events were among the calmer

    Osnivački skup SDS-a za Dubrovnik – Otvorena najava agresije na dubrovačko područje

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    U prvom dijelu rada autor je na temelju arhivske građe, novina i literature dao prikaz etnogeografske uvjetovanosti Dubrovnika u velikosrpskim planovima, te pregled okolnosti i događaja koji su bili odlučujuća pri stvaranju Srpske demokratske stranke u Dubrovniku 10. ožujka 1991. godine. Samu osnivačku skupštinu, koju autor smatra dijelom agresije na Dubrovnik tj. njezinom najavom, predočio je na temelju autentičnog video zapisa koji je u cijelosti transkribiran. Svi govori na skupštini su također analizirani

    Izvješće vladike banatskog Atanasija Jevtića o zbivanjima u Slavonskoj eparhiji Srpske pravoslavne crkve u prosincu 1991. godine

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    U radu se analizira izvješće pod nazivom „Izveštaj episkopa banatskog dr. Atanasija (Jevtića) o zbivanjima u Slavonskoj eparhiji Srpske pravoslavne crkve“ koje se zapravo odnosi na posjet spomenutog vladike okupiranom području Zapadne Slavonije od 5. do 8. prosinca 1991. godine