Founding and fall of the territorial defense of the Serbian Autonomous Region of Western Slavonia in 1991


Cilj članka je prikazati osnovnu strukturu Teritorijalne obrane (TO) Srpske autonomne oblasti (SAO) Zapadne Slavonije tijekom 1991. godine i okolnosti njezina nestanka krajem te godine.This article portrays the basic structure of the Territorial Defense of the Western Slavonia SAR during 1991 and the circumstances of its disappearance during the end of that year. Territorially speaking, this defense covered the area from Gradiška – Novljana Posavina to Bilogora and Papuk mountains. However, keeping in mind that the Janković magazine primarily covers the middle and northern portion of Western Slavonia, the article will not show the defense structures in the Gradiška – Novljana Posavina itself. Also, the defense structures mentioned here persevered, unlike those in the north, which were destroyed as a result of Croatian victories. As was the case of SARs in Krajina, the Western Slavonia SAR had the TD, along with the police, as the basic military organization of rebelled Serbs

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