8 research outputs found

    Accurate Intrusion Detection Based On Feature Optimization Using Plant Grow Algorithm

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    The process of features reduction enhanced the performance of the intrusion detection system. Nowadays used various features reduction algorithms are used for static as well as dynamic features reduction. The feature reduction technique behaves in dual mode. The reduction of features cannot have fixed how many features are reducing for the better detection process of intrusion. The process of features reduction used plant grow optimization algorithm and classification using support vector machine algorithm

    A Survey on Performance Improvement of Data Analysis Using Unsupervised K-Means Clustering

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    The algorithms clustering implemented on the machines and made intelligent machines are called unsupervised machine learning algorithms. They can perform essential tasks by k-means clustering algorithm based on improved quantum particle swarm optimization algorithm is often more error in data analysis. As more data becomes available, more complex problems can be tackled and solved. The analysis of patient's data is becoming more critical to evaluate the patient's medical condition and prevent and take precautions for the future. With the help of technology and computerized automation of machines, data can be analyzed more efficiently. Managing the massive volume of data has many problems interrelated to data security. Experiments on actual datasets show that our technique will get similar results with standard ways with fewer computation tasks. Process mining and data mining techniques have opened new access for the diagnosis of disease. Similarly, data mining can provide effective treatment for a disease's triennial prevention; finally, an effective clustering result is obtained. The algorithm is tested with the UCI data set. The results show that the improved algorithm ensures the global convergence of the algorithm and brings more accurate clustering results

    Z-test for gender populations: knowledge analysis for environment

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    Environmental knowledge gives elemental practices and optimum utilization of resources. This gives a balanced surrounding with fulfillment of growing needs. This helps in repletion process. Gender based studies conducted have failed to reach a common conclusion. Hence this study was conducted to compare and measure the environmental knowledge of boys and girls. The city of Bikaner, Rajasthan was selected because it is located on the fringe of Thar desert making environment a very vital issue for the survival of the town. The study was conducted on youths of age group 14 to 20. Primary data was collected using pre-tested questionnaire. The study covered various aspects of environmental topics such as water, transportation, trees, air and global warming. To analyze difference in knowledge level of genders, chi-square or z-test were applied. Environmental knowledge index was calculated using cumulative scores and index number formula. The students were quite divided in their opinion on questions related to environmental topics such as water, transportation, trees and air. Some issues of the above mentioned topics raised no difference among the knowledge level of boys and girls where as in others differences crept. No significant differences in knowledge level of genders on global warming were observed. However, combined result showed girls seemed to possess more knowledge level with environmental knowledge index of 52.19 than boys of the same age group with a difference of 4.26. Environmental knowledge index was average hence students need to be informed more

    Environmental awareness analysis: effect of father's qualification

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    Youths are effected by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors, however parents have major influence on them. Awareness about environment can make them live a better life with a better life style. As per fieldwork conducted one observation was that elders act as de-motivating force for extra-curricular activities and rather want youths to focus on study. Hence, environmental initiatives are discouraged in youths. This study was conducted for analyzing the effect of father’s qualification on boy’s awareness. Sample was collected from secondary school students of age group 14 to 20 from Bikaner city of Rajasthan. Primary data was collected using questionnaire method. Awareness was measured on the environmental issues such as water, light, L.P.G., fuel, air, tree, plastic and global warming. Boys were divided as per father’s qualification into following categories- (1). Not educated, (2). Till 8th class, (3) 9th to 12th class and (4) Graduation and above. Chi-square or z-test was used for analysis at significance level 0.05 for testing two-tailed hypothesis. Results depicted that the difference in the awareness level of boys about various environmental issues with difference in father’s qualification was not significant. Hence, it may be concluded that there is no effect of father’s qualification on boy’s awareness. However there is impact of father’s qualification on overall awareness level of boys. It means it is not necessary that impact of father’s qualification can be seen on one, two or few questions however when overall awareness level is calculated impact of father’s qualification can be seen on boy’s awareness. Parents are concerned about education however other dimensions too need to be developed in youths like awareness about environment so that they could lead an efficient healthy life mutually beneficial for man and nature

    Knowledge and Awareness: Linear Regression

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    Knowledge and awareness are factors guiding development of an individual. These may seem simple and practicable, but in reality a proper combination of these is a complex task. Economically driven state of development in younger generations is an impediment to the correct manner of development. As youths are at the learning phase, they can be molded to follow a correct lifestyle. Awareness and knowledge are important components of any formal or informal environmental education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship of these components among students of secondary/ senior secondary schools who have undergone a formal study of environment in their curricula. A suitable instrument is developed in order to measure the elements of Awareness and Knowledge among the participants of the study. Data was collected from various secondary and senior secondary school students in the age group 14 to 20 years using cluster sampling technique from the city of Bikaner, India. Linear regression analysis was performed using IBM SPSS 23 statistical tool. There exists a weak relation between knowledge and awareness about environmental issues, caused due to routine practices mishandling; hence one component can be complemented by other for improvement in both. Knowledge and awareness are crucial factors and can provide huge opportunities in any field. Resource utilization for economic solutions may pave the way for eco-friendly products and practices. If green practices are inculcated at the learning phase, they may become normal routine. This will also help in repletion of the environment


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    In a forensic analysis, large numbers of files are examined. Much of the information comprises of in unstructured format, so it’s quite difficult task for computer forensic to perform such analysis. That’s why to do the forensic analysis of document within a limited period of time require a special approach such as document clustering. This paper review different document clustering algorithms methodologies for example K-mean, K-medoid, single link, complete link, average link in accorandance with computer forensic analysis