454 research outputs found

    Melittin: a membrane-active peptide with diverse functions

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    Melittin is the principal toxic component in the venom of the European honey bee Apis mellifera and is a cationic, hemolytic peptide. It is a small linear peptide composed of 26 amino acid residues in which the amino-terminal region is predominantly hydrophobic whereas the carboxy-terminal region is hydrophilic due to the presence of a stretch of positively charged amino acids. This amphiphilic property of melittin has resulted in melittin being used as a suitable model peptide for monitoring lipid-protein interactions in membranes. In this review, the solution and membrane properties of melittin are highlighted, with an emphasis on melittin-membrane interaction using biophysical approaches. The recent applications of melittin in various cellular processes are discussed

    Influence of lipid chain unsaturation on membrane-bound melittin: a fluorescence approach

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    AbstractMelittin, a cationic hemolytic peptide, is intrinsically fluorescent due to the presence of a single functionally important tryptophan residue. The organization of membrane-bound melittin is dependent on the physical state and composition of membranes. In particular, polyunsaturated lipids have been shown to modulate the membrane-disruptive action of melittin. Phospholipids with polyunsaturated acyl chains are known to modulate a number of physical properties of membranes and play an important role in regulating structure and function of membrane proteins. In this study, we have used melittin to address the influence of unsaturated lipids in modulating lipid–protein interactions. Our results show that fluorescence parameters such as intensity, emission maximum, polarization, lifetime and acrylamide quenching of melittin incorporated in membranes are dependent on the degree of unsaturation of lipids in membranes. Importantly, melittin in membranes composed of various unsaturated lipids shows red edge excitation shift (REES) implying that melittin is localized in a motionally restricted region in membranes. The extent of REES was found to increase drastically in membranes with increasing unsaturation, especially when the lipids contained more than two double bonds. In addition, increasing unsaturation in membranes causes a considerable change in the secondary structure of membrane-bound melittin. Taken together, our results assume significance in the overall context of the role of unsaturated lipids in membranes in the organization and function of membrane proteins and membrane-active peptides

    Effect of micellar charge on the conformation and dynamics of melittin

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    Electrostatic interactions play a crucial role in modulating and stabilizing molecular interactions in membranes and membrane-mimetic systems such as micelles. We have monitored the change in the conformation and dynamics of the cationic hemolytic peptide melittin bound to micelles of various charge types, utilizing fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The sole tryptophan of melittin displays a red-edge excitation shift (REES) of 3-6 nm when bound to anionic, nonionic, and zwitterionic micelles. This suggests that melittin is localized in a restricted environment, probably in the interfacial region of the micelles, and this region offers considerable restriction to the reorientational motion of the solvent dipoles around the excited state tryptophan in melittin. Further, the rotational mobility of melittin is considerably reduced in these micelles and is found to be dependent on the surface charge of micelles. Interestingly, our results show that melittin does not partition into cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) micelles owing to electrostatic repulsion between melittin and CTAB micelles, both of which carry a positive charge. In addition, the fluorescence lifetime of melittin is modulated in micelles of different charge types. The lowest mean fluorescence lifetime is observed in the case of melittin bound to anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles. CD spectroscopy shows that micelles induce significant helicity to melittin, with maximum helicity being induced in the case of melittin bound to SDS micelles. Fluorescence quenching measurements using the neutral aqueous quencher acrylamide show differential accessibility of melittin in various types of micelles. Taken together, our results show that micellar surface charge can modulate the conformation and dynamics of melittin. These results could be relevant to understanding the role of the surface charge of membranes in the interaction of membrane-active, amphiphilic peptides with membranes

    Effect of ionic strength on folding and aggregation of the hemolytic peptide melittin in solution

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    Melittin is a cationic, amphipathic, hemolytic peptide composed of 26 amino acid residues. It is intrinsically fluorescent due to the presence of a single tryptophan residue, which has been shown to be crucial for its hemolytic activity. It undergoes a structural transition from a random coil monomer to an α -helical tetramer at high ionic strength. Although the aggregation behavior of melittin in solution is well characterized, dynamic information associated with the aggregation of melittin is lacking. In this paper, we have monitored the effect of ionic strength on the dynamics and aggregation behavior of melittin in aqueous solution by utilizing sensitive fluorescence approaches, which include the red edge excitation shift (REES) approach. Importantly, we demonstrate that REES is sensitive to the self-association of melittin induced by ionic strength. The change in environment experienced by melittin tryptophan(s) is supported by changes in fluorescence emission maximum, polarization, and lifetime. In addition, the accessibility of the tryptophan residue was probed by fluorescence quenching experiments using acrylamide and trichloroethanol as soluble and hydrophobic quenchers, respectively. Circular dichroism studies confirm the ionic strength-induced change in the secondary structure of melittin. Taken together, these results constitute the first report showing that REES could be used as a sensitive tool to monitor the aggregation behavior of melittin in particular and other proteins and peptides in general

    Influence of cholesterol and ergosterol on membrane dynamics: a fluorescence approach

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    Sterols are essential membrane components of eukaryotic cells and are important for membrane organization and function. Cholesterol is the most representative sterol present in higher eukaryotes. It is often found distributed non-randomly in domains or pools in biological and model membranes. Cholesterol-rich functional microdomains (lipid rafts) are often implicated in cell signaling and membrane traffic. Interestingly, lipid rafts have also recently been isolated from organisms such as yeast and Drosophila, which have ergosterol as their major sterol component. Although detailed biophysical characterization of the effect of cholesterol on membranes is well documented, the effect of ergosterol on the organization and dynamics of membranes is not very clear. We have monitored the effect of cholesterol and ergosterol on the dynamic properties of both fluid (POPC) and gel (DPPC) phase membranes utilizing the environment-sensitive fluorescent membrane probe DPH. Our results from steady state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements show, for the first time, differential effects of ergosterol and cholesterol toward membrane organization. These novel results are relevant in the context of lipid rafts in ergosterol-containing organisms such as Drosophila which maintain a low level of sterol compared to higher eukaryotes

    Effect of ionic strength on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin

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    Melittin, a cationic hemolytic peptide, is intrinsically fluorescent due to the presence of a single functionally important tryptophan residue. We have previously shown that the sole tryptophan of melittin is localized in a motionally restricted environment in the membrane interface. We have monitored the effect of ionic strength on the organization and dynamics of membrane-bound melittin utilizing fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic approaches. Our results show that red edge excitation shift (REES) of melittin bound to membranes is sensitive to the change in ionic strength of the medium. This could be attributed to a change in the immediate environment around melittin tryptophan with increasing ionic strength due to differential solvation of ions. Interestingly, the rotational mobility of melittin does not appear to be affected with change in ionic strength. In addition, fluorescence parameters such as lifetime and acrylamide quenching of melittin indicate an increase in water penetration in the membrane interface upon increasing ionic strength. Our results suggest that the solvent dynamics and water penetration in the interfacial region of the membranes are significantly affected at physiologically relevant ionic strength. These results assume significance in the overall context of the influence of ionic strength in the organization and dynamics of membrane proteins and membrane-active peptides

    Membrane localization and dynamics of Nile Red: effect of cholesterol

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    The organization and dynamics of the hydrophobic fluorescent probe Nile Red incorporated in DOPC vesicles containing varying amounts of cholesterol has been monitored utilizing fluorescence-based approaches which include the red edge excitation shift (REES) approach and the parallax method for depth determination. Our results show that the fluorescence emission maximum, intensity, polarization, and lifetime of Nile Red vary with the cholesterol content of the membrane. Interestingly, Nile Red exhibits significant REES independent of the presence of cholesterol. This indicates that Nile Red is localized in a motionally restricted environment in the membrane. This is supported by analysis of membrane penetration depth of Nile Red using the parallax method which points out to a membrane interfacial localization of Nile Red. These results could be useful in analyzing membrane organization and heterogeneity in natural membranes using Nile Red

    Novel insights into protein structure and dynamics utilizing the red edge excitation shift approach

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    A shift in the wavelength of maximum fluorescence emission toward higher wavelengths, caused by a corresponding shift in the excitation wavelength toward the red edge of the absorption band, is termed the red edge excitation shift (REES). This effect is mostly observed with polar fluorophores in motionally restricted media such as viscous solutions or condensed phases where the dipolar relaxation time for the solvent shell around a fluorophore is comparable to or longer than its fluorescence lifetime. REES arises from slow rates of solvent relaxation (reorientation) around an excited state fluorophore which depends on the motional restriction imposed on the solvent molecules in the immediate vicinity of the fluorophore. Utilizing this approach, it becomes possible to probe the mobility parameters of the environment itself (which is represented by the relaxing solvent molecules) using the fluorophore merely as a reporter group. Further, since the ubiquitous solvent for biological systems is water, the information obtained in such cases will come from the otherwise 'optically silent' water molecules. This makes REES extremely useful since hydration plays a crucial modulatory role in the formation and maintenance of organized molecular assemblies such as folded proteins in aqueous solutions and biological membranes. The application of REES as a powerful tool to monitor the organization and dynamics of a variety of soluble, cytoskeletal, and membrane-bound proteins is discusse

    Organization and dynamics of N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)-labeled lipids: a fluorescence approach

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    Lipids that are labeled with the NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl) group are widely used as fluorescent analogues of native lipids in biological and model membranes to monitor a variety of processes. NBD-labeled lipids have previously been used to monitor the organization and dynamics of molecular assemblies such as membranes, micelles and reverse micelles utilizing the wavelength-selective fluorescence approach. In this paper, we have characterized the organization and dynamics of various NBD-labeled lipids using red edge excitation shift (REES) and other fluorescence approaches which include analysis of membrane penetration depths of the NBD group using the parallax method. We show here that the environment and location experienced by the NBD group of the NBD-labeled lipids could depend on the ionization state of the lipid. This could have potentially important implications in future studies involving NBD-labeled lipids as tracers in a cellular context
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