12 research outputs found

    Estimated percentage of correctly recognized PWLs contingent on fixation.

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    <p>Estimated percentage of correctly recognized PWLs contingent on fixation.</p

    Experimental set up (chin rest, calibrated plane and the head-mounted optics of our ASL 501 eye tracking unit).

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    <p>Experimental set up (chin rest, calibrated plane and the head-mounted optics of our ASL 501 eye tracking unit).</p

    Least Square Mean Estimates of the number of gaze shifts into a label zone by age and estimated standard errors (whiskers).

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    <p>Least Square Mean Estimates of the number of gaze shifts into a label zone by age and estimated standard errors (whiskers).</p

    Serial steps of a commonly recognized information processing model.

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    <p>Serial steps of a commonly recognized information processing model.</p

    Actual vial used in this study depicting the three label zones of interest 1a

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    <p>- (1) cap, (2) standard white pharmacy label and (3) prescription warning label (PWL). (Inset: Five color contrasts of PWLs used in this study) 1b- Flattened, scaled drawing.</p

    (2A) Principle display panels (PDP for the four brands of cereal (top row) and four brands of crackers (middle row) that were created (in the form of packages) for the experiment. (2B) PDP of a single brand of cereal depicted at high and low levels of health which include the corresponding traffic light labels. (2C) Illustration of the standard Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) that appears on the panel immediately to the right of the PDP on cereal boxes.

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    <p>(2A) Principle display panels (PDP for the four brands of cereal (top row) and four brands of crackers (middle row) that were created (in the form of packages) for the experiment. (2B) PDP of a single brand of cereal depicted at high and low levels of health which include the corresponding traffic light labels. (2C) Illustration of the standard Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) that appears on the panel immediately to the right of the PDP on cereal boxes.</p

    Plots the percentage of each type of nutritional label that has been fixated as a function of viewing time.

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    <p>Data were collapsed across participants so the percentage was based on the number of labels fixated out of the 220 total labels per label type (4 labels x 55 participants)</p