11 research outputs found
Prototipe Security Door Lock System Menggunakan Password Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega328
Keamanan adalah keadaan bebas dari bahaya. Istilah ini bisa digunakan dalam hubungannya kepada kejahatan, segala bentuk kecelakaan, dan lain-lain. Keamanan merupakan topik yang luas termasuk keamananan nasional terhadap serangan teroris, keamanan komputer terhadap hacker, cracker ataupun virus, keamanan rumah terhadap pencuri, penyusup atau lainnya, keamanan finansial terhadap kehancuran ekonomi dan banyak situasi yang berhubungan. Seiring dengan meningkatnya tindakan kejahatan khususnya dalam sebuah ruangan, dengan semakin pesatnya kemajuan teknologi pada saat ini, maka sangatlah dibutuhkan sebuah sistem keamanan pintu ruangan menggunakan model pengaman password pada pintu untuk mencegah orang-orang yang tidak berhak memasuki ruangan yang bukan miliknya. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka dirancanglah prototipe sistem keamanan pintu ruangan menggunakan password berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega328 sebagai bentuk keamanan yang lebih baik dari yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Sistem keamanan menggunakan password ini menjadi sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keamanan pintu ruangan dari sistem konvensional. Sehingga sistem ini lebih efektif dalam hal pengamanan, dan lebih efisien dalam hal biaya dan perawatan.
Kata Kunci: Keamanan, Pintu, Password, Mikrokontroler ATmega328
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Ilearning pada Kelas Independent Study terhadap Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan Penilaian
Raharja College is one of the Universities that applies a learning method that is quite different, that is, it does not only rely on conventional learning systems where the KBM (Teaching and Learning Activities) is carried out by students and lecturers face-to-face, but also applying e-learning methods. learning or better known as the iLearning Education learning system at Raharja College. In its implementation, several devices are used to support the learning system starting from iDu (iLearning Education) as a media for interaction between Students and Lecturers as well as the Use of iLearning Media (IME) as a media that accommodates learning activities through the iLearning Education method. Then during the course of this method several questions arise about how valid the system is for the quality of the assessment and effectiveness of learning methods where it is deemed necessary to apply a measuring instrument that can measure system validity towards the quality and effectiveness of learning methods at Raharja College especially in the Independent class Study IL101A and IL101C. By using a descriptive method with a research survey approach conducted where the survey conducted found a problem solving that is the procurement of a measuring instrument that can later display historical data with certain categories in terms of the effectiveness of learning can be proven empirically through accurate data
Prototype Perancangan Sistem Otomatis Pembaca Suhu Ruangan Menggunakan Output Kipas dan Sensor Lm35 Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 16
The fan is a tool that we usually find in everyday life. This is because the fan is a tool commonly used to lower the temperature or refrigerate something. However, the current use of the fan can be developed into a cooling device that can be controlled using an electronic device such as a microcontroller. Therefore we need a system for room temperature control in order to create a good temperature in conducting cooling system. Not just make the climate control, but also made the monitoring system. The data obtained from the LM35 temperature sensor is processed and then displayed in real time in the form of graphs and tables that can be seen by the computer using an LCD that can show the actual temperature in a room that has been installed LM35 sensor. Atmega16 microcontroller used is an 8-bit microcontroller which has a high capability and low power, in addition to all of the instructions executed in one clock cycle. AVR has 32 general-purpose registers, timer / counters flexible with compare modes, internal interrupt and power saving mode, the internal ADC and PWM. AVR also has in programmable system-on-chip flash program memory allows the system to be re-programmed using the serial SPI relationship
"Pengaruh PO (Penilaian Objektif) Pembimbing dan PO (Penilaian Objektif) Penguji terhadap Kualitas Kelulusan Mahasiswa pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja"
Currently, many graduate students who can't be absorbed by the world of work or labor market because of poor quality. It is caused by several factors such as students as learners, lecturer as a teacher, and the campus as a connector between the institution or any of its faculty and students to students and faculty facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of student discipline in implementing the guidance of the thesis as well as to determine the influence of PO coach and PO testers on the level of quality of graduation. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive correlational survey method. The sample collection technique is based on the calculation formula Slovin as many as 61 people. Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation. Analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical analysis iferensial. Data processing using SPSS. Results of the study showed that the better the level of completion of Objective Assessment Supervisor, the better the quality level graduation because the value received will better the automatic IPK and also rose. However, the better the level of completion of Objective Assessment Examiners, will not affect the level of quality of the graduation
Analisis Mesin Pencarian Google Scholar sebagai Sumber Baru untuk Kutipan
In the modern era such as the current quality of the scientific articles are very abundant and diverse. In 2004 Google gives the new innovation with the presence of Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a service that allows users to search for scientific articles or journals in the form of text of various publication formats one of which is a PDF, which aims to let users more easily get the idea or the idea to make a quality scientific work. Google Scholar can produce a scientific article or journal every day. And every scientific article that contained quotes from people who made the article that users could use as a reference in the making of a scientific article or journal. The method used in this research is by literature study, where the existing data into an information that is easily understood and useful. In the method of SWOT one of them provide convenience for users to find information quickly with a matter of seconds in Google Scholar. The research also uses Flowchart and Prototype which shows every step of the program or procedure in the right order and has a basic description when the user uses Google Scholar
Pemanfaatan Machine Learning dalam Berbagai Bidang: Review Paper
- Pembelajaran mesin merupakan bagian dari kecerdasan buatan yang banyak digunakan untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah. Artikel ini menyajikan ulasan pemecahan masalah dari penelitian-penelitian terkini dengan mengklasifikasikan machine learning menjadi tiga kategori: pembelajaran terarah, pembelajaran tidak terarah, dan pembelajaran reinforcement. Hasil ulasan menunjukkan ketiga kategori masih berpeluang digunakan dalam beberapa kasus terkini dan dapat ditingkatkan untuk mengurangi beban komputasi dan mempercepat kinerja untuk mendapatkan tingkat akurasi dan presisi yang tinggi. Tujuan ulasan artikel ini diharapkan dapat menemukan celah dan dijadikan pedoman untuk penelitian pada masa yang akan datang.Katakunci: pembelajaran mesin, pembelajaran reinforcement, pembelajaran terarah, pembelajaran tidak terara