66 research outputs found

    Effect of Developing Pragmatic Competence through Telecollaboration on Improving English as Foreign Language Learners’ Writing Proficiency

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    The very information structure of written communication depends not just on the writer’s meaning and purpose but rather on the extent to which writer and reader share knowledge of pragmatic features of the language. To assess the actual effect of developing target language pragmatic competence through telecollaboration on improving English as Foreign Language learners’ target language writing proficiency, the current study was conducted on 60 Iranian learners of English at Razi Petrochemical Company in Iran. The study enjoyed a true experimental design by random assignment of participants to two equal groups, one group merely receiving writing instruction while the other being linked to target language speakers besides receiving writing instruction, and by administering three writing tasks immediately before intervention, immediately following intervention, and two months following intervention. The results of between-within subjects analysis of variance indicated that language learners who were linked to target language speakers not only demonstrated a better performance in writing according to the pragmatic features of target language following the intervention but also maintained their obtained knowledge to a greater extent than language learners who did not have contact with target language speakers. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested providing opportunities for language learners in English as Foreign Language contexts to be virtually linked to target language speakers through telecollaboration. Keywords: Pragmatic Competence, Telecollaborative Partnership, Writing Proficienc

    Effect of National Cultural Distance as Predictor of Pragmatic Competence on Writing Proficiency

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    Writers whose national culture has less distance from the cultural values of the target language community are supposed to be more familiar with the pragmatic features of the target language and consequently write more comprehensibly for target language readers than writers whose national culture has more distance from the cultural values of the target language community. To assess the actual effect of national cultural distance from target language community as a predictor of target language pragmatic competence on target language writing proficiency, the current study was conducted over a group of German undergraduate students perceived as culturally close to Britons as the target language community and a group of South Korean undergraduate students perceived as culturally distant from Britons. The study, which compared the ability of the two groups of participants in using proper target language politeness strategies in writing letters of application, found that less national cultural distance from the cultural values of the target language community results in more appropriate use of target language pragmatic features in target language writing. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested providing opportunities for language learners in foreign language contexts to have contact with target language speakers through telecollaborative partnership and to be exposed to target language pragmatic features through target language pragmatic instruction. Keywords: National Cultural Distance, Pragmatic Competence, Writing Proficienc

    Effect of ‘Focus on Form’ versus ‘Focus on Forms’ Pragmatic Instruction on Development of Pragmatic Comprehension and Production

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    To develop target language pragmatic competence, language learners’ attention must be directed toward not only linguistic but also pragmatic aspect of the target language expressions (Schmidt, 2001). Thus, some sorts of pragmatic awareness-raising instruction, using either explicit ‘Focus on Forms’ or implicit ‘Focus on Form’ techniques, are advised by scholars to develop pragmatic competence in language learners (e.g. Eslami-Rasekh, 2005; Bardovi-Harlig & Mahan-Taylor, 2003). To this end, the current experimental study was conducted on 52 undergraduate students of English at a university in Iran to investigate the effect of ‘Focus on Form’ versus ‘Focus on Forms’ pragmatic instruction on the development of their pragmatic comprehension and production. The experiment consisted of three phases: 1) the random assignment of participants to two groups: a ‘Focus on Forms’ group receiving metapragmatic explanations of target language pragmatic forms and a ‘Focus on Form’ group receiving target language pragmatic instruction using input enhancement, input flood, and recast, 2) conducting intervention for one semester, and 3) assessing their pragmatic comprehension and production knowledge following the intervention. Assessment tools consisted of a 4-senario discourse completion task and a 16-item multiple-choice pragmatic comprehension test both developed by Taguchi (2012). The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed that both ‘Focus on Form’ and ‘Focus on Forms’ methods of pragmatic instruction had a significant effect on the development of pragmatic comprehension and production. However, language learners in ‘Focus on Forms’ group had a significantly better development than language learners in the ‘Focus on Form’ group. This significant development was evident for both the comprehension and production aspects of pragmatic competence. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested furnishing English as foreign language classes with ‘Focus on Forms’ pragmatic instruction. Keywords: Focus on Form Instruction, Focus on Forms Instruction, Pragmatic Comprehension, Pragmatic Productio

    Effect of ‘Focus on Form’ versus ‘Focus on Forms’ Cultural Instruction on Translation of Culture-Bound Texts

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    The significant role of cultural background knowledge of the source and target language societies in the process of transferring meaning across languages whose speakers possess totally distinct cultures has been emphasized by numerous scholars (e.g., Malinowski, 1935; Nida, 1964; Toury, 1995; Agost, 1998; Agost, 1999; Paniagua, 2000; Nord, 2001; Riccardi, 2002; Albirini, 2009; Yang, 2010; House, 2015). To this end, the current study investigated the effect of cultural instruction in general as well as ‘Focus on Forms’ versus ‘Focus on Form’ methods of cultural instruction in particular on developing translation quality of culture-bound texts. Participants of the study were 98 undergraduate students of English translation at a university in Iran. These participants were divided into three groups: ‘Focus on Forms’ group which received explicit instruction about cultural features of the source language, ‘Focus on Form’ group which received instruction about cultural features of the source language through input flood and input enhancement, and control group which merely received translation exercises. Participants’ ability to translate culture-bound texts was then assessed through translating some excerpts of news adopted from Voice of America, following a 4-week intervention. The results of one-way between-groups analysis of variance revealed that both ‘Focus on Forms’ and ‘Focus on Form’ methods of cultural instruction are influential in developing ability to translate culture-bound texts at a high quality. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested supplementing translation courses with cultural features of the source language society. Keywords: Culture, Focus on Form, Focus on Forms, Instruction, Translatio

    The effects of question generation by students on their achievement in the pharmacology courses

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    یکی از فاکتورهای موثر در یادگیری شرکت کردن در فعالیت های یادگیری (Active learning) است. تهیه سوال توسط دانشجویان می تواند یکی از راه های درگیر کردن دانشجویان در فعالیت های یادگیری باشد. در این مطالعه این فرضیه روی 150 نفر از دانشجویان پرستاری و مامایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. دانشجویان برحسب معدل ترم های تحصیلی قبل ردیف و سپس دانشجویانی که در ردیف های فرد قرار داشتند در یک گروه و دانشجویانی که در ردیف های زوج قرار داشتند در گروه دیگر قرار داده شدند. گروه اول فقط از جلسات فرد تدریس و دانشجویان گروه دوم از جلسات زوج تدریس سوال تهیه کردند (3 سوال چهار جوابی یا 6 سوال جاخالی و یا 10 سوال Matching) لذا هر دانشجویی فقط از جلسات فرد و یا زوج تدریس سوال طرح کرده بود. در امتحان پایان ترم به ازای هر جلسه تدریس سه سوال به دانشجویان داده شد و نمراتی که دانشجویان از جلساتی که سوال طرح کرده بودند با نمرات کسب شده توسط همان دانشجویان از جلساتی که سوال طرح نکرده بودند مقایسه گردیدند و با انجام T-test بین این دو گروه مشخص گردید که تهیه سوال می تواند در اخذ نمره بهتر موثر باشد (

    Effectiveness of ‘Focus on Form’ versus ‘Focus on Forms’ Instruction on the Development of Knowledge of Formulaic Sequences

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    Formulaic sequences are known to be fundamental to the way language is used, processed, and acquired in both the first language and the second language (Schmitt & Carter, 2004; Wray, 2002; Wray, 2008; Meunier & Granger, 2008; Schmitt, 2010) and consequently should be incorporated into foreign language classroom practice (Wood, 2010; Alali & Schmitt, 2012; Hatami, 2015). However, there have always been discrepancies over the best method of incorporating them into foreign language classroom. To this end, the current study compared the effectiveness of two form-focused methods of instructing formulaic sequences including ‘focus on form’ method and ‘focus on forms’ method on the immediate and sustainable development of knowledge of formulaic sequences. The participants of the study were thirty learners of English as a foreign language at the intensive English program of a university in Japan. The study followed an experimental design by dividing participants into two parallel groups of ‘focus on form’ and ‘focus on forms’, administering pre-test one week prior to intervention, conducting instruction for the two different groups at two different levels of explicitness for four weeks, and administering post-test and follow-up test respectively one week and ten weeks following the intervention. The instruments used for data collection consisted of instruction materials for intervention as well as three sets of recognition tests and cued output tests to assess participants’ learning gains as pre-test, post-test, and follow-up test. The results of mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance revealed that both ‘focus on form’ and ‘focus on forms’ methods of instructing formulaic sequences are equally effective for immediate and long-term goals. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested the incorporation of target language formulaic sequences into foreign language instruction. Keywords: Focus on Form Instruction, Focus on Forms Instruction, Formulaic Sequence

    A comparative study of two kinds of tretinoin creams on acme vulgaris

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    آکنه بیماری شایعی است که 85 تا 100 مردم در طول زندگی دچار آن می شوند. داروهای زیادی برای درمان آکنه مصرف می شوند و ترتینوئین یکی از داروهای کومدولیتیک و پر مصرف برای درمان آکنه است. علی رغم تفاوت قیمت زیاد ترتینوئین وارداتی با ترتینوئین ساخت داخل، پزشکان و بیماران با اعتقاد بر اینکه نوع داخلی کم اثر و پر عارضه است، تمایل زیادی به تجویز و مصرف انواع وارداتی دارو دارند. لذا این تحقیق به منظور مقایسه تأثیــــــر و عوارض ترتینوئین 05/0 ساخت شرکت ایران دارو و کرم وارداتی کترل ( Ketrel) انجام شده است. در یک کارآزمائی بالینی دو سوکور، تعداد 69 بیمار مبتلا به آکنه کومدونال بصورت تصادفی در یکی از دو گروه داروئی قرار داده شدند. گروه اول ( 35 نفر) با کرم ترتینوئین شرکت ایران دارو و گروه دوم با کرم وارداتی کترل (34 نفر) تحت درمان قرار گرفتند. پس از 3 ماه مصرف دارو ضمن ثبت عوارض ، تعداد آکنه در دو گروه شمارش و با قبل از مصرف دارو مقایسه شد. از گـروه مصرف کننده ترتینوئین ایران دارو 24 و از گروه مصرف کننده ترتینوئین 5/61 پاسخ به درمان در حد خوب ( 60 تا 100 بهبودی) داشتند (

    Comparison of the effects of desmopressin and pethedin in treatment of acute renal colic

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    Background and aim: Renal colic pain is a problem in emergency rooms and for some out- patients. Narcotic drugs are the drugs of choice for pain relief in these patients, but possible abuse, inaccessibility and some complications limit their usage. Recently desmopressin drop has been proposed as an analgesic. This drug is used by nasal route and has physiologic effects for pain relief in renal colic. In this study, we compare the analgesic effects of this drug with pethedin, one of the drugs of choice in renal colic. Methods: Sixty-eight renal colic patients (43 men, 25 women) were randomly divided into two equal groups. The first group was treated with 25 mg intramuscular pethedin and the second group treated with 40 μg intranasal desmopressin. Pain intensity was measured at admission, 10 and 30 minutes after the drug administration with McGill pain questionnaire. Results: Pethedin resulted in a decrease of pain from 12.7±0.6 to10.1±0.5 at 10 minutes and to 2.9±0.5 at 30 minutes after the drug administration. desmopressin caused a decrease of pain from 11.5±2.8 to 10.1±0. 6 at 10 minutes and 9.5±0.5 at 30 minutes after the drug administration. The difference was significant (p<0.01). Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that desmopressin is not effective for pain relief and pethedin is a drug of choice for renal colic

    Prenatal and postnatal development of the disc of temporo-mandibular joint in rat

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    در این پژوهش منشاء و چگونگی تکامل دیسک در مفصل گیجگاهی فکی در رات مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. تعداد 16 سر جنین رات، 2 سر نوزاد 6 روزه و یک سر رات 26 روزه مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. نمونه ها توسط روش Hemataxilin & Eosin و Masson's trichrome و Paraldehyde fuchsin رنگ آمیزی شدند. سپس نمونه ها توسط میکروسکوپ نوری مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. پس از مطالعه نتایج زیر حاصل گردید: 1) دیسک مفصلی در مفصل گیجگاهی فکی از کندیل استخوان فک پایین منشاء می گیرد. 2) احتمالا عروق خونی نقش موثری در جدا شدن دیسک مفصلی از کندیل استخوان فک پایین دارد. 3) جدا شدن دیسک مفصلی از جلو به عقب و از خارج به داخل تقدم زمانی دارد. 4) در ساختمان دیسک مفصلی رشته های کلاژن و الاستیک شرکت دارند. 5) جهت فیبرها در نواحی قدامی و میانی از جلو به عقب و در نواحی خلفی در همه جهات است