18 research outputs found

    A structure theorem in probabilistic number theory

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    We prove that if two additive functions (from a certain class) take large values with roughly the same probability then they must be identical. This is a consequence of a structure theorem making clear the inter-relation between the distribution of an additive function on the integers, and its distribution on the primes.Comment: 10 page

    The Riemann-zeta function on vertical arithmetic progressions

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    We show that the twisted second moments of the Riemann zeta function averaged over the arithmetic progression 1/2+i(an+b)1/2 + i(an + b) with a>0a > 0, bb real, exhibits a remarkable correspondance with the analogous continuous average and derive several consequences. For example, motivated by the linear independence conjecture, we show at least one third of the elements in the arithmetic progression an+ba n + b are not the ordinates of some zero of ζ(s)\zeta(s) lying on the critical line. This improves on earlier work of Martin and Ng. We then complement this result by producing large and small values of ζ(s)\zeta(s) on arithmetic progressions which are of the same quality as the best Ω\Omega results currently known for ζ(1/2+it)\zeta(1/2 + it) with tt real.Comment: 20 page

    Refinements of G\'al's theorem and applications

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    We give a simple proof of a well-known theorem of G\'al and of the recent related results of Aistleitner, Berkes and Seip [1] regarding the size of GCD sums. In fact, our method obtains the asymptotically sharp constant in G\'al's theorem, which is new. Our approach also gives a transparent explanation of the relationship between the maximal size of the Riemann zeta function on vertical lines and bounds on GCD sums; a point which was previously unclear. Furthermore we obtain sharp bounds on the spectral norm of GCD matrices which settles a question raised in [2]. We use bounds for the spectral norm to show that series formed out of dilates of periodic functions of bounded variation converge almost everywhere if the coefficients of the series are in L2(loglog1/L)γL^2 (\log\log 1/L)^{\gamma}, with γ>2\gamma > 2. This was previously known with γ>4\gamma >4, and is known to fail for γ<2\gamma<2. We also develop a sharp Carleson-Hunt-type theorem for functions of bounded variations which settles another question raised in [1]. Finally we obtain almost sure bounds for partial sums of dilates of periodic functions of bounded variations improving [1]. This implies almost sure bounds for the discrepancy of {nkx}\{n_k x\} with nkn_k an arbitrary growing sequences of integers.Comment: 16 page

    Moments and distribution of central L-values of quadratic twists of elliptic curves

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    We show that if one can compute a little more than a particular moment for some family of L-functions, then one has upper bounds of the conjectured order of magnitude for all smaller (positive, real) moments and a one-sided central limit theorem holds. We illustrate our method for the family of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve, obtaining sharp upper bounds for all moments below the first. We also establish a one sided central limit theorem supporting a conjecture of Keating and Snaith. Our work leads to a conjecture on the distribution of the order of the Tate-Shafarevich group for rank zero quadratic twists of an elliptic curve, and establishes the upper bound part of this conjecture (assuming the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture).Comment: 28 page

    A converse to Halasz's theorem

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    We show that the distribution of large values of an additive function on the integers, and the distribution of values of the additive function on the primes are related to each other via a Levy Process. As a consequence we obtain a converse to an old theorem of Halasz. Halasz proved that if f is an strongly additive function with f (p) \in {0, 1}, then f is Poisson distributed on the integers. We prove, conversely, that if f is Poisson distributed on the integers then for most primes p, f(p) = o(1) or f(p) = 1 + o(1).Comment: 14 pages. Part of my B. Sc. thesis: arxiv:0909.527

    The 4.36-th moment of the Riemann zeta-function

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    Conditionally on the Riemann Hypothesis we obtain bounds of the correct order of magnitude for the 2k-th moment of the Riemann zeta-function for all positive real k < 2.181. This provides for the first time an upper bound of the correct order of magnitude for some k > 2; the case of k = 2 corresponds to a classical result of Ingham. We prove our result by establishing a connection between moments with k > 2 and the so-called "twisted fourth moment". This allows us to appeal to a recent result of Hughes and Young. Furthermore we obtain a point-wise bound for |zeta(1/2 + it)|^{2r} (with 0 < r < 1) that can be regarded as a multiplicative analogue of Selberg's bound for S(T). We also establish asymptotic formulae for moments (k < 2.181) slightly off the half-line.Comment: 10 pages; Fixed errors in Section 3. Proof of Thm 2 (now Corollary 1) shorter; Added a few comments following Proposition

    On the Typical Size and Cancelations Among the Coefficients of Some Modular Forms

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    We obtain a nontrivial upper bound for almost all elements of the sequences of real numbers which are multiplicative and at the prime indices are distributed according to the Sato--Tate density. Examples of such sequences come from coefficients of several LL-functions of elliptic curves and modular forms. In particular, we show that τ(n)n11/2(logn)1/2+o(1)|\tau(n)|\le n^{11/2} (\log n)^{-1/2+o(1)} for a set of nn of asymptotic density 1, where τ(n)\tau(n) is the Ramanujan τ\tau function while the standard argument yields log2\log 2 instead of 1/2-1/2 in the power of the logarithm. Another consequence of our result is that in the number of representations of nn by a binary quadratic form one has slightly more than square-root cancellations for almost all integers nn. In addition we obtain a central limit theorem for such sequences, assuming a weak hypothesis on the rate of convergence to the Sato--Tate law. For Fourier coefficients of primitive holomorphic cusp forms such a hypothesis is known conditionally assuming the automorphy of all symmetric powers of the form and seems to be within reach unconditionally using the currently established potential automorphy.Comment: The second version contains some improvements and extensions of previous results, suggested by Maksym Radziwill, who is now a co-autho