
On the Typical Size and Cancelations Among the Coefficients of Some Modular Forms


We obtain a nontrivial upper bound for almost all elements of the sequences of real numbers which are multiplicative and at the prime indices are distributed according to the Sato--Tate density. Examples of such sequences come from coefficients of several LL-functions of elliptic curves and modular forms. In particular, we show that τ(n)n11/2(logn)1/2+o(1)|\tau(n)|\le n^{11/2} (\log n)^{-1/2+o(1)} for a set of nn of asymptotic density 1, where τ(n)\tau(n) is the Ramanujan τ\tau function while the standard argument yields log2\log 2 instead of 1/2-1/2 in the power of the logarithm. Another consequence of our result is that in the number of representations of nn by a binary quadratic form one has slightly more than square-root cancellations for almost all integers nn. In addition we obtain a central limit theorem for such sequences, assuming a weak hypothesis on the rate of convergence to the Sato--Tate law. For Fourier coefficients of primitive holomorphic cusp forms such a hypothesis is known conditionally assuming the automorphy of all symmetric powers of the form and seems to be within reach unconditionally using the currently established potential automorphy.Comment: The second version contains some improvements and extensions of previous results, suggested by Maksym Radziwill, who is now a co-autho

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