18 research outputs found

    Method for assessing Maintenance and maintainability in residential buildings - one of the basic categories of the social aspect of sustainable construction

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    The article presents a proposal for a method of evaluation of one of the six main categories describing the social aspect of sustainable construction, category K5 maintenance and maintainability. The selection of proper criteria for the category assessment is based, among others, on standard EN 16309+A1:2014-12. The article presents ways of assessing different characteristics by describing the category of maintenance and maintainability. Literature studies and numerous surveys are carried out in order to determine threshold values as well as the importance of the features characterizing the examined category. Then the way of obtaining an aggregated assessment of the examined category is presented. The obtained result is then compared with an identical reference object, enabling so to determine the degree of fulfilment of the social properties contained in the analysed category. Ultimately, an analogous assessment for each of the six categories describing the social aspect of sustainable construction will make it possible to determine the social quality of residential buildings and to classify them according to the characteristics studied

    Support of Decision in Buildings Refurbishment with a Change of Utility

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    Construction objects, including buildings, are characterized by a long period of use resulting from the properties of structural and material solutions properly designed, constructed and operated. Practice shows that functional aging of buildings is faster than technical. Therefore, for these reasons and taking into account current socio-economic concepts (sustainable development, preservation of cultural heritage, economic, location reasons, etc.) buildings that have ceased to perform their current function are subject to renovation and / or refurbishment, enabling them to perform new functions compatible with social needs: public and commercial. The choice of new functions cannot be accidental. The decision-making process regarding the refurbishment of a building with a change of utility function is subject to high economic risk, which is why it should be carried out using a methodology that ensures a holistic approach. The paper proposes a methodology of functional and functional programming in the pre-investment phase of project preparation using multi-criteria analysis of the utility function selection. The methodology is illustrated by an example of the choice of function in the adaptation of a post-production building from public resources

    Socjalne właściwości użytkowe budynków mieszkalnych w świetle badań ankietowych

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    In the article, the authors consider one of the aspects of sustainable construction – the social aspect. Among the social aspects, in accordance with PN-EN 16309 + A1: 2014-12 were listed the following utility properties of the building: accessibility, adaptability, comfort and health, neighborhood, maintenance, safety and security. The authors conducted a survey among the residents of Krakow districts. In the questionnaire were more detailed questions about the utility properties of buildings.. The study had be aimed at specify how users rate the importance of the studied traits that affect on the functionality and comfort of their domicile.W artykule autorzy rozpatrują jeden z aspektów zrównoważonego budownictwa – aspekt socjalny. Wśród aspektów społecznych, zgodnie z normą PN-EN 16309+A1:2014-12 wyróżniono następujące właściwości użytkowe budynku: dostępność, adaptowalność, komfort i zdrowie, wpływ sąsiedztwa, utrzymanie, bezpieczeństwo i ochronę. Autorzy przeprowadzili badania ankietowe wśród mieszkańców dzielnic Krakowa. W ankiecie uszczegółowiono pytania dotyczące właściwości użytkowych budynków. Badania miały na celu ustalić jak użytkownicy oceniają istotność badanych cech, które wpływają na funkcjonalność i komfort ich miejsca zamieszkani

    Assessment of Building Resistance to Accidental Actions in the Social Aspect of Sustainable Construction

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    In the article is considered one of the categories of social aspect of sustainable construction as specified in the standard EN 16309:2014 - namely: safety and security. The authors analyzed the component of the above-mentioned category with a subcategory called: resistance of buildings for accidental actions. The assessment criteria are: earthquake resistance, explosion resistance, fire performance and traffic impacts. A model of building‘s assessment of random interactions is presented, which will allow to make comparisons of the object‘s safety in the investigated ranges with other residential buildings, as well as with a reference building

    Monitoring of buildings in selected stages of service life (SL) – case studies

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    The paper discusses the functions and objectives of systems, used for a building’s monitoring process, through the subsequent stages of a building’s service life. The authors present the result of research regarding the monitoring of two buildings undergoing refurbishment: an industrial hall and a multi-storey general use building. Refurbishment of the industrial building included upgrading an existing production line, associated with an increased technological load. In the general-use building the foundations were strengthened in connection with the construction of a new multi-storey building in the immediate vicinity. The process of reinforcing footings, or – pilings – was monitored, as well as the preservation of an existing building, during the course of the construction of the new building

    Proposal of assessment of acoustic comfort - one of basic subcategories of the social aspect of sustainable housing construction

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    The article presents a proposal to assess acoustic comfort as one of the sub-categories characterizing the social aspect of sustainable construction. The authors, considering the actual values of acoustic indicators existing in residential buildings being in operation phase, proposed their own classification scale. At the same time, the authors refer to the guidelines contained in regulations, standards, publications, and their own in situ research and, in particular, to normative values in the newly published standard (PN-B 02151-5, 2017)

    The Concept of a Knowledge Base to Aid in Cost Estimating of Sports Facilities

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    Background. Reasoning based on cases is one of the heuristic techniques which is used in making right decisions in complex situations. Inference systems typically use previously acquired knowledge which is the basis for creating tools to represent and process information. So far, there has been a wide variety of solutions developed to make inference in conditions of incomplete knowledge, but this process appears in very few studies related to civil engineering.Research aims. This article will provide a concept of the model of knowledge base and a method of describing sports facilities. The cost estimation model will be based on the prices of the integrated works which, being based on the indicated system, will allow to create the module supporting cost and tender calculations. Methodology. The authors present the main assumptions of the concept of estimating the costs of sports facilities with the use of the system of inference on the basis of cases (CBR – Case-Based Reasoning).Key findings. The indicated method is designed to improve the accuracy of estimating the costs of planned sports investments and improve the decision-making process at the planning stage

    Determinants of substitution in the environmental aspect of sustainable construction

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    Environmental protection is one of the objectives of the implemented concept of sustainable development and circular economy. The construction industry and its products (building objects) have a large contribution in negative influences, therefore all actions limiting them are necessary. One way of doing this is to apply substitution to existing unfavourable solutions, both in terms of construction and materials as well as technology and organization. The aim of the article was to determine the key factors conditioning the use of substitution at each stage of the investment and construction cycle, leading to environmental protection. The research paid attention to the use of substitute recycled products. The defined factors were subjected to a SWOT analysis and then, using the DEMATEL method, cause-andeffect relationships were identified that determine development in the application of substitution in the environmental context of sustainable and closed-cycle construction. The analysis was carried out by using a summative, linear aggregation of the values of the position and relationship indicators

    Ocena socjalnych właściwości użytkowych budynków mieszkalnych

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    The article presents method of assessment of one of the three basic aspects of sustainable construction concerning social utility properties of residential buildings. The study was based on the recommendations of standards [1] and [2], on the basis of which the area of features characterizing the social aspect of buildings was determined. Additionally, the presented method includes criteria which are necessary for the assessment of this aspect, and which are not included in the normative guidelines. The presented method fits in with the current trend of sustainable construction. This method enables and facilitates the comparison of social utility properties in different residential buildings. It is also allows for the classification of buildings according to the degree to which they meet their social utility properties; that can be a practical tool to support the decision on the future of the building (i.e., the sequence of necessary refurbishments) or the decision to buy or sell the property by indicating its strengths and weaknesses. By developing a way to assess a comprehensive set of criteria, the proposed method allows you to quickly and easily assess the social quality of residential buildings. In addition, the proposed measures for individual criteria can easily be adapted to requirements in other countries. The proposed “star” classification can also be used as a universal scale for assessing the social quality index of buildings.W artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny jednego z trzech podstawowych aspektów budownictwa zrównoważonego dotyczącą socjalnych właściwości użytkowych budynków mieszkalnych. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o zalecenia norm (PN-EN 15643-3 2012) i (PN-EN 16309+A1: 2014 2014), na których podstawie określono obszar cech charakteryzujących aspekt socjalny w budynkach. Dodatkowo uwzględniono kryteria, które są niezbędne przy ocenie tego aspektu, jednak nie zostały one zawarte w wytycznych normowych. Przeprowadzone zostały badania za pomocą następujących metod: bezpośrednie badania ankietowe użytkowników mieszkań i ekspertów w zakresie budownictwa, badania in situ, przegląd i analiza przepisów prawnych i wytycznych normowych oraz literatury związanej z utrzymaniem i oceną obiektów. Wyznaczone, w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań, cechy pozwalające na przeprowadzenie oceny socjalnej budynków pogrupowano w sześć kategorii głównych tj. dostępność, adaptacyjność, zdrowie i komfort, wpływ na sąsiedztwo, utrzymanie i konserwacja oraz bezpieczeństwo i ochrona. W oparciu o przeprowadzone badania wyznaczono również charakter i sposób oceny poszczególnych wartości cech, które następnie przyjęto, jako kryteria w analizie wielokryterialnej oceny socjalnej budynków. Określenie miar poszczególnych składników oceny wymagało złożonych ustaleń bazowych, które w międzynarodowych normach określono jedynie w sposób ogólny. Koniecznym było opracowanie wskaźników wyrażających przyjęte kryteria oceny dla poszczególnych kategorii. Ustalono sposoby kodowania miar cech wyrażanych w postaci jakościowej do postaci ilościowej. Dla kryteriów wyrażonych w wartościach mianowanych, podano sposób ich przetworzenia do wartości niemianowanych. Pozwoliło to na ujednolicenie skali ocen cząstkowych. Na koniec ustalono sposoby agregacji ocen. Efektem finalnym był również opracowany program komputerowy dostępny na stronie internetowej pozwalający na sprawne przeprowadzenie oceny. Prezentowana metoda wpisuje się w aktualny trend budownictwa zrównoważonego. Metoda ta umożliwia i ułatwia porównanie socjalnych właściwości użytkowych w różnych budynkach mieszkalnych. Pozwala również na klasyfikację budynków ze względu na stopień spełnienia przez nie socjalnych właściwości użytkowych, co może stanowić praktyczne narzędzie wspomagające decyzję dotyczącą dalszych losów budynku (tj. kolejności niezbędnych remontów) lub decyzję o zakupie bądź sprzedaży nieruchomości poprzez wskazanie jej słabych i mocnych stron. Dzięki opracowaniu sposobu oceny kompleksowego zestawu kryteriów proponowana metoda pozwala w łatwy i szybki sposób ocenić jakość socjalną budynków mieszkalnych. Ponadto proponowane miary poszczególnych ocen mogą być w łatwy sposób adaptowane do prawnych wymogów obowiązujących w innych krajach. Proponowana „gwiazdkowa” klasyfikacja może również posłużyć jako uniwersalna skala do oceny wskaźnika jakości socjalnej budynków