15 research outputs found

    Gene expression differences in cardiovascular disease

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    The results of three studies about gene expression differences in cardiovascular disease are presented within this thesis. The first topic covers the involvement of the HMGA2 gene in cellular processes found in acute aortic dissection, a disease characterised by the splitting of the aortic layers leading to a high mortality. The results suggest the upregulation of HMGA2 in the endothelium of aortic dissection tissue, accompanied by the transition of these endothelial cells to mesenchymal cells. The second study focuses on differences of the spatial distribution of the eNOS protein within the aorta of patients with bicuspid aortic valve, a common congenital heart defect. The results of this study indicate the spatial dyregulation of the eNOS protein, probably due to an altered hemodynamic, and the associated irregular nitric oxide distribution. The miRNA 208a was quantified in tissue of atrial fibrillation patients in the third study. The miRNA expression was significantly decreased in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation compared to persistent atrial fibrillation, suggesting a decline over the course of the arrhythmia

    Serum Levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371 Test) as a New Biomarker of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Results of a Prospective Multicentric Study

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    PURPOSE Previous studies suggested that serum levels of microRNA (miR)-371a-3p (so-called M371 test) have a much higher sensitivity and specificity than the classic markers of testicular germ cell tumors (GCTs) and are applicable toward both seminoma and nonseminoma. We sought to confirm the usefulness of this test as a novel biomarker for GCT. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a prospective, multicentric study, serum samples of 616 patients with testicular GCTs and 258 male controls were examined for serum levels of miRNA-371a-3p (miR levels) by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The GCT population encompassed 359 patients with seminoma and 257 with nonseminoma; 371 had clinical stage I disease, 201 had systemic disease, and 46 had relapses. Paired measurements before and after orchiectomy were performed in 424 patients; 118 with systemic disease had serial measurements during treatment. miR levels were compared with those of β-human chorionic gonadotropin, α-fetoprotein, and lactate dehydrogenase. RESULTS For the primary diagnosis of GCT, the M371 test showed a sensitivity of 90.1%, a specificity of 94.0%, an area under the curve of 0.966 upon receiver operating characteristic analysis, and a positive predictive value of 97.2%. α-Fetoprotein, β-human chorionic gonadotropin, and lactate dehydrogenase had sensitivities of less than 50% in seminoma and slightly higher sensitivities in nonseminomas. miR levels were significantly associated with clinical stage, primary tumor size, and response to treatment. Relapses had elevated miR levels that subsequently dropped to normal upon remission. Teratoma did not express miR-371a-3p. CONCLUSION The M371 test outperforms the classic markers of GCT with both a sensitivity and a specificity greater than 90%. All histologic subgroups, except teratoma, express this marker. The test could be considered for clinical implementation after further validation

    Elevation of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Different Areas of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms in Patients with Bicuspid and Tricuspid Aortic Valves

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    Our aim is to investigate the elevation of matrix proteins in tissues obtained from distal, above the sinotubular junction (proximal), concave, and convex sites of aneurysms in the ascending aorta using a simultaneous multiplex protein detection system. Tissues were collected from 41 patients with ascending aortic aneurysms. A total of 31 patients had a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), whereas 10 had a tricuspid aortic valve (TAV). Concave and convex aortic site samples were collected from all patients, whereas proximal and distal convexity samples were obtained from 19 patients with BAV and 7 patients with TAV. Simultaneous detection of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) was performed at each of the four aortic sites. MMP-2 levels were higher in the concave aortic sites than in the convex aortic sites. In contrast, MMP-8 levels were higher in the convex sites than in the concave sites, as were MMP-9 levels. In both BAV and TAV patients, TIMP-3 levels were higher in the concave sites than in the convex sites. However, TIMP-2 and TIMP-4 levels were significantly elevated in the sinotubular proximal aorta of BAV patients. Simultaneous detection of MMPs and TIMPs revealed different levels at different aortic sites in the same patient

    Lung Surfactant Accelerates Skin Wound Healing : A Translational Study with a Randomized Clinical Phase I Study

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    Lung surfactants are used for reducing alveolar surface tension in preterm infants to ease breathing. Phospholipid films with surfactant proteins regulate the activity of alveolar macrophages and reduce inflammation. Aberrant skin wound healing is characterized by persistent inflammation. The aim of the study was to investigate if lung surfactant can promote wound healing. Preclinical wound models, e.g. cell scratch assays and full-thickness excisional wounds in mice, and a randomized, phase I clinical trial in healthy human volunteers using a suction blister model were used to study the effect of the commercially available bovine lung surfactant on skin wound repair. Lung surfactant increased migration of keratinocytes in a concentration-dependent manner with no effect on fibroblasts. Significantly reduced expression levels were found for pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic genes in murine wounds. Because of these beneficial effects in preclinical experiments, a clinical phase I study was initiated to monitor safety and tolerability of surfactant when applied topically onto human wounds and normal skin. No adverse effects were observed. Subepidermal wounds healed significantly faster with surfactant compared to control. Our study provides lung surfactant as a strong candidate for innovative treatment of chronic skin wounds and as additive for treatment of burn wounds to reduce inflammation and prevent excessive scarring. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Fibroid explants reveal a higher sensitivity against MDM2-inhibitor nutlin-3 than matching myometrium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spontaneous cessation of growth is a frequent finding in uterine fibroids. Increasing evidence suggests an important role of cellular senescence in this growth control. Deciphering the underlying mechanisms of growth control that can be expected not only to shed light on the biology of the tumors but also to identify novel therapeutic targets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have analyzed uterine leiomyomas and matching normal tissue for the expression of p14<sup>Arf </sup>and used explants to see if reducing the MDM2 activity using the small-molecule inhibitor nutlin-3 can induce p53 and activate genes involved in senescence and/or apoptosis. For these studies quantitative real-time RT-PCR, Western blots, and immunohistochemistry were used. Statistical analyses were performed using the student's <it>t </it>test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An in depth analysis of 52 fibroids along with matching myometrium from 31 patients revealed in almost all cases a higher expression of p14<sup>Arf </sup>in the tumors than in the matching normal tissue. In tissue explants, treatment with the MDM2 inhibitor nutlin-3 induced apoptosis as well as senescence as revealed by a dose-dependent increase of the expression of <it>BAX </it>as well as of <it>p21</it>, respectively. Simultaneously, the expression of the proliferation marker Ki-67 drastically decreased. Western-blot analysis identified an increase of the p53 level as the most likely reason for the increased activity of its downstream markers <it>BAX </it>and <it>p21</it>. Because as a rule fibroids express much higher levels of p14<sup>Arf</sup>, a major negative regulator of MDM2, than matching myometrium it was then analyzed if fibroids are more sensitive against nutlin-3 treatment than matching myometrium. We were able to show that in most fibroids analyzed a higher sensibility than that of matching myometrium was noted with a corresponding increase of the p53 immunopositivity of the fibroid samples compared to those from myometrium.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results show that uterine fibroids represent a cell population of advanced cellular age compared to matching myometrium. Moreover, the data point to members of the p53-network as to potential novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of uterine fibroids.</p

    Genexpressionsunterschiede in kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen

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    The results of three studies about gene expression differences in cardiovascular disease are presented within this thesis. The first topic covers the involvement of the HMGA2 gene in cellular processes found in acute aortic dissection, a disease characterised by the splitting of the aortic layers leading to a high mortality. The results suggest the upregulation of HMGA2 in the endothelium of aortic dissection tissue, accompanied by the transition of these endothelial cells to mesenchymal cells. The second study focuses on differences of the spatial distribution of the eNOS protein within the aorta of patients with bicuspid aortic valve, a common congenital heart defect. The results of this study indicate the spatial dyregulation of the eNOS protein, probably due to an altered hemodynamic, and the associated irregular nitric oxide distribution. The miRNA 208a was quantified in tissue of atrial fibrillation patients in the third study. The miRNA expression was significantly decreased in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation compared to persistent atrial fibrillation, suggesting a decline over the course of the arrhythmia

    Generation and Characterization of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Lines Derived from a Patient with a Bicuspid Aortic Valve

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    Thoracic aortic dilation is the most common malformation of the proximal aorta and is responsible for 1%–2% of all deaths in industrialized countries. In approximately 50% of patients with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), dilation of any or all segments of the aorta occurs. BAV patients with aortic dilation show an increased incidence of cultured vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) loss. In this study, VSMC, isolated from the ascending aorta of BAV, was treated with Simian virus 40 to generate a BAV-originated VSMC cell line. To exclude any genomic DNA or cross-contamination, highly polymorphic short tandem repeats of the cells were profiled. The cells were then characterized using flow cytometry and karyotyping. The WG-59 cell line created is the first reported VSMC cell line isolated from a BAV patient. Using an RT2 Profiler PCR Array, genes within the TGFβ/BMP family that are dependent on losartan treatment were identified. Endoglin was found to be among the regulated genes and was downregulated in WG-59 cells following treatment with different losartan concentrations, when compared to untreated WG-59 cells

    Locally Different Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Protein Levels in Ascending Aortic Aneurysms of Bicuspid and Tricuspid Aortic Valve

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    Aims. Dysregulated expression of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is observed in aortic aneurysms associated with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). We determined eNOS protein levels in various areas in ascending aortic aneurysms. Methods and Results. Aneurysmal specimens were collected from 19 patients, 14 with BAV and 5 with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV). ENOS protein levels were measured in the outer curve (convexity), the opposite side (concavity), the distal and above the sinotubular junction (proximal) aneurysm. Cultured aortic cells were treated with NO synthesis inhibitor L-NAME and the amounts of 35 apoptosis-related proteins were determined. In patients with BAV, eNOS levels were significantly lower in the proximal aorta than in the concavity and distal aorta. ENOS protein levels were also lower in the convexity than in the concavity. While the convexity and distal aorta showed similar eNOS protein levels in BAV and TAV patients, levels were higher in TAV proximal aorta. Inhibition of NO synthesis in aneurysmal aortic cells by L-NAME led to a cytosolic increase in the levels of mitochondrial serine protease HTRA2/Omi. Conclusion. ENOS protein levels were varied at different areas of the aneurysmal aorta. The dysregulation of nitric oxide can lead to an increase in proapoptotic HTRA2/Omi

    Associations of serum levels of microRNA-371a-3p (M371) with risk factors for progression in nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumours clinical stage 1

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    Purpose Lymphovascular invasion (LV1) and presence of > 50% embryonal carcinoma (> 50% EC) represent risk factors for progression in patients with clinical stage 1 (CS1) nonseminomatous (NS) testicular germ cell tumours. As serum levels of microRNA-371a-3p (M371) are capable of detecting small amounts of GCT, we evaluated if LV1 and > 50% EC are associated with M371 levels. Methods M371 serum levels were measured postoperatively in 153 NS CS1 patients and both pre- and postoperatively in 131 patients. We registered the following factors: age, tumour size, LV status, > 50% EC, teratoma in primary, preoperative elevation of classical tumour markers. M371 expression was compared among subgroups. The ability of M371 to predict LV1 was calculated by receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves. Multiple regression analysis was used to look for associations of M371 levels with other factors. Results Postoperatively elevated M371 levels were found in 29.4% of the patients, but were neither associated with LV status nor with > 50% EC. Likewise, relative decrease of M371 was not associated. ROC analysis of postoperative M371 levels revealed an AUC of 0.5 for the ability to predict LV1 while preoperative M371 had an AUC of 0.732. Multiple regression analysis revealed significant associations of preoperative M371 levels with LV status (p = 0.003), tumour size (p = 0.001), > 50% EC (p = 0.004), and teratoma component (p = 0.045). Conclusion Postoperatively elevated M371 levels are not associated with risk factors for progression in NS CS1 patients. However, the significant association of preoperative M371 expression with LV1 deserves further evaluation