16 research outputs found

    Klonska selekcija autohtonih i introdukovanih sorti vinove loze u starim zasadima jugoistočne i istočne Srbije i preliminarno utvrđivanje njihovog zdravstvenog statusa

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    Clone and sanitary selection of the grapevine has a fundamental importance in improving the quality and the quantity of the grape production in Serbia. In order to preserve the varieties of the old vineyards, the clone and sanitary selection has begun in 2006 in the South Eastern Serbia vineyard areas, 1048 grapevine plants have been examined in three distant vineyards and 60 grapevine plants have been separated that deserved attention based on their production characteristics. The selected plants have been tested serologically, with the ELISA method, to the presence of 4 grapevine viruses: Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 2 and Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV- 1, GLRaV-2 and GLRaV-3), and grapevine fun leaf virus- GFLV. The infection level of the selected plants was between 10.5% (vineyard III) and 22.2% (vineyard II). We eliminated the infected plants among the selected ones and analyzed only the healthy ones in the 2008. Various potential variety clones have been selected for Prokupac, Pamid, Dimyat, Sauvignon blanc, Rosaki, Chasselas, Semillon, Detier de Bayreuth and Riesling. In 2008 we have repeated the same procedure we did in 2006 but in a different region - the Eastern Serbia area on the autochthonous variety of Muscat des roses noir on 400 grapevine plants 40 potential clones have been selected. The goal of this paper was check out the health status to preserve the autochthonous and introduced varieties of the eastern and south eastern region and to renew the vineyards it's grown in. It was necessary to go on following the selected candidate - clones for other viruses based on EPPO PM 4/1-26 certification scheme in order to identify the virus-free clones to multiply, conserve and maintain in the collection growing areas.Klonska i sanitarna selekcija vinove loze ima fundamentalni značaj za poboljÅ”anje kvaliteta i kvantiteta proizvodnje grožđa u Srbiji. To se odnosi kako na vodeće tako i manje značajne autohtone i introdukovane sorte. U 2006 godini klonska i sanitarna selekcija u cilju očuvanja sorti iz starih vinograda započeta je u istočnoj Srbiji a u 2008. godini i u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Pregledano je ukupno 1048 čokota u tri prostorno udaljena vinograda i izdvojeno 60 čokota, koji su po svojim proizvodnim karakteristikama zasluživali pažnju. Selekcionisani čokoti su testirani seroloÅ”ki, ELISA metodom, na prisustvo 4 virusa vinove loze: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 i Grapevine leafroll- associated virus 3 - GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2 i GLRaV-3), Grapevine fanleaf virus- GFLV. Stepen zaraženosti izabranih čokota virusima kretao se od 10.5% (vinograd III) do 22.2% (vinograd II). Izabrane a zaražene čokote smo eliminisali i u 2008. godini analizirali samo zdrave čokote. Izdvojeno je viÅ”e potencijalnih klonova sorti Prokupac - 25, Pamid - 11, Dimyat - 2, Sauvagnin blanc - 2, Rosaki - 2, Chasselass, Semillion blanc, Detier de Beyrouth and Riesling po jedan budući klon. U 2008. godini ponovili smo postupak kao u 2006. godini ali u novom lokalitetu - Istočnoj Srbiji na autohtonoj sorti Muscat des roses noir na 400 čokota. Izabrano je 40 potencijalnih klonova koji se odlikuju visokim sadržajem Å”ećera u Å”iri (26-34%). Cilj ovog rada je bila provera zdravstvenog statusa izabranih klonova autohtonih i inrodukovanih sorti u jugoistočnoj i istočnoj Srbiji. Neophodno je nastaviti praćenje izbaranih kandidata - klonova na druge viruse prema EPPO PM 4/1-26 Å”emi sertifikovanja, da bi se izdvojili virus-free klonovi za umnožavanje, konzerviranje i održavanje u kolekcionim zasadima

    Effect of the genotype: Environmental interaction on phenotype variation of the bunch weight in white wine varieties

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    The aim of this paper is to establish the interaction of phenotypical variations, components of yield for the widest spread wine varieties and external factors of the Danube region in the central Serbia. The number of fruitful buds per vine for twenty-one varieties was the same, whereas the yield and the components of the yield were different. The growing season, from bud burst to full ripening of the grapevine and the sum of active temperatures for the same period, were of crucial importance. In the factor analysis, three factors have been singled out: the first factor couples the mean air temperature; the second factor delineates the values according to genotype characteristics, sugar content and acids in the must, and the third factor indicates that bunch weight had the major effect on the yield of grapes. By the application of bunch analysis, a hierarchy tree was formed to include the four groups of varieties. The most numerous group, consisting of 18 varieties, is characterized by top quality grapes (21.5% sugar content), medium yield (1.52 kg/m2) and a proportional relation of total acids (7.5 g/l) and this is achieved during the middle of the ripening period

    Dr Srboljub Đ. Stamenković - dobitnik medalje 'Jovan Cvijić'

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    Dr Srboljub Stamenković, a full professor at the University of Belgrade, Geographic Faculty, was born on August 22, 1951 in Ćukovac near Vranje. He completed elementary school and high school of economics in Vranje and studies of Geography at the Geography Department, Faculty of Mathematics at PriÅ”tina University. He completed Master studies in the area of: "Geographical basis of spatial planning" in 1981, with Master thesis title "Urban-geographical development of Vranje", at the University of Skoplje, Geographic Faculty, where he also completed Ph.d. studies with the thesis title "Spatial-functional relations and connections of central settlements in the Vranje sub-region" in 1985. After completion of regular studies, since 1975 until present day, he was permanently employed at the following institutions: School of Economics "Dimitrije Tucović" in Vranje, Pedagogue Academy "Ivo Andrić" in Vranje, Republic Institute for Advancement of Education in Belgrade, and from November 1, 1990 until present day at the University of Belgrade, Geographic Faculty. Prof. Dr Srboljub Stamenković directed creation of more than 80 graduation papers, four master thesis and two doctoral dissertations, and now manages creation of five master and three doctoral thesis. His long-standing scientific work in the area of settlements geography professor Dr Stamenković crowned by the project "Geographic encyclopedia of Serbian settlements", which represents a unique undertaking in the entire Serbian and Balkans scientific encyclopedic literature. Since 1975 until present day, Prof. Dr Srboljub Stamenković published 148 studies: 5 scientific monographs, 62 original and clear scientific studies, 3 thematic cards, 14 scientific-popular and studies from geography teaching methods, 11 textbooks and didactic materials for elementary and high schools - out of which two represent University textbooks from the area of his long-standing teachings, 44 encyclopedic studies and 9 surveys and adequate notes. He participated with reports in more than 20 scientific gatherings in Serbia and former Yugoslav republics. Along with that, he participated in realization of many scientific-research projects

    Seroepidemiological survey of leptospiral infection in stray dogs in Serbia

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis with worldwide distribution. This disease is facilitated among stray dogs due to their lifestyle and the absence of immunoprophylaxis. The aim of the present study was to provide serological data on the presence of certain serovars of Leptospira spp., which are assumed to circulate in the population of stray dogs in Serbia. During a period of 3 years (from April 2010 to June 2013), 1045 canine sera originating from 11 shelters were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Animal Diseases and Diseases of Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Leptospira (cutoff, 1: 100). The overall seroprevalence was 5.45% (57/1045) and the most prevalent Leptospira serovars were Icterohaemorrhagiae 33.3% (19/57), Pomona 29.8% (17/57), Canicola 14.0% (8/57), Grippotyphosa 3.5% (2/57), Bataviae 1.7 % (1/57), and Sejroe 1.7% (1/57). All dogs were seronegative for antibodies against serovars Australis and Bratislava. The results showed that stray dogs contribute to the spread and maintenance of Leptospira spp. in Serbia. Due to close contact with humans it is very important to improve the prevention of leptospirosis in dogs and support a One Health approach

    Seroprevalence of ehrlichia canis infection in stray dogs from Serbia

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    Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease with worldwide distribution. With regards to the population of stray dogs, the disease is facilitated due to their lifestyle and the lack of anti-parasitic protection. The aim of this study was to provide serological data on the presence of a specific Ehrlichia canis IgG antibodies in stray dogs, originating from 7 municipalities in Serbia. During the period from April 2013 to June 2014, 217 canine sera were submitted to the laboratory of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Animals and Bees, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. An immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was performed to detect antibodies to Ehrlichia canis (cut off, 1: 50). Seropositive dogs were found in 5 out of 7 counties with a seroprevalence varying from 3.57% to 20% and an overall seroprevalence of 11.06% (24/217). There was no statistically significant difference between the prevalence of infection and the host age or gender. Results showed that stray dogs contribute to maintaining and spreading of Ehrlichia canis in Serbia. Due to the close relationship between people and dogs, it is of great importance to constantly monitor and improve prevention of this disease

    SeroepizootioloŔko-epidemioloŔka istraživanja i mapiranje infekcije Zapadnog Nila u Republici Srbiji

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    The disease caused by the West Nile virus (WNV) has been known since 1937 when it was described for the first time in Uganda. After spreading to Europe and the Middle East, the disease has changed its primary location. Today WN infection is a significant health problem in the world. As a result of the current epizootiological and epidemiological situation in Europe studies on the occurrence of WND were introduced in Serbia, also. The investigation on the presence of WNV antibodies was intensified in the period from 2008 to 2012. In this period a total of 3618 serum samples were tested from 18 localities (2736 animal sera from 8 different species and 882 human sera samples). The method applied was gel immunodiffusion and the representative samples were confirmed by the plaque reduction test (PRNT-90). Out of the total number of samples WNV antibodies were present in 3.97% horses, 0.93% dogs, 0.31% poultry and 1.36% man. In one horse serum sample there was a positive reaction with a positive control serum, thus indicating the presence of WNV antigen. The results have confirmed that WNV antibodies are present in 9 out of 18 tested locations in the Republic of Serbia. The percentage of seropositive samples varies from 0.42% in Pozarevac (horses and humans) up to 6.45% in Novi Pazar (dogs). Out of the investigated species the highest seropositivity was recorded in horses (3.97%), and lowest in poultry (0.31%). WNV is present and widespread in the Republic of Serbia, thus enabling distribution mapping.Bolest koju izaziva virus Zapadnog Nila (WNV) je poznata joÅ” od 1937. kada je po prvi put opisana u Ugandi. Posle Å”irenja virusa u Evropu i na Bliski istok, bolest je promenila prvobitnu lokaciju. Danas je WN infekcija značajan zdravstveni problem u svetu. Kao rezultat trenutne epizootioloÅ”ko-epidemioloÅ”ke situacije u Evropi, uvedena su istraživanja prisustva WNV i u Srbiji. Istraživanja prisustva antitela za WNV intenzivirana su u periodu od 2008. do 2012. godine. U ovom periodu ukupno je ispitano 3618 seruma sa 18 lokaliteta (2736 seruma životinja, od 8 različitih vrsta i 882 seruma ljudi). KoriŔćen je metod imunodifuzije u gelu a reprezentativni uzorak potvrđen je testom neutralizacije plaka (PRNT- 90). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka na prisustvo antitela za WNV bilo je pozitivno 3,97% konja, 0,93% pasa, 0,31% domaće živine i 1,36% ljudi. U serumu jednog konja pojavila se pozitivna reakcija sa pozitivnim kontrolnim serumom, ukazujući na prisustvo antigena WNV. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili da su antitela za WNV prisutna u 9 od 18 ispitivanih lokacija u Republici Srbiji. Procenat seropozitivnih varira od 0.42% u Požarevcu (konji i ljudi) do 6,45% u Novom Pazaru (psi). Od ispitivanih vrsta najveća seropozitivnost je registrovana kod konja (3,97%), a najniža kod živine (0,31%). Raspoloživi podaci ukazuju da je WNV prisutan i značajno raÅ”iren u Republici Srbiji, Å”to je omogućilo i mapiranje njegovog Å”irenja

    Obstacles in the Diagnostics and Therapy of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

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    An immune-mediated, severe, acquired prothrombotic disorder, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II (HIT II) occurs in 0.5-5% of patients exposed to unfractionated heparin longer than 5-7 days. Arterial and venous thromboses are induced by HIT II in about 35-50% of patients. Typical death rate for HIT is about 29%, while 21% of HIT patients result in amputation of a limb. The trend towards the occurrence of HIT due to the administration of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) taking ever conspicuous place in the standard venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis has been more frequently observed recently. It is considered that LMWH may cause HIT II in about 0.25-1%. The need for further modification of HIPA assays with LMWH has been imposed in the HIT laboratory diagnostics, heretofore overburdened with complexity. There are several constantly opposing problems arising in HIT laboratory diagnostics, one of which is that in a certain number of patients immunologic assays detect nonpathogenic antibodies (mainly IgM or IgA heparin-PF4 antibodies) while, on the other hand, the occurrence of HIT pathogenetically mediated by minor antigens (neutrophil-activating peptide 2 or interleukin 8) may be neglected in certain cases. The following factors play an important role in the interpretation of each laboratory HIT assays performed: 1. correlation with HIT clinical probability test, the best known of which is 4T'score, 2. the interpretation of the laboratory findings dependent on the time of the thrombocytopenia onset, as well as 3. the sensitivity and specificity of each test respectively. The HIT diagnostics in the presence of other comorbid states which may also induce thrombocytopenia, more precisely known as pseudo HIT (cancer, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, pulmonary embolism, antiphospholipid syndrome, etc), represents a specific clinical problem

    Mechanism and degradation kinetics of zinc complex containing isophthalato and 2,2 '-dipyridylamine ligands under different atmospheres

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    The design of mixed-ligand complexes are of increasing interest from fundamental as well as technological and curative aspects. Having that in mind, we studied zinc complex containing 2,2'-dipyridylamine (dipya) and dianion of isophthalic acid (ipht), [Zn(dipya)(ipht)](n), as promising precursor for synthesis of nanostructured metal oxide. In that sense, the mechanism and degradation kinetics of [Zn(dipya)(ipht)](n), was analyzed under non-isothermal conditions in nitrogen and in air atmospheres. Peak deconvolution of the [Zn(dipya)(ipht)](n), decomposition profile, in the form of a derivative thermogram (DTG), in nitrogen atmosphere, revealed the presence of three decomposition steps, while in air five single steps were isolated. In both cases ZnO is formed as residue at 530 degrees C: pure (in air) or in amorphous matrix (nitrogen). In air we obtained well crystalized ZnO nanospheres (-25 nm), by thermal treatment in temperature range 370-530 degrees C showing that this complex could be considered as good precursor for production of nanosized ZnO