170 research outputs found

    Unexpected Scaling of the Performance of Carbon Nanotube Transistors

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    We show that carbon nanotube transistors exhibit scaling that is qualitatively different than conventional transistors. The performance depends in an unexpected way on both the thickness and the dielectric constant of the gate oxide. Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations provide a consistent understanding of the scaling, which reflects the very different device physics of a Schottky barrier transistor with a quasi-one-dimensional channel contacting a sharp edge. A simple analytic model gives explicit scaling expressions for key device parameters such as subthreshold slope, turn-on voltage, and transconductance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanism of Ambipolar Field-Effect Carrier Injections in One-Dimensional Mott Insulators

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    To clarify the mechanism of recently reported, ambipolar carrier injections into quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulators on which field-effect transistors are fabricated, we employ the one-dimensional Hubbard model attached to a tight-binding model for source and drain electrodes. To take account of the formation of Schottky barriers, we add scalar and vector potentials, which satisfy the Poisson equation with boundary values depending on the drain voltage, the gate bias, and the work-function difference. The current-voltage characteristics are obtained by solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation. Its validity is discussed with the help of the Lanczos method applied to small systems. We find generally ambipolar carrier injections in Mott insulators even if the work function of the crystal is quite different from that of the electrodes. They result from balancing the correlation effect with the barrier effect. For the gate-bias polarity with higher Schottky barriers, the correlation effect is weakened accordingly, owing to collective transport in the one-dimensional correlated electron systems.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Comparison of Box-Behnken, Face Central Composite and Full Factorial Designs in Optimization of Hempseed Oil Extraction by n-Hexane: a Case Study

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    Statistical multivariate methods like Box-Behnken, face central composite and full factorial designs (BBD, FCCD and FFD, respectively) in combination with the response surface methodology (RSM) were compared when applied in modeling and optimization of the hempseed oil (HSO) extraction by n-hexane. The effects of solvent-to-seed ratio, operation temperature and extraction time on HSO yield were investigated at the solvent-to-seed ratio of 3:1, 6.5:1 or 10:1 mL/g, the extraction temperature of 20, 45 or 70 °C and the extraction time of 5, 10 or 15 min. All three methods were efficient in the statistical modeling and optimization of the influential process variables and led to almost the same optimal process conditions and predicted HSO yield. Having better statistical performances and being economically advantageous over the FFD with repetition, the BBD or FCCD combined with the RSM is recommended for the optimization of liquid-solid extraction processes

    Effects of applied herbicides on crop productivity and on weed infestation in different growth stages of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    The level of weed infestation directly affects the intensity of competitive relationship between sunflower crops and weeds. The greatest damage is caused by annual, broad-leaf and invasive weeds, such as Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Xanthium strumarium L. and Datura stramonium L. Suppression of these weeds is difficult because of deficiency of adequate herbicides and because in years with dry springs, such as in 2009, the use of herbicides gives no results. This two-year study dealt with the observed effects of pre-emergence flurochloridone + s-metolachlor herbicides on the distribution of weeds in different stages of sunflower development. Weed infestation was estimated over the sunflower developmental stages, i.e., in the periods when weeds were removed and when the total fresh and dry biomass of the weed species was determined. Simultaneously, in order to monitor the effects of weeds in dependence on herbicides application and the duration of competition, the sunflower plant height was measured. At the end of the life cycle, the yield and the oil content of the sunflower seeds were established. The total fresh weed biomass changed in dependence on the sunflower developmental stages and was always lower on the herbicide-treated area. This affected the sunflower plant height, yield and the oil content, which were higher, on the average, in the variants with herbicide applications (70.4 cm, 2959.7 kg ha-1 and 42.0%) than in the variants without herbicides application (57.4 cm, 2711.1 kg ha-1 and 40.1%). Weed suppression in the sunflower crop has to be done with adequate herbicides and in due time in order to suppress a significant reduction in morphological and yield parameters

    Torrential floods and town and country planning in Serbia

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    Torrential floods are the most frequent natural catastrophic events in Serbia, causing the loss of human lives and huge material damage, both in urban and rural areas. The analysis of the intra-annual distribution of maximal discharges aided in noticing that torrential floods have a seasonal character. The erosion and torrent control works (ETCWs) in Serbia began at the end of the 19th century. Effective protection from torrential floods encompasses biotechnical works on the slopes in the watershed and technical works on the torrent beds, within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximal safety for people and their property. Cooperation to overcome the conflicts between the sectors of the water resources management, forestry, agriculture, energetics, environmental protection and local economic development groups is indispensable at the following levels: policy, spatial planning, practice, investments and education. The lowest and most effective level is through the Plans for Announcement of Erosive Regions (PAERs) and the Plans for Protection from Torrential Floods (PPTFs), with Hazard Zones (HZs) and Threatened Areas (TAs) mapping on the basis of the hydrologic, hydraulic and spatial analysis of the factors that are important for the formation of torrential floods. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs have to be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    Synthesis of crystaline silicon oxynitride composites

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    Silicon oxynitride / silicon nitride (Si2N2O/Si3N4) ceramics have been prepared from Si3N4 powder and amorphous silica (SiO2) by hot pressing at different temperature. It was found that material sintered at lower temperature exhibit fine composite structure composed of equiaxed α-Si3N4 grains and Si2N2O crystals. At higher temperature the growing of Si2N2O particles as well as phase transformation from α-Si3N4 to β-Si3N4 phase take place.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Histamin u ribi dostupnoj na tržištu Srbije u 2018. godini

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    Histamine is a biogen amin, which is formed by decarboxylation of the histidine amino acid, under the action of the L-histidine-decarboxylase enzyme. High level of free histidine in fish meat, bacterial histidin decarboxylase activity and high temperature of storage elevate the level of histamine. Among the most important factors that can affect the level of histamine in fish meat are the type of fish and the method of its preservation. In order to determine this dependence, 1030 samples of frozen fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines and sprat) and 167 samples of canned fish (tuna, sardines and mackerel) were monitored for histamine content by ELISA method. It was determined a lower concentration of histamine in frozen fish (from 5.71 mg/kg to 18.03 mg/kg) compared to canned fish (from 15.03 mg/kg to 110.6 mg/kg). The highest histamine concentrations were found in the mackerel samples, regardless of the preservation method (110.6 mg/kg in canned mackerel and 18.03 mg/kg in frozen mackerel), which were significantly higher compared to the histamine levels found in cans of tuna and sardines (p ˂0.0001). Of the total number of samples, three samples (two samples of canned sardines and one sample of canned mackerel) were declared unsafe for human health. In most of the analyzed samples, the level of determined histamine was relatively low, which confirms adequate implementation of control protocols and efficant surveillance of products placed on the Serbian market.Histamin je bioaktivni amin, koji nastaje u reakciji dekarboksilacije aminokiseline histidina, pod dejstvom enzima Lhistidin dekarboksilaze. Visok nivo slobodnog histidina u mesu ribe, aktivnost enzim produkujućih bakterija i visoke temperature skladištenja deluju predisponirajuće na sintezu histamina. Među najznačajnije faktore koji utiču na koncentraciju histamina u mesu ribe jesu vrsta ribe i metod njenog konzervisanja. U cilju utvrđivanja ove zavisnosti, uzorci zamrznute ribe (tune, skuše, sardine i papaline) i ribe u konzervi (tune, sardine i skuše) su analizirani ELISA metodom. Utvrđene su niže koncentracije histamina u uzorcima zamrznute ribe (od 5.71 mg/kg do 18.03 mg/kg) u poređenju sa konzervama od ribe (od 15.03 mg/kg do 110.6 mg/kg). Najviše koncentracije histamina su ustanovljene u uzorcima skuše, bez obzira na metod konzervisanja (110.6 mg/kg u konzervama od skuše i 18.03 mg/kg u zamrznutoj skuši), koje su bile i statistički značajno veće u odnosu na konzerve tune i konzerve sardine (p ˂0.0001). Od ukupnog broja uzoraka, samo tri uzorka (dva uzorka sardine u konzervi i jedan uzorak skuše u konzervi) su proglašeni nebezbednim za zdravlje ljudi. U najvećem broju ispitanih uzoraka izmerene su relativno niske koncentracije histamina, što ukazuje na adekvatno sprovođenje kontrole i nadzora nad proizvodima koji se plasiraju u promet na srpskom tržištu

    Radioactivity measurements in soils surrounding four coal-fired power plants in Serbia by gamma-ray spectrometry and estimated dose

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    The study of spatial distribution of activity concentration of U-238, Ra-226, (210)pb, Th-232, K-40 and Cs-237 radionuclides in the surface soil samples (n = 42) collected in the vicinity of four coal-fired power plants in Serbia is presented. Radioactivity measurements in soils performed by gamma-ray spectrometry showed values [Bqkg(-1)] in the range: 15-117 for U-238, 21-115 for Ra-226, 33-65 for (210)pb, 20-69 for Th-232, 324-736 for K-40, and 2-59 for Cs-137. Surface soil radioactivity that could have resulted from deposition of radionuclides from airborne discharges or resuspension of ash from disposal sites showed no enhanced levels. It was found that variation of soil textural properties, pH values, and carbonate content influenced activity levels of natural radionuclides while radiocesium activities were associated with soil organic matter content. Modification of some soil properties was observed in the immediate vicinity ( lt 1 km) of power plants where the soil was more alkaline with coarser particles (0.2-0.05 mm) and carbonates accumulated. Calculated average values of the absorbed gamma dose rate and annual external effective dose originating from the terrestrial radionudides were 69.4 nGy/h and 0.085 mSv, respectively