20 research outputs found

    Reinterpretacja pionierskich badań z wykorzystaniem pionowych sondowań elektrooporowych budowy geologicznej warstwy wodonośnej

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    Badania geofizyczne dostarczają przestrzennych informacji o zmienności ośrodka gruntowo-skalnego. Wyniki zastosowania tych metod, także archiwalne, warto wykorzystywać w prowadzonych hydrogeologicznych pracach dokumentacyjnych. Takim przykładem są zrealizowane badania rozpoznawcze w miejscowości Łobodno w północno-zachodniej części Wyżyny Śląsko-Krakowskiej zlokalizowanej w granicach GZWP nr 326 Częstochowa (E). Przeprowadzone tam pionowe sondowania elektrooporowe, korelowane z profilami wierceń umożliwiły m.in.: (i) zwiększenie głębokości rozpoznania z ok. 70 do 100–150 m p.p.t. obejmując czwartorzędowe grunty gliniasto-piaszczyste przykrywające górnojurajski kompleks wapieni zalegających na środkowojurajskich iłach i marglach, (ii) identyfikację głębokości zalegania różnych utworów gruntowo-skalnych wraz z określeniem reliefu ich stropu, (iii) wskazanie zmienności litologiczno-strukturalnej w obrębie tych samych wydzieleń, (iv) lokalizację większych dyslokacji, (v) dokładniejsze opisanie warunków przepływu wód podziemnych

    From legend to discovery – historical and geotechnical conditions related to the discovery of tunnels under The Castle Hill in Szczecin

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    The historical past of a building has a key influence on the variability of geotechnical conditions. These conditions change with a modification of the structural system, a change in function or only architectural elements (fashionable in a given period). In the article, various geotechnical and geophysical surveys are described, which led to a discovery of potential causes of a structural failure at historical Castle of Dukes of Pomerania in Szczecin. The investigation resulted in a discovery of an underground tunnel system constructed under the Castle, which existence was only suspected. The tunnels were constructed primarily during II World War, but also before that period. The article summarizes facts discovered due to investigation as well as historical and geological background related to the execution of the reinforced concrete and masonry tunnels. The lesson learned resulting from this discovery is that great care should be taken when historical areas are considered, even if the structure seems to be massive and robust

    Project RED’s field activities in 2016: geophysical and filed surveys

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    Terenske aktivnosti projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost “RED: Rimska ekonomija u Dalmaciji: proizvodnja, distribucija i potražnja u svijetlu keramičarskih radionica” (IP-11-2013-3973) obuhvatile su niz terenskih pregleda potencijalnih lokacija keramičarskih peći, pretpostavljenih na temelju indikatora proizvodnje. Osim toga, na lokalitetima u uvali Podšilo (Lopar, otok Rab), u suradnji s kolegama sa Sveučilišta u Varšavi i Sveučilišta Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski iz Varšave, provedena su magnetometrijska i geofizička istraživanja.Within the project RED – Roman Economy in Dalmatia: production, distribution and demand in the light of pottery workshops (Croatian Science Foundation, IP-11-2013-3973), a series of field surveys and geophysical prospections has been carried out in 2016. The goal of the surveys, carried out on the islands of Krk and Rab, and in Plemići bay (općina Ražanac), was to review potential indicators of pottery and ceramics production, and to retrieve samples of products and raw materials for further analysis. On the island of Krk two potential sites were surveyed (Sv. Maritin – Porat, Sv. Petar – Soline); while in Soline bay pottery production has been confirmed by very evident production wasters, in sv. Martin bay the evidence is still inconclusive. At Plemići bay, on the other hand, the presence of ancient pottery production has been already confirmed, so our main task was sample collection. Geophysical prospections, carried out in collaboration with the University of Warsaw and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Warsaw) in Podšilo bay at Lopar (island of Rab), were targeted at better understanding the location of the formerly excavated kiln within a wider settlement pattern identified in the bay\u27s hinterland. Result show that in three of the five surveyed zones on Beli grad and Podkućine sites, remains of (ancient) architecture are visible at the depth of around 50 cm. This multidisciplinary approach to pottery and ceramics production aims at identifying the typologies of settings within which pottery production developed on the eastern Adriatic coast

    Unknown Ancient Funerary Structures Discovered in West Saqqara (Egypt) Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)

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    The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey conducted in the south-eastern part of the Polish archaeological concession in West Saqqara confirmed the high usability of the GPR method in non-invasive prospecting of desert archaeological sites. The survey has allowed to confirm the location of one and the discovery of two so far unknown funerary structures characterized by significantly large dimensions. Analysis of the reflection profiles allow to conclude that these anomalies are generated by rock-hewn burial shafts. Only one of these tombs can be dated with high confidence to the end of the Old Kingdom. Precise determination of the chronology of the two other structures is not possible without archaeological verification

    Role of geophysical surveys in the identification of water escape zones from retention lakes: a case study on a selected object in Upper Silesia

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    The main scientific goal of this work is the presentation of the role of selected geophysical methods (Ground-Penetrating Radar GPR and Electrical Resistivity Tomography ERT) to identify water escape zones from retention reservoirs. The paper proposes a methodology of geophysical investigations for the identification of water escape zones from a retention fresh water lake (low mineralised water). The study was performed in a lake reservoir in Upper Silesia. Since a number of years the administrators of the lake have observed a decreasing water level, a phenomenon that is not related to the exploitation of the object. The analysed retention lake has a maximal depth between 6 and 10 m, depending on the season. It is located on Triassic carbonate rocks of the Muschelkalk facies. Geophysical surveys included measurements on the water surface using ground penetration radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) methods. The measurements were performed from watercrafts made of non-metal materials. The prospection reached a depth of about 1 to 5 m below the reservoir bottom. Due to large difficulties of conducting investigations in the lake, a fragment with an area of about 5,300 m2, where service activities and sealing works were already commenced, was selected for the geophysical survey. The scope of this work was: (1) field geophysical research (Ground-Penetrating Radar GPR and Electrical Resistivity Tomography ERT with geodesic service), (2) processing of the obtained geophysical research results, (3) modelling of GPR and ERT anomalies on a fractured water reservoir bottom, and (4) interpretation of the obtained results based on the modelled geophysical anomalies. The geophysical surveys allowed for distinguishing a zone with anomalous physical parameters in the area of the analysed part of the retention lake. ERT surveys have shown that the water escape zone from the reservoir was characterised by significantly decreased electrical resistivities. Diffraction hyperboles and a zone of wave attenuation were observed on the GPR images in the lake bottom within the water escape zone indicating cracks in the bottom of the water reservoir. The proposed methodology of geophysical surveys seems effective in solving untypical issues such as measurements on the water surface

    Application of geoelectrical profiling in the delineation of shallow periglacial structureson the Drohiczyn Plateau

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    The pa per de scribes the re sults of geoelectrical sound ing ap pli ca tion for the de lin ea tion of periglacial struc tures in Wierzchuca Nagórna within the Drohiczyn Pla teau (east ern Po land). The method re cords the vari a tion of ap par ent re - sis tiv ity of de pos its along a se lected hor i zon tal di rec tion. The sur vey uti lizes a dis tinct geoelectrical con trast be tween gla cial till and struc tures com posed of sand that have been rec og nized ear lier in the gravel pit wall. The stud ies have been con ducted in di rect hin ter land of the gravel pit. Rect an gu lar and con cen tric ar rays were ap plied in the sur vey. The re sults have been pre sented as graphs and re sis tance dis tri bu tion maps. The ob tained geo log i cal im age is not complete, al though it shows an ori ented course of the larg est lin ea ments and traces of a net work with a small mesh size (1.5–2 m). The rec og nized pat tern of struc tures points to harsh cli ma tic con di tions dur ing their for ma tion. Gen eral ori - en ta tion of the struc tures cor re sponds to the ba sic el e ments of the con tem po rary land scape in the area (slope, val ley axes). Geoelectrical sound ing us ing the rect an gu lar ar ray gave better re sults than in the con cen tric ar ray, whereas in - tro duc tion of brine into the sys tem did not en hance the res o lu tion of the read ings. The pre sented re sis tance dis tri bu tion maps with a char ac ter is tic rhythm of vari a tions may serve as a bench mark for rec og niz ing periglacial struc tures in areas with out ex po sures

    Application of electrical resistivity imaging and land surveying in the analysis of underground construction impact on the Warsaw scarp

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    The pa per pres ents the anal y sis of the II Un der ground Line con struc tion’s im pact on the War saw Scarp with the use of the elec tri cal re sis tiv ity im ag ing (ERI, also known as the elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy) and fur ther to tal sta tion posi tion mea sure ments. The un der ground passes un der the scarp per pen dic u lar in the area of Dynasy Street 6, in Downtown dis trict. The elec tri cal re sis tiv ity im ag ing was per formed for rec og ni tion of the geo log i cal struc ture and a potential land slide sur face or zone. The gra di ent sys tem was used dur ing the prospection. In these anal y ses, the lon gi tu di nal sec tion was 40 m long, and the depth of sur vey amounted to 6 m. In the case of the 200 m long trans verse sec tion, there sulted depth of sur vey was 30 m. The geo phys i cal im age of the lon gi tu di nal sec tion, does not con tain loos en ing soil zones, which could in di cate slip sur face. Next, to tal sta tion mea sure ments, which were tied to the ar chi val geo detic obser va tions’ re sults, were car ried out. The aim of the mea sure ments was to ver ify the ac tiv ity of the hor i zon tal and verti cal dis place ments. The TBM ex ca va tion pro cess led to sum mary ver ti cal dis place ments up to approx. 24 mm and hor i zon tal dis place ments amount ing to approx. 13 mm. To sum up, the cur rent land sur veys re veals mi nor un der ground line’s con struc tion im pact on the scarp dis place ment. Nev er the less, the sen si tive ur ban en vi ron ment re quires fur ther mon i tor ing, es pe cially that the op er a tion loads can re sult in dis place ment rate change

    Applicability of ground penetrating radar on desert archaeolog ical sites: a case studyfrom the Saqqara necropolis in Egypt

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    This pa per pres ents the pre lim i nary re sults of ground pen e trat ing ra dar sound ing ap plied at the desert ar chae o log i cal site in Saqqara (Egypt). The sur vey was car ried out in 2012 within a pro ject re al ized by In sti tute of Ar chae ol ogy, Cardi nal Stefan Wyszyñski Uni ver sity in War saw and the Fac ulty of Ge ol ogy, Uni ver sity of War saw. One of the key aims of the re search was test ing the ap pli ca tion of ground pen e trat ing ra dar to non-in va sive sur veys of desert ar chae o log i calsites. Radargrams ob tained for area of so called the Dry Moat chan nel sur round ing the Step Pyr a mid com plex have shown the geo log i cal struc ture of its fill ing. It com prises among oth ers de bris-sand con glom er ate of diluval or i gin char ac ter ized by a sig nif i cant con tent of the clay frac tion and clay min er als. Such lithological con tent strongly at ten u -ate the prop a ga tion of EM waves, re strict ing the depth range of the GPR sur vey. The con ducted geo phys i cal prospection west to the Step Pyr a mid in Saqqara has con firmed the high ap pli ca bil ity of the GPR method in non-in va sive stud ies of vast ar chi tec tural struc tures, such as the mon u men tal ditch sur round ing the Step Pyr a mid known as the Dry Moat. It should sum ma rised that high hor i zon tal res o lu tion ob tained dur ing GPR survey is a re sult of lo cal geo log i cal struc ture of the searched area, i.e. strong lithological con trast of the sed i ments fill ing the Dry Moat, which, de pend ing on their min er al og i cal com po si tion