817 research outputs found

    Ionospheric refraction effects on TOPEX orbit determination accuracy using the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)

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    This investigation concerns the effects on Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX) spacecraft operational orbit determination of ionospheric refraction error affecting tracking measurements from the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). Although tracking error from this source is mitigated by the high frequencies (K-band) used for the space-to-ground links and by the high altitudes for the space-to-space links, these effects are of concern for the relatively high-altitude (1334 kilometers) TOPEX mission. This concern is due to the accuracy required for operational orbit-determination by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and to the expectation that solar activity will still be relatively high at TOPEX launch in mid-1992. The ionospheric refraction error on S-band space-to-space links was calculated by a prototype observation-correction algorithm using the Bent model of ionosphere electron densities implemented in the context of the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS). Orbit determination error was evaluated by comparing parallel TOPEX orbit solutions, applying and omitting the correction, using the same simulated TDRSS tracking observations. The tracking scenarios simulated those planned for the observation phase of the TOPEX mission, with a preponderance of one-way return-link Doppler measurements. The results of the analysis showed most TOPEX operational accuracy requirements to be little affected by space-to-space ionospheric error. The determination of along-track velocity changes after ground-track adjustment maneuvers, however, is significantly affected when compared with the stringent 0.1-millimeter-per-second accuracy requirements, assuming uncoupled premaneuver and postmaneuver orbit determination. Space-to-space ionospheric refraction on the 24-hour postmaneuver arc alone causes 0.2 millimeter-per-second errors in along-track delta-v determination using uncoupled solutions. Coupling the premaneuver and postmaneuver solutions, however, appears likely to reduce this figure substantially. Plans and recommendations for response to these findings are presented

    Atmospheric drag model calibrations for spacecraft lifetime prediction

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    Although solar activity prediction uncertainty normally dominates decay prediction error budget for near-Earth spacecraft, the effect of drag force modeling errors for given levels of solar activity needs to be considered. Two atmospheric density models, the modified Harris-Priester model and the Jacchia-Roberts model, to reproduce the decay histories of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) and Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) spacecraft in the 490- to 540-kilometer altitude range were analyzed. Historical solar activity data were used in the input to the density computations. For each spacecraft and atmospheric model, a drag scaling adjustment factor was determined for a high-solar-activity year, such that the observed annual decay in the mean semimajor axis was reproduced by an averaged variation-of-parameters (VOP) orbit propagation. The SME (SMM) calibration was performed using calendar year 1983 (1982). The resulting calibration factors differ by 20 to 40 percent from the predictions of the prelaunch ballistic coefficients. The orbit propagations for each spacecraft were extended to the middle of 1988 using the calibrated drag models. For the Jaccia-Roberts density model, the observed decay in the mean semimajor axis of SME (SMM) over the 4.5-year (5.5-year) predictive period was reproduced to within 1.5 (4.4) percent. The corresponding figure for the Harris-Priester model was 8.6 (20.6) percent. Detailed results and conclusions regarding the importance of accurate drag force modeling for lifetime predictions are presented

    Evaluation of advanced geopotential models for operational orbit determination

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    To meet future orbit determination accuracy requirements for different NASA projects, analyses are performed using Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) tracking measurements and orbit determination improvements in areas such as the modeling of the Earth's gravitational field. Current operational requirements are satisfied using the Goddard Earth Model-9 (GEM-9) geopotential model with the harmonic expansion truncated at order and degree 21 (21-by-21). This study evaluates the performance of 36-by-36 geopotential models, such as the GEM-10B and Preliminary Goddard Solution-3117 (PGS-3117) models. The Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) and LANDSAT-5 are the spacecraft considered in this study

    Contribuição da bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella) para a produção de serapilheira em sistema silvipastoril agroecológico.

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a produção e o conteúdo de nutrientes da serapilheira produzida por árvores de bracatinga em uma área de pastagem agroecológica, localizada no CPRA ? Centro Paranaense de Referência em Agroecologia. As coletas de material foram efetuadas mensalmente, entre fevereiro de 2010 e julho de 2012. Com base na quantidade de matéria seca e dos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg foi obtida a estimativa da quantidade destes elementos aportados à pastagem pela serapilheira. A produção média de serapilheira foi de 2.006 kg de matéria seca por hectare por ano, correspondendo a uma incorporação ao solo de 30 kg de N, 0,4 kg de P, 3,8 kg de K, 7,4 kg de Ca e 3,2 kg de Mg

    Espécies arbóreas nativas para composição de sistemas silvipastoris agroecológicos.

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a análise do desenvolvimento de espécies arbóreas cultivadas em um sistema silvipastoril agroecológico desenvolvido para a produção leiteira em propriedades familiares. A pesquisa foi conduzida no CPRA ? Centro Paranaense de Referencia em Agroecologia, com base no histórico de dados de medidas de altura e DAP de 18 espécies arbóreas. A partir da análise dos dados foi estimado o crescimento anual de cada espécie identificando-se as que apresentam maior desenvolvimento e rentabilidade econômica. Também foram relacionados alguns serviços ambientais relacionados ao plantio das árvores em áreas de pastagem

    Mid-Infrared Imaging of NGC 6334 I

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    We present high-resolution (<0.5") mid-infrared Keck II images of individual sources in the central region of NGC 6334 I. We compare these images to images at a variety of other wavelengths from the near infrared to cm radio continuum and speculate on the nature of the NGC 6334 I sources. We assert that the cometary shape of the UCHII region here, NGC 6334 F, is due to a champagne-like flow from a source on the edge of a molecular clump and not a due to a bow shock caused by the supersonic motion of the UCHII region through the interstellar medium. The mid-infrared emission in concentrated into an arc of dust that define the boundary between the UCHII region and the molecular clump. This dust arc contains a majority of the masers in the region. We discuss the nature of the four near-infrared sources associated with IRS-I 1, and suggest that one of the sources, IRS1E, is responsible for the heating and ionizing of the UCHII region and the mid-infrared dust arc. Infrared source IRS-I 2, which has been thought to be a circumstellar disk associated with a linear distribution of methanol masers, is found not to be directly coincident with the masers and elongated at a much different position angle. IRS-I 3 is found to be a extended source of mid-infrared emission coming from a cluster of young dusty sources seen in the near-infrared.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal, 27 pages, 9 figure

    Human colon cancer cell lines show a diverse pattern of nitric oxide synthase gene expression and nitric oxide generation.

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    A panel of human colonic adenocarcinoma cell lines was examined both for expression of mRNAs of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) gene family and for evidence of enzymic activity based on citrulline and nitrite (NO2-) formation. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), revealed that all lines (SW480, SW620, DLD-1 and WiDr) expressed mRNA for the Ca(2+)-dependent endothelial (e)NOS, while SW480 cells also expressed the Ca(2+)-dependent neuronal (n)NOS. The mRNA for the Ca(2+)-independent inducible (i)NOS was expressed both by cytokine-stimulated and by unstimulated SW480, SW620 and DLD-1 cells, but none was seen at any time in the WiDr cells. There was, however, little correlation between mRNA expression and enzymic activity based on citrulline and NO2- formation. Thus none of the cell lines exhibited measurable Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity, while Ca(2+)-independent NOS activity was seen in all but the WiDr cells. Furthermore, DLD-1 cells generated citrulline with resultant NO2- formation only after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and/or cytokines, while SW480 and SW620 did so constitutively. Thus RT-PCR studies indicate that tumour cells of similar epithelial origin display a diverse pattern of NOS gene family expression, and parallel biochemical studies clearly indicate that such expression does not always result in measurable enzymic activity leading to the generation of NO