4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is twofold: 1. examine the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction with bank territorial units; 2. establish which quality measure method out of the four considered in this study should be applied in order to better determine the areas that need further improvement and investment. In this respect, we performed Principal Component Regression (PCR) and considered direct importance and performance measures as well. Our results reveal that human resources have the greatest impact on customers’ satisfaction with bank territorial units and that both “Convenience and Efficiency” and “Bank personnel” are the dimensions that bank management should consider in their efforts to improve and maintain the service quality level. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study which tries to emphasize the relationship between service quality dimensions and Romanian customers’ satisfaction with bank territorial units. The main limit of the study lies in the fact that data were collected among the customers of a single bank. Nevertheless, it provides valuable information about the Romanian market and ought to be considered a starting point for further studies.service quality, customer satisfaction, importance and performance measures, Romanian banking sector, principal component regression.


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    Neuromarketing is a relatively new concept which has developed as a consequence of accepting, by an increasing number of persons, the idea that there isn’t an objective reality and that the entire world is actually inside our mind, it is the sum of our exneuromarketing, fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) technology, “buy button”


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    In addition to traditional distribution methods (network of territorial units), to better meet market requirements in terms of speed and efficiency of services, banks have developed interactive electronic and computerized systems for clients: banking services via telephone, internet banking, network of automatic teller machines (ATMs), Electronic Funds Transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS). Automatic Teller Machines have become in recent years one of the common instruments through which banks offer the possibility of conducting routine operations such as: cash withdrawals, bill payments, transfer between accounts. This article presents the results obtained following a research that focused on determining the customers’ degree of satisfaction with the distribution channels used by a Top Five Romanian Bank, in particular the ATMs distribution network

    Structural model robustness checks in PLS-SEM

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    Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has become a standard tool for analyzing complex inter-relationships between observed and latent variables in tourism and numerous other fields of scientific inquiry. Along with the recent surge in the method’s use, research has contributed several complementary methods for assessing the robustness of PLS-SEM results. Although these improvements are documented in extant literature, research on tourism has been slow to adopt the relevant complementary methods. This article illustrates the use of recent advances in PLS-SEM, designed to ensure structural model results’ robustness in terms of nonlinear effects, endogeneity, and unobserved heterogeneity in a PLS-SEM framework. Our overarching aim is to encourage the routine use of these complementary methods to increase methodological rigor in the field