90 research outputs found

    The c.-1639g>A polymorphism of the VKORC1 gene and his influence on the therapeutic response during oral anticoagulants use

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    Background/Aim. A single nucleotide polymorphism c.- 1639G>A in the promoter region of vitamin K-epoxide reductase (VKORC1) gene has been found to account for most of the variability in response to oral anticoagulants (OA). The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and the effect of c.-1639G>A polymorphism on the acenocoumarol dosage requirements in the group of patients under stable anticoagulation, and to estimate the variability in response to OA. Methods. Our study included 200 consecutive patients requiring low (n = 43), medium (n = 127) and high (n = 30) acenocoumarol dose. Results. Out of 43 low dose patients, 40 (93 %) carried the A allele. The A allele was less frequent in the group of 30 patients requiring high dose: among these patients 13 (43.3%) carried the A allele in the heterozygous form and none of them carried AA genotype. The patients with GG genotype required 2.6 times higher dose than the patients carriers of AA genotype (p < 0.0001). In 33 patients (16.5%) the overdose occurred during the initiation of anticoagulant therapy and in 11 patients (5.5%) it was associated with bleeding. Out of the group of 33 overdosed patients, 27 and 6 patients carried AA and GA genotype, respectively (p < 0.000001). Conclusion. VKORC1 significantly influenced OA dose and predicted individuals predisposed to unstable anticoagulation. The carriers of AA genotype required 2.6 time lower doses of OA than the carriares of GG genotype. Pharmacogenetic testing could predict a high risk of overdose among 28.5 % of our patients - carriers of AA genotype, before anticoagulation therapy initiation

    Koncept GIS-a u planiranju ruralnog razvoja

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    Ruralna područja Republike Srbije poseduju značajne resurse , u smislu obima i njihove raznovrsnosti. Doprinos poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva ekonomskom rastu i razvoju Srbije je značajan. Šume predstavljaju deo prostora za oporavak i razvoj ruralnih područja. Šume i šumsko zemljište u Srbiji obuhvata 1/4 teritorije. Razvoj društva zahteva da se šumama održivo gazduje, da se upravlja i koristi na način i u obimu da se održava njihova biološka raznovrsnost, unapređuje proizvodnju, sposobnost obnavljanja, vitalnost i potencijal da ispunjavaju ekološke i ekonomske funkcije. Današnje stanje šuma je nezadovoljavajuće. To se može pratiti na primeru šuma Topličkog okruga (opštine Prokuplje, Blace, Kuršumlija, Žitorađa) u poslednjih 60 godina. Analiza je rađena na osnovu daljinske detekcije, topografskih karata, geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS). U cilju revitalizacije i razvoja ruralnog prostora posebno su potrebne tehničko-tehnološka znanja i inovacije. Danas se adekvatno upravljanje prostorom ne može zamisliti bez primene Geografskog informacionog sistema. GIS je moćan skup alata za prikupljanje, skladištenje, pretraživanje, transformaciju i prikaz geoprostornih podataka. GIS je „pametna karta“ koja omogućuje korisnicima da kreiraju interaktivne upite, analizu prostornih informacija i sprovođenje promena. GIS podatke prikazuje u vizuelnom, jednostavnom i korisniku bliskom obliku.Sposobnost da podatke u prostoru transformiše u relevantne informacije predstavlja njegovu osnovnu vrednost i prednost

    Koncept GIS-a u planiranju ruralnog razvoja

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    Ruralna područja Republike Srbije poseduju značajne resurse , u smislu obima i njihove raznovrsnosti. Doprinos poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva ekonomskom rastu i razvoju Srbije je značajan. Šume predstavljaju deo prostora za oporavak i razvoj ruralnih područja. Šume i šumsko zemljište u Srbiji obuhvata 1/4 teritorije. Razvoj društva zahteva da se šumama održivo gazduje, da se upravlja i koristi na način i u obimu da se održava njihova biološka raznovrsnost, unapređuje proizvodnju, sposobnost obnavljanja, vitalnost i potencijal da ispunjavaju ekološke i ekonomske funkcije. Današnje stanje šuma je nezadovoljavajuće. To se može pratiti na primeru šuma Topličkog okruga (opštine Prokuplje, Blace, Kuršumlija, Žitorađa) u poslednjih 60 godina. Analiza je rađena na osnovu daljinske detekcije, topografskih karata, geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS). U cilju revitalizacije i razvoja ruralnog prostora posebno su potrebne tehničko-tehnološka znanja i inovacije. Danas se adekvatno upravljanje prostorom ne može zamisliti bez primene Geografskog informacionog sistema. GIS je moćan skup alata za prikupljanje, skladištenje, pretraživanje, transformaciju i prikaz geoprostornih podataka. GIS je „pametna karta“ koja omogućuje korisnicima da kreiraju interaktivne upite, analizu prostornih informacija i sprovođenje promena. GIS podatke prikazuje u vizuelnom, jednostavnom i korisniku bliskom obliku.Sposobnost da podatke u prostoru transformiše u relevantne informacije predstavlja njegovu osnovnu vrednost i prednost

    Chemical stability and electrical properties of Nb doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-b

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    BaCe0.9-xNbxY0.1O3-δ (where x = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05) fine powders were synthesized by auto-combustion reaction to investigate the influence of Nb concentration on chemical stability and electrical properties of BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ. The dense electrolyte pellets were formed from powders after being uniaxially pressed and sintered at 1600ºC for 5h. Chemical stability in a CO2 atmosphere at 750ºC was determined by X-ray powder diffraction. Conductivities of the sintered samples have been measured within the temperature range of 500-750ºC in different atmospheres (dry and wet argon, wet hydrogen). The highest conductivities were obtained at 750ºC in wet hydrogen reaching the value of 3,26.10-3Sm.cm-1

    Solid state ionic conductors based on Lu-doped δ-Bi2O3

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    Regarding limited fossil energy resources and hence the increasing demands for new highly efficient and environmentally friendly energy conversion devices, the widespread use of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) might become a keystone in near future. An SOFC is consisted of dense electrolyte which is sandwiched between two porous electrodes. Since the electrolyte is the most important part of an SOFC, oxide ion conductors applicable in SOFCs became the hot topic of modern research. The main requirement is to find a stable dense electrolyte material with increased conductivity at intermediate temperature. Two commercial electrolytes, yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and gadolinia doped ceria (GDC), are far to be ideal. The use of YSZ requires operating temperatures above 1000 °C while devices based on GDC are not efficient enough due to GDC lower conductivity at intermediate temperatures. The best candidate for an electrolyte in intermediate temperature SOFCs is undoubtedly fluorite structured bismuth oxide, i.e. δ-Bi2O3, being the fastest known ionic conductor. However, this material is unstable upon heating/cooling but the use of dopant, such as Tm, led to the impressive stability and high conductivity at intermediate temperatures [1]. Our findings indicated that Lu-doped δ-Bi2O3 could show even better performances since Lu is smaller and more rigid dopant than Tm. In this study, the possibility to stabilize -Bi2O3 in Bi2O3–Lu2O3 system was investigated. Two starting mixtures of α-Bi2O3 and Lu2O3 with the following compositions (Bi1–xLux)2O3, x = 0.20 and 0.25, were dry homogenized in an agate mortar, heat treated at 750 °C for 3 h and then slowly cooled. The obtain powders were characterized by XRD and DTA techniques. Based on these results, the targeted cubic single-phase δ-Bi2O3 was successfully obtained within both systems. The unit cell parameter of obtained Lu-doped -Bi2O3 decreases as the dopant content increases, as expected since Lu3+ is smaller cation than Bi3+. According to cyclic DTA curves, no phase transitions (25 – 980 °C) were observed for both phases, (Bi0.8Lu0.2)2O3 and (Bi0.75Lu0.25)2O3, indicating that these -Bi2O3 phases are stable. Afterwards, half of obtained quantity of each powder was mechanochemically treated (in planetary ball mill Retsch PM-100) in order to decrease the crystallite size. Namely, before performing EIS measurements the powders undergo to pressing and then sintering to obtain dense ceramic pellets. This is also important for their future application in SOFC since the density of almost 100% is mandatory in order to avoid the direct contact of air (oxygen) and fuel (hydrogen). The density of sintered pellets obtained from both untreated and mechanochemically treated powders will be compared. Using EIS technique, the ionic conductivity will be measured for the samples having the highest density. We expect that these materials will exhibit the conductivities which are higher than those obtained for Tm-doped -Bi2O3 (0.1 – 0.4 S cm–1 at 550 – 800 °C). Such stability and extraordinary conductivity would open the possibility for application of (Bi0.8Lu0.2)2O3 and (Bi0.75Lu0.25)2O3, which could result in the significant enhancement of electrochemical performance of intermediate temperature SOFCs but also in their good stability over long time service

    The assessment of genetic potential in performance tested gilts by means of selection indexes method

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    The objective of this research paper was to make an assessment of breeding value of performance tested gilts of Swedish Landrace and F-1 crossbreds of Swedish Landrace and Great Yorkshire by the method of selection index. The traits on whose basis the breeding value was estimated were: daily liveweight gain, average backfat thickness measured at two sites and carcass meat percentage. These traits were corrected for body mass of 100kg by the method of base indexes and the following average values were determined: corrected daily liveweight gain (KZDP) 408.93g/day, corrected average backfat thickness measured at two sites (KSL) 9.77mm and corrected carcass meat percentage (KPM) 61.08%. Studying the effect of genotype, year and birth season of gilts a statistically significant variation (P>0.05) of these traits provoked by the mentioned factors was not determined while the gilts sire statistically highly significantly (P lt 0.001) influenced all studied traits. Heritability coefficients were: h(2)= 0.255 for KZDP, h(2)= 0.356 for KSL and h(2)= 0.349 for KPM. The four selection index equations were constructed among which as the most optimal was chosen the one which includes all three traits (KZDP, KSL and KPM) and whose coefficient of the correlation of selection index and aggregate genotype was r(IAG) = 0.594

    Tm(III)-doped d-Bi2O3 for solid - oxide fuel cells

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    The oxide ion conductors have widely been investigated because of their application in many devices with high economical and ecological interests, such as solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). -Bi2O3 polymorph possesses the highest known O2– ion conductivity, which is one to two orders of magnitude higher than that of stabilized zirconia at corresponding temperatures [1]. At the moment, the application of this high-temperature polymorph as an electrolyte in SOFC requires temperatures above 730 °C. However, the doping allows -Bi2O3 stabilization to room temperature and opens the possibility for construction of SOFC that will operate at intermediate temperatures (ca. 350 °C) [2]. As it is found that some lanthanides are suitable dopants [3], the possibility to stabilize O2– ion conductors related to the -Bi2O3 polymorph in the Bi2O3–Tm2O3 system was investigated. Two starting mixtures with compositions (Bi1–xTmx )2O3 (x = 0.04 and 0.20) were homogenized in an agate mortar, heat treated at 750 °C for 3 h and then slowly furnace cooled. The samples were characterized by XRPD, DTA and SEI techniques. Based on XRPD, the single-phase tetragonal β-Bi2O3 was identified in the sample with x = 0.04. Its unit cell parameters, a = 7.742(2) and c = 5.650(2) Å, well-correspond to those of undoped β-Bi2O3 [4]. On the other hand, the cubic -Bi2O3 phase was obtained in the sample with x = 0.20. Its unit cell parameter was greater than the value reported for Tm-doped -Bi2O3 sample with x = 0.25 [3] (5.5033(9) vs. 5.478 Å). Both values are smaller than reported for undoped -Bi2O3 [4]. This means that the unit cell parameter of cubic -Bi2O3 decreases as Tm-content increases and it is in accordance with Tm3+ and Bi3+ ionic radii [5]. For the sample with x = 0.04, cyclic DTA curves showed one reversible β-Bi2O3 ↔ -Bi2O3 transition with corresponding temperatures: on heating, 660 °C, and, on cooling, 600 °C. Surprisingly, no phase transitions were observed in the sample with x = 0.20 which indicates that the obtained -Bi2O3 is stable within the whole investigated interval, i.e., from room temperature to 1000 °C. Electrochemical impedance of -Bi2O3 phase was measured in the following temperature range: 300 – 800 °C. At higher temperatures (600 – 800 °C) the conductivities are similar (0.11 – 0.32 S cm –1 ), but with lowering temperature they rapidly decrease, and amount, for example, 2.1·10–5 S cm–1 at 300 °C. As a consequence, two activation energies are found: 0.45(4) eV (600 – 800 °C), and 1.33(2) eV (300 – 600 °C). References: [1] P. Shuk, H.-D. Wiemhöfer, U. Guth, W. Göpel, M. Greenblatt, Solid State Ionics 89 (1996) 179 [2] E. D. Wachsman, K.T. Lee, Science 334 (2011) 935 [3] H. T. Cahen, T. G. M. Van Den Belt, J. H. W. De Wit, G. H. J. Broers, Solid State Ionics 1 (1980) 411 [4] H. A. Harwig, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 444 (1978) 151 [5] R. D. Shannon, Acta Cryst. A 32 (1976) 75

    Influence of temperature and exploitation period on the behaviour of a welded joint subjected to impact loading

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    Presented in this paper is the analysis of the influence of temperature and exploitation period on the measure of fracture resistance of welded joint constituents in both new and exploited low-alloyed Cr-Mo steel A-387 Gr. B subjected to impact load. Exploited parent material was a part of the reactor mantle in exploitation for over 40 years and is currently in the repair stage, wherein a part of the mantle is being replaced with newly built-in material. Performed are impact tests of a notched specimen of new and exploited parent material (PM), weld metal (WM) and heat affected zone (HAZ), at both the exploited and new PM sides, in order to determine total impact energy, and its components, crack initiation-and crack propagation energy. Based on test results, analysis of tendency toward brittle fracture, i.e. toward an increase of in-service brittleness (ageing) represents the comparison of values obtained for characteristic areas of welded joints and the justification of the selected welding technology

    Synthesis and characterization of anodic substrates for IT-SOFCs based on proton conductors

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    Cermet anode substrates based on high temperature proton conductors Ni-BaCe0.9Y0.1O3- δ (Ni-BCY10) were prepared using wet chemical method. The microstructural properties of sintered pellets were investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were used for evaluation of electrical properties of the anode pellets. The high conductivity values of reduced anodes confirmed the percolation through Ni particles even for anode with reduced amount of nickel. Fuel cell tests were carried out and fuel cells with the cermet anode showed higher power output comparing to the fuel cells with platinum electrode

    The c.-1639g gt A polymorphism of the VKORC1 gene and his influence on the therapeutic response during oral anticoagulants use

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    Uvod/Cilj. Pojedinačni nukleotidni polimorfizam c.- 1639G gt A u promotorskom regionu gena za vitamin K epoksid- reduktazu (VKORC1), odgovoran je za varijabilnost odgovora u toku primene oralnih antikoagulanasa (OA). Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da utvrdimo učestalost polimorfizma c.- 1639G gt A i njegov uticaj na dozu antikoagulansa acenokumarola, te da procenimo povezanost varijabilnosti u odgovoru na terapiju sa prisutnim polimorfizmom. Metode. U ispitivanje je bilo uključeno 200 bolesnika koji su primali OA (43 malu dozu, 127 srednju i 30 veliku dozu). Rezultati. Kod 40 (93%) bolesnika lečenih malom dozom OA, dokazano je prisustvo A-alela. U grupi koja je primala veliku dozu OA, 13 (43,3%) bolesnika bili su nosioci A-alela, heterozigoti (GA genotip), i nijedan od njih nije bio nosilac homozigotne varijante AA genotipa. Posmatrano u celini, u grupi sa AA genotipom doza održavanja OA bila je 10 mg nedeljno, sa GA 19 mg i sa GG genotipom 26 mg. Kod nosilaca GG genotipa bile su potrebne 2,6 puta veće doze antikoagulansa za postizanje terapijskog raspona INR u odnosu na nosioce AA genotipa (p lt 0,0001). Retrospektivnom analizom utvrđeno je da je 33 (16,5%) bolesnika u toku uvođenja terapije bilo predozirano, a kod 11 (5,5%) bolesnika predoziranost je bila udružena sa pojavom krvarenja. Od 33 predozirana bolesnika, 27 su bili nosioci AA genotipa, a šest nosioci GA genotipa (p lt 0,000001). Zaključak. Na individualnu osetljivost na antikoagulanse VKORC1 ima značajan uticaj. Nosiocima AA genotipa potrebne su 2,6 puta manje doze antikoagulansa za održavanje terapijskog raspona INR u odnosu na nenosioce. Farmakogenetski testovi mogli su da ukažu na visok rizik od predoziranja kod 28,5% naših bolesnika, nosioca AA genotipa, pre uvođenja terapije OA.Background/Aim. A single nucleotide polymorphism c.- 1639G gt A in the promoter region of vitamin K-epoxide reductase (VKORC1) gene has been found to account for most of the variability in response to oral anticoagulants (OA). The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and the effect of c.-1639G gt A polymorphism on the acenocoumarol dosage requirements in the group of patients under stable anticoagulation, and to estimate the variability in response to OA. Methods. Our study included 200 consecutive patients requiring low (n = 43), medium (n = 127) and high (n = 30) acenocoumarol dose. Results. Out of 43 low dose patients, 40 (93 %) carried the A allele. The A allele was less frequent in the group of 30 patients requiring high dose: among these patients 13 (43.3%) carried the A allele in the heterozygous form and none of them carried AA genotype. The patients with GG genotype required 2.6 times higher dose than the patients carriers of AA genotype (p lt 0.0001). In 33 patients (16.5%) the overdose occurred during the initiation of anticoagulant therapy and in 11 patients (5.5%) it was associated with bleeding. Out of the group of 33 overdosed patients, 27 and 6 patients carried AA and GA genotype, respectively (p lt 0.000001). Conclusion. VKORC1 significantly influenced OA dose and predicted individuals predisposed to unstable anticoagulation. The carriers of AA genotype required 2.6 time lower doses of OA than the carriares of GG genotype. Pharmacogenetic testing could predict a high risk of overdose among 28.5 % of our patients - carriers of AA genotype, before anticoagulation therapy initiation