16 research outputs found

    Investigation of comparative efficacy of eugenol and benzyl benzoate in therapy of sheep mange

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    The acaricide efficacy, tolerance and safety of eugenol (10 and 20 %) in the treatment of sarcoptic mange in sheep have been investigated. The results were compared with those corresponding for benzyl benzoate (25 %), which was applied to sheep in the same way. The treatment was applied on sheep three times in one-week intervals. Skin scrapings were sampled seven days after each treatment, as well as twenty-eight days following the third one. The changes on the skin were quantified and the mean recovery response (MRR) was calculated. The clinical efficacy was assessed according to the MRR and the number of mites in the samples. Following the first treatment 10%eugenol was not significantly less efficacious in comparison with the higher concentration. Having been applied twice 20% eugenol was significantly more efficacious when compared to the lower concentration, which remained the same seven and twenty-eight days after the third application. The efficacy of 10% eugenol in the therapy of mange was significantly higher in comparison with benzyl benzoate following one, two or three administrations. The efficacy of benzyl benzoate four weeks after the third treatment was still significantly lower in comparison with 10% eugenol. The efficacy of 20% eugenol was significantly higher in comparison with its lower concentration as well as that of benzyl benzoate, following the second, and seven and twenty-eight days after the third one. No signs of local or systemic intolerance were observed in sheep treated with either 10 or 20% eugenol, or 25 % benzyl benzoate.

    Etiopatogeneza i dijagnostika oboljenja centralnog nervnog sistema preživara sa posebnim osvrtom na BSE

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    In spite of impressive general progress and achievements, the last decade of the twentieth century was marked by the appearance of a neurogenetative disease in cattle, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), known as the mad cow disease, which the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1997, proclaimed a rare but unfortunately fatal zoonosis. The new variant of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is a direct parallel with BSE. The mere incidence, and in particular, the spreading of BSE cases in other countries of the European Union (EU), in addition to the United Kingdom (UK), was followed by insufficiently clear and contradictory stands by researchers especially regarding the issue of etiopathogenesis and the possible epidemiological risk of certain tissues originating from ruminants, and which could have significance in the transmission of BSE among humans. Today, it could be said for BSE that it is under active monitoring, or control, which is a result of the implementation of many strict prescribed legislative measures, in particular in EU countries. Countries such as ours - which have not registered a single clinically manifest case of BSE so far and where no BSE was diagnosed in laboratories on brain samples of animals taken from the slaughter line of animals older than 24 months, or animals with neurological syndromes - are obliged to join the BSE monitoring and draw up a risk analysis, both because of the possible evaluation of the epizootiological-epidemiological situation (passive supervision), and because of possible imports and exports of cattle and beef from and to the EU market. Using the model of recognizing other similar diseases of the CNS with a set of analyses (observing the clinical picture for several days recognizing the so-called critical neurological sign, and certain findings in blood, serum, liquor, and urine), it is possible to rule out BSE and evaluate its prevalence. Other CNS diseases in cattle, such as listeriosis chlamydeous sporadic encephalopathy, rabies, and secondary encephalopathies such as the nervous form of ketosis, hepatic encephalopathy hypomagnesiemia, lead poisoning, poisoning with tremorgenic toxins such as saponin or ergotamine, can be found in a certain percentage in our conditions of maintenance of high-yield dairy cows as well. Among CNS diseases diagnosed in sheep, the most frequently diagnosed are listeriosis border disease, congenital hypomyelinogenesis, the looping ill infection gravidity toxemia, some certain toxicoses, cenurosis, and scrape. Methods of so-called quick diagnostics, such as the Western Blot and/or ELISA test enable screening for routine diagnostics and consequently active monitoring of BSE. Even though we have not registered a single case of BSE in our country yet, it is still necessary as soon as possible to make an evaluation of the risk analysis of BSE, using the recognized differential-diagnostic approach, in recognizing the prevalence of BSE in vivo, as opposed to other similar neurological disorders and diseases of the CNS, which are especially important in high-yield dairy cows.Poslednju deceniju dvadesetog veka i pored impresivnog svekolikog napretka i dostignuća, obeležila je i pojava jedne neurodegenerativne bolesti goveda Bovine spongiform encephaloptahy (BSE) poznate i kao bolest "ludih krava" koju je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) 1997. godine proglasila retkom, ali nažalost, fatalnom zoonozom. Nova varijanta Creutzfeldt-Jakobove bolesti (vCJD) je direktna paralela sa BSE. Samu pojavu, a naročito Å”irenje slučajeva BSE i u drugim zemljama Evropske unije (EU) osim Ujedinjenog kraljevstva (UK), prate nedovoljno jasni i kontradiktorni stavovi istraživača, naročito oko pitanja etiopatogeneze i mogućeg epidemioloÅ”kog rizika pojedinih tkiva koja potiču od preživara a koja bi mogla da ima značaj u transmisiji BSE kod ljudi. Danas se za BSE može da kaže da je pod "aktivnim nadzorom", odnosno pod kontrolom, Å”to je posledica primene mnogih strogih, propisanih mera legislative, posebno u zemljama EU. Zemlje kao Å”to je i naÅ”a, a koje nisu do sada ustanovile ni jedan klinički manifestan slučaj BSE, niti BSE dijagnostikovan u laboratoriji na uzorcima mozga životinja uzetih sa linije klanja grla starijih od 24 meseca, ili grla sa neuroloÅ”kim sindromima, dužne su da se uključe u monitoring BSE i sačine "analizu rizika", kako zbog mogućeg sagledavanja epizootioloÅ”ko-epidemioloÅ”ke situacije (pasivni nadzor), tako i zbog eventualnog uvoza i izvoza goveda i goveđeg mesa sa i na tržiÅ”te EU. Po modelu prepoznavanja drugih sličnih oboljenja CNS, setom analiza (posmatranjem kliničke slike nekoliko dana, prepoznavanjem "kritičnog neuroloÅ”kog znaka" određenim nalazima u krvi, serumu, likvoru i urinu), BSE je moguće isključiti ili proceniti njegovu prevalenciju. Ostala oboljenja CNS kod goveda kao Å”to su listerioza, hlamidiozna sporadična encefalopatija besnilo, te sekundarne encefalopatije kao Å”to su nervna forma ketoze hepatična encefalopatija, hipomagnezijemija, trovanje olovom, trovanje tremorgenim toksinima tipa saponina i ergotamina, u određenom procentu nalazimo i u naÅ”im uslovima držanja visoko-mlečnih krava. Od oboljenja centralnog nervnog sistema ovaca najčeŔće se dijagnostikuju listerioza border bolest, urođena hipomijelinogeneza, lupingill, graviditetna toksemija, neka određena trovanja, cenuroza i skrepi. Metodama takozvane brze dijagnostike kao Å”toje Western blot i/ili ELISA test, omogućen je "skrining" za rutinsku dijagnostiku, odnosno, za aktivni nadzor BSE. Iako u naÅ”oj zemlji joÅ” uvek nismo registrovali nijedan slučaj BSE, ipak je potrebno Å”to pre da se sačini procena analize rizika od BSE, koristeći priznati diferencijalno-dijagnostički pristup, u prepoznavanju prevalencije BSE "in vivo", od drugih, sličnih neuroloÅ”kih poremećaja i oboljenja CNS posebno važnih kod visoko-mlečnih krava

    Endokrini i metabolički profil junica holŔtajna i crvenog holŔtajna u peripartalnom periodu

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    The aim of this stady was to examine the relationship between triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxin (T4), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and blood serum liver function biomarkers concentrations in Holstein and Red Holstein heifers during the peripartal period. In the first experimental group (I) were heifers of Holstein Friesian breed (n=10), and in the second experimental group (II) were Red Holstein heifers (n=10). Blood samples were taken from the vena coccygea three times during the short peripartal period (5 days before delivery, at delivery and 5 days after delivery), and blood serum samples were separated after spontaneous coagulation. Blood serum T3, T4 and IGF-I concentrations were determinated using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Blood serum concentrations of glucose (G), total protein (TP), albumin, (Alb), urea, total bilirubin (tBil) and aspartate aminotrasferase (AST) were determined using commercial ELISA kits. The statistical significance between means was determined using Student t-test. Blood serum T3 concentration in Group II was significantly lower after delivery, and T4 concentration was significantly higher before delivery (p lt 0.05), compared to Group I. Mean blood serum IGF-I concentrations between the two experimental groups were not significantly different at all time intervals. Relationships between the determined hormones showed a median positive correlation between T3, and T4 (r=0.74) in Group I and highly positive correlation in Group II (r=0.81). Blood serum thyroid gland hormones and IGF-I concentrations in healthy heifers during peripartal period vary considerably, the lowest values being determined immediately after calving in both experimental groups. Blood serum G, TP, Alb and urea concentrations were significantly higher in Group I at all investigated time intervals. Blood serum tBil concentration was significantly higher after partus in Group I (11.02 Ā± 3.33 : 8.49 Ā± 3.35 Ī¼mol/L, Group I vs. II, respectively), and AST activity was not significantly different at all intervals.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio određivanje koncentracije triijodtironina (T3), tiroksina (T4), insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I) i biomarkera, pokazatelja funkcionalnog stanja jetre u krvnom serumu dva varijeteta junica HolÅ”tajn rase u peripartalnom periodu. Prvu eksperimentalnu grupu (I) činile su junice crno belog holÅ”tajna (n=10), a drugu grupu (II) junice crvenog holÅ”tajna (n=10). Krv za analize je uzimana iz repne vene, tri puta u peripartalnom periodu (5 dana pre partusa, na dan partusa i do 5 dana posle partusa), a krvni serum je odvajan nakon spontane koagulacije. U krvnom serumu je radioimunoloÅ”kom metodom (RIA, INEPZemun) određivanja koncentracija trijodtironina (T3), tiroksina (T4) i insulinu sličnog faktora rasta-I (IGF-I). Koncentracija glukoze (G), ukupnih proteina (TP), albumina, (Alb), ureje, ukupnog bilirubina (tBil) i aktivnost aspartat aminotrasferaze (AST) je određivana upotrebom komercijalnih ELISA kitova. Statistička značajnost razlika srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih endokrinih i metaboličkih parametara je određena Studentovim t-testom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na vrlo različite koncentracije hormona Å”titne žlezde u krvnom serumu junica oba varijeteta holÅ”tajna pre i posle partusa. Koncentracija T3 je bila statistički značajno niža u grupi II nakon partusa, a T4 značajno viÅ”a pre partusa (p lt 0.05) u odnosu na nivo hormona u grupi I. Za prosečne vrednosti koncentracija IGF-I, između isptivanih grupa nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlike ni u jednom od tri perioda ispitivanja. Utvrđena je srednje pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije T3 i T4 (r=0,74) u krvnom serumu junica grupe I, i vrlo visoka pozitivna korelacija u grupi II (r=0,81). Koncentracija TP, Alb i ureje bila je statistički značajno viÅ”a kod junica grupe I u sva tri perioda ispitivanja. Nivo tBil u krvnom serumu je takođe bio poviÅ”en kod junica grupe I u sva tri perioda ispitivanja, ali su statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti ustanovljene samo u periodu nakon partusa. Aktivnost AST u krvnom serumu junica oba varijeteta značajno je varirala u svim periodima ispitivanja i nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti

    Savremeni pristup u dijagnostici, profilaksi i terapiji zarazne Ŕepavosti ovaca

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    Zarazna Å”epavost ovaca je hronično, infektivno oboljenje akropodijuma ovaca, ređe koza i divokoza, polifaktorijalne prirode, za koju se smatra i da je bolest loÅ”eg menandžmenta u ovčarstvu. Poslednjih nekoliko godina se kao glavni uzročnik navodi Dichelobacter nodosus, raniji naziv Bacteroides nodosus. Sadejstvo sa nekoliko drugih saprofitnih i patogenih bakterija nije viÅ”e toliko značajno u etiopatogenezi, već se smatra važnijim da se odredi virulentnost soja D. nodosus. Ukoliko je infekcija izazvana vrlo virulentnim sojem D. nodosus, oboljenje se naziva Contagiosus ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) i tok bolesti se često zavrÅ”ava ā€žizuvanjem papkaā€ Brzom identifikacijom agensa može da se predvide klinički oblik oboljenja, tok i prognoza bolesti. Benigni soj agensa izaziva samo blagi do srednje virulentan laminitis, sa slabo izraženim interdigitalnim dermatitisom, kada je ispoljeno Å”epanje životinje, na jednu ili dve noge. Vrlo virulentni soj uzrokuje težak oblik infektivnog interdigitalnog dermatitisa, kao gnojno-nekrotičnog dermatitisa, sa značajnim oÅ”tećenjem rožine, uz izrazitio Å”epanje životinja. Zarazna Å”epavost ovaca je prisutna u skoro svim zemljama sveta, naročito u zemljama sa razvijenom ovčarskom proizvodnjom (Novi Zeland, Australija i UK), u kojima nanosi i značajne ekonomske Å”tete. U naÅ”oj zemlji zarazna Å”epavost ovaca se uglavnom javlja u RaÅ”koj oblasti, Istočnoj Srbiji i Vojvodini, ali u različitom procentu od stada do stada. Nastanku i rasprostranjenosti ovog oboljenja značajno doprinosi neredovna i nepravilna obrada papaka (važna zootehnička mera), kao i niz drugih predisponirajućih faktora kao Å”to su meka i vlažna zemlja, loÅ”i klimatski uslovi (toplo i vlažno vreme). U preveniranju, odnosno profilaksi, kao i terapiji zarazne Å”epavosti ovaca koja je kompleksne prirode, bilo je pokuÅ”aja sa primenom različitih dezinficijenasa. Tako se u literaturi navodi a u praksi sprovodi, dezinfekcija sa 10 posto bakar sulfatom, 5-8 posto formalinom, kao i u poslednje vreme, cink sulfatom, kako u supstanciji u obliku praÅ”ka, tako i u obliku rastvora (od 1o-2o% ZnS04), viÅ”e puta, u različitim vremenskim intervalima. Za dezinfekciju papaka ima nekoliko preskripcija. Neka od ovih sredstava su se pokazala kao vrlo efikasna. Cink sulfat ima izvesne prednosti u dezinfekciji papaka: baktericidan je, dublje prodire u tkivo na mestu dejstva, Å”titi rožnati deo papka, manje je toksičan, ekoloÅ”ki je prihvatljiv (lakÅ”e reÅ”iv za uklanjanje) i jeftiniji je od ostalih pomenutih dezinficijenasa. Upotreba antibiotika je opravdana samo kod pojedinačnih, izolovanih slučajeva i to u lečenju interdigitalnih dermatitisa, dijagnostikovanih na viÅ”e nogu. Međutim, upotreba antibiotika Å”irokog spektra u obliku spreja u interdigitalni prostor, pokazala se opravdanom i efikasnom. Imunoprofilaksa daje različite rezultate i uglavnom se primenjuje kod mladunčadi (Å”ilježadi) i ovaca u ranom graviditetu. Samo redovna i stručna obrada papaka, upotreba dezinficijensa cink sulfata u obliku rastvora po utvrđenoj proceduri, primena antibiotika u retkim slučajevima, koriŔćenje paÅ”njaka na dobro dreniranim zemljiÅ”tima i vakcinacija određenih kategorija životinja, mogu zajedno, da doprinesu efikasnoj eradikaciji ovog ā€župornogā€ oboljenja ovaca.Footrot in sheep is a chronic, infectious disease of the acropodium in sheep, less frequently in goats and mountain goats, of a multifactor nature, which is also considered to be a disease of poor management in sheep breeding. Over the recent years, Dichelobacter nodosus is given as the main cause, previously known as Bacteroides nodosus. Coaction with several other saprophytic and pathogenic bacteria is no longer so significant in etiopathogenesis, and it is considered more important to determine the virulence of the strain D. nodosus. The disease is called contagiousus ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) if the infection was caused by a very virulent strain of D. nodosus, and the disease often ends with the so-called removal of the foot. A speedy identification of the agent can provide insight into the clinical form of the disease, its course and predicted outcome. A benign strain of the agent causes only a mild to medium virulent laminitis, with poorly expressed interdigital dermatitis, when the animal openly limps on one or two legs. A very virulent strain leads to a grave form of infectious interdigital dermatitis, as a supurous-necrotic dermatitis, with significant damage to the bone and expressed limping of the animal. Footrot is present in sheep in almost all countries of the world, in particular in countries with a developed sheep production (New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom), where it causes significant economic damages. In our country, footrot in sheep occurs mainly in the Raska district, eastern Serbia and Vojvodina province, but the percentage varies from herd to herd. The irregular and incorrect processing of hoofs (an important zootechnical measure) significantly contributes to the occurrence and spreading of this disease, as well as a series of other contributing factors, such as soft and moist earch, bad climatic conditions (warm and humid weather). In activities on prevention and prophylaxis of this disease, as well as the treatment of footrot in sheep, which is complex in nature, there have been attempts to apply different disinfectants. For instance, disinfection with 10% copper sulphate, 5-8% formalin, as well as, more recently, zink sulphate, either in the form of a powder or as a solution (from 10-20% ZnSO4), several times during different time intervals, are recommended in litera ture and are being implemented in practice. There are a number of prescriptions for disinfection of hoofs and some of them have been shown to be very efficient. Zink sulphate has certain advantages in hoof disinfection: it is a bactericide, it penetrates deeper into the tissue in the crucial spot, it protects the horny part of the hoof, it is less toxic, ecologically acceptable (more readily disposable), and less expensive than other mentioned disinfectants. The use of antibiotics is justified only in individual isolated cases, in the treatment of interdigital dermatitis diagnozed on several legs. However, the application of widespecter antibiotics sprayed into the interdigital space has proven justified and efficient. Immunoprophylaxis yields different results and is mostly implemented in lambs and sheep in early stages of gravidity. Only regular and expert processing of hoofs, using a zink sulphate disinfectant in the form of a solution according to a prescribed procedure, the use of antibiotics in rare cases, putting animals to pasture in well-drained soil, and vaccination of certain categories of animals can all significantly contribute to the efficient eradication of this persistent disease in sheep

    Uticaj različitih muznih sistema na kvalitet mleka u toku muže krava

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    If the procedures of preparation for milking and finishing operations are conducted correctly, then it can be expected to produce top-quality milk. It is, therefore, necessary to know the basis of physiology of milk secretion, possible sources of contamination and handling procedures with milk after the milking. One of the essential conditions for reducing clinical and subclinical udder diseases and top-quality milk production (somatic cells count ā‰¤ 400000/ml, the total number of microorganisms ā‰¤100000/ml) is milking procedure that involves stimulating and hygienic procedures of udder preparation, milking process, after milking procedures and hygiene of milking equipment. The subject of this study was to determine the influence of preparatory procedures for milking, as well as the milking with different types of milking equipments on hygienic and bacteriological safety of raw milk on family farms.Ukoliko se postupci pripreme za mužu, muža i zavrÅ”ne operacije, izvode pravilno, onda se može dobiti mleko vrhunskog kvaliteta. Zato je neophodno poznavanje osnova fiziologije lučenja mleka, mogućih izvora kontaminacije i postupaka sa mlekom posle muže. Jedan od bitnih uslova da se smanje kliničke i subkliničke bolesti vimena i proizvede mleko ekstra klase (broj somatskih ćelija ā‰¤ 400000/ml, ukupan broj mikroorganizama ā‰¤ 100000/ml) jeste procedura muže koja obuhvata stimulativne i higijenske procedure pripreme vimena, tok muže, proceduru nakon muže i higijenu aparata za mužu. Predmet istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj pripremnih postupaka muže, kao i sam proces muže različitim tipovima muznih uređaja na higijensku i bakterioloÅ”ku ispravnost sirovog mleka na porodičnim farmama

    Epizootiological and diagnostic significance of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome control

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    The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a new viral disease in swine, designated exclusively under the acronym PRRS by the European Commission in 1991. The cause of this disease was isolated and determined in 1991 at the Lelystad Institute in The Netherlands as Lelystad aretrivirus. The PRRSV is an RNA virus of the order Nidovirales, the family Arteriviridae, the genus Arterivirus (Cavanaugh, 1997). Different genomic and pheriotypic varieties of the virus are significant. It is replicated in macrophages, it induces permanent viraemia, causes the creation of antibodies, and leads to persistent and latent infections. It is isolated from tonsil tissue, alveolar macrophages, the uterus, and fetal homogenate composed of different tissues (Wills et al., 1997). All production categories of swine can contract PRRS, but pregnant sows, suckling piglets and fattening swine are considered endangered categories. Morbidity and mortapty is between 8-80%, which also depends on the animal category. Economic damages are substantial when one considers the high percentage of still-born piglets, mummified fetuses and suckling piglets. Irregular successive cycles in sows are also expressed. In fattening swine, in addition to a respiratory form of the clinical picture, the time period until animals reach abattoir weight is extended even up to 30 days, which is also a considerable economic loss. Costs of treating possible secondary bacterial infections, diagnostics and immunoprophylaxis are not negligible. The OIE placed PRRS on the B list in 1992 as a contagious disease of swine which incurs economic losses in almost all countries of the world. Diagnosis is made by isolating and determining the virus and/or by serodiagnostics (ELISA and PCR). Certain countries have already made up protocols for the implementation of constant diagnostics and suggested eradication measures (Dee S.A. et al., 2000). In our country, the first clinical cases of PRRS were recorded in Herceg Novi in 1998 (Radojicic Biljana et al., 2002). It is our opinion that the implementation of PRRS diagnostics must begin in our country as well, especially since the disease has a clinical picture which is similar to swine plague, so that wrong diagnoses are possible

    Contemporary approach in diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of footrot in sheep

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    Footrot in sheep is a chronic, infectious disease of the acropodium in sheep, less frequently in goats and mountain goats, of a multifactor nature, which is also considered to be a disease of poor management in sheep breeding. Over the recent years, Dichelobacter nodosus is given as the main cause, previously known as Bacteroides nodosus. Coaction with several other saprophytic and pathogenic bacteria is no longer so significant in etiopathogenesis, and it is considered more important to determine the virulence of the strain D. nodosus. The disease is called contagiousus ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) if the infection was caused by a very virulent strain of D. nodosus, and the disease often ends with the so-called removal of the foot. A speedy identification of the agent can provide insight into the clinical form of the disease, its course and predicted outcome. A benign strain of the agent causes only a mild to medium virulent laminitis, with poorly expressed interdigital dermatitis, when the animal openly limps on one or two legs. A very virulent strain leads to a grave form of infectious interdigital dermatitis, as a supurous-necrotic dermatitis, with significant damage to the bone and expressed limping of the animal. Footrot is present in sheep in almost all countries of the world, in particular in countries with a developed sheep production (New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom), where it causes significant economic damages. In our country, footrot in sheep occurs mainly in the Raska district, eastern Serbia and Vojvodina province, but the percentage varies from herd to herd. The irregular and incorrect processing of hoofs (an important zootechnical measure) significantly contributes to the occurrence and spreading of this disease, as well as a series of other contributing factors, such as soft and moist earch, bad climatic conditions (warm and humid weather). In activities on prevention and prophylaxis of this disease, as well as the treatment of footrot in sheep, which is complex in nature, there have been attempts to apply different disinfectants. For instance, disinfection with 10% copper sulphate, 5-8% formalin, as well as, more recently, zink sulphate, either in the form of a powder or as a solution (from 10-20% ZnSO4), several times during different time intervals, are recommended in literature and are being implemented in practice. There are a number of prescriptions for disinfection of hoofs and some of them have been shown to be very efficient. Zinc sulphate has certain advantages in hoof disinfection: it is a bactericide, it penetrates deeper into the tissue in the crucial spot, it protects the horny part of the hoof, it is less toxic, ecologically acceptable (more readily disposable), and less expensive than other mentioned disinfectants. The use of antibiotics is justified only in individual isolated cases, in the treatment of interdigital dermatitis diagnosed on several legs. However, the application of wide-specter antibiotics sprayed into the interdigital space has proven justified and efficient. Immunoprophylaxis yields different results and is mostly implemented in lambs and sheep in early stages of gravidity. Only regular and expert processing of hoofs, using a zinc sulphate disinfectant in the form of a solution according to a prescribed procedure, the use of antibiotics in rare cases, putting animals to pasture in well-drained soil, and vaccination of certain categories of animals can all significantly contribute to the efficient eradication of this persistent disease in sheep

    How can plants manage polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons? May these effects represent a useful tool for an effective soil remediation? A review

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    Plants are autotrophic organisms which are able to use sunlight and carbon dioxide as the sources of energy and carbon. Plants' roots absorb a range of natural and anthropogenic toxic compounds for which they have developed some extraordinary detoxification mechanisms. From this point of view, plants can be seen as natural, solar-powered pump-and-treat systems for cleaning up contaminated soils, leading further to the concept of phytoremediation. The phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) refers to the use of plants and associated soil microorganisms in terms of reducing the concentrations or toxic effects of these contaminants in the environment. Although there is little evidence to prove that PAHs from soils are accumulated considerably in plants' parts, there is a lot of evidence that in soils vegetated with grasses and legumes, a significant dissipation of PAHs occurs. Namely, the primary mechanism controlling this process is the rhizospheric microbial degradation, where soil microbial populations use organic compounds as carbon substrates for its growth. This is usually stimulated by roots exudates. The final result of this process is the breakdown and eventual total mineralization of the contaminants. The main challenge in PAH phytoremediation is to improve the performances of plants and rhizospheric microorganisms requiring thus more basic research and knowledge on natural detoxification mechanisms

    Efekat mineralnog adsorbenta na nivo serumskih imunoglobulina G, proteina i glukoze kod teladi na kolostralnoj ishrani

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of added natural mineral adsorbent zeolite (clinoptylolite) on the degree of absorption of immunoglobulin G and on glucose and protein concentration in the blood of calves during the neonatal period. Sixty calves were randomly divided in to four groups (15 calves per group). The quality and timing of colostrum feeding was as follows: group I was fed only with 1.5 L of colostrum at 2nd, 12th, 24th and 36th hour after birth; group II was fed with 1.5 L of colostrum with the mineral adsorbent added at a 5% concentration in the same time intervals; group III was fed with 1.5 L of colostrum together with the mineral adsorbent added at a 5% concentration, but at 2nd and 12 hour after birth it was fed with the first colostrum, and 24 and 36 hours after birth it was fed with the second colostrum. Group IV of calves was fed the same way as the third one only without the addition of the mineral adsorbent. Mean serum concentration of IgG was 15.14Ā±7.43; 22.22Ā±8.15; 23.65Ā±9.93; 20.81Ā±4.19 g/L in groups I to IV respectively at 6h of age. IgG concentration in the sera of all groups were 29.10Ā±15.25; 45.46Ā±13.45; 50.72Ā±21.57; 41.60Ā±15.42 g/L respectively at 16h after birth. At 30 hours of age, concentration of IgG was 33.29Ā±14.70; 47.05Ā±12.38; 55.00Ā±19.71; 51.59Ā±13.82 g/L in groups I to IV respectively. IgG concentration in the sera of all groups were 29.82Ā±12.69; 44.10Ā±13.50; 51.88Ā±20.14; 47.68Ā±13.18 g/L respectively at 40 hours after birth. For the calves which were fed with the full colostrum without and with the addition of the mineral adsorbent (Group I and II) the statistical significance of the difference in the concentration of IgG was determined during all the tested intervals. Concentration of IgG in the sera of group II calves (fed colostrum with zeolite added) was approximately 30% higher than in the group I. The statistical significance of the difference in levels of IgG between group I and groups III an IV was determined during all tested intervals, also. Concentration of IgG in the sera of group III calves was 40% higher than in group I. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), Vol. 57, No. 2-3, 169-180, 2007. Results suggest that calves should receive feedings of high quality colostrum with added mineral adsorbent in order to maximize colostral IgG absorption. Determining the proteinemia in the neonatal period of calves is a reliable indicator of the impact of the mineral adsorbent on the degree of absorption of colostral IgG. The concentration of glucose for all the tested groups increased significantly with the increase of the quantity of ingested colostrum, with no evident influence of the added mineral adsorbent.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta na bazi klinoptilolita na stepen resorpcije IgG i koncentraciju nekih biohemijskih parametara u krvnom serumu teladi u neonatalnom periodu. Telad su bila podeljena u četiri grupe (po 15 teladi u svakoj grupi). I grupa teladi napajana je sa kolostrumom 2h, 12h, 24h i 36h posle rođenja, II grupa teladi napajana je sa kolostrumom u koji je dodat mineralni adsorbent u koncentraciji od 5% u istim vremenskim intervalima, III grupa napajana je sa 1,5 L kolostrumom u koji je dodat mineralni adsorbent u koncentraciji od 5% ali 2h i 12h posle rođenja napajana su prvim kolostrumom, a 24h i 36h dugim kolostrumom, IV grupa teladi hranjena je na isti način kao i III grupa samo Å”to u kolostrum nije bio dodat mineralni adsorbent. Koncentracija IgG u krvnom serumu teladi od I do IV grupe, 6 sata iznosila je pojedinačno 15,14Ā±7,43; 22,22Ā±8,15; 23,65Ā±9,93; 20,81Ā±4,19 g/L. U krvnom serumu teladi kod svih ispitivanih grupa koncentracija IgG u 16h iznosila je pojedinač no 29,10Ā±15,25; 45,46Ā±13,45; 50,72Ā±21,57; 41,60Ā±15,42 g/L. Koncentracija IgG 30sata kod ispitivanih grupa teladi (I do IV) bila je pojedinačno 33,29Ā±14,70; 47,05Ā±12,38; 55,00Ā±19,71; 51,59Ā±13,82 g/L. Koncentracija IgG u krvnom serumu svih grupa 40h iznosila je 29,82Ā±12,69; 44,10Ā±13,50; 51,88Ā± 20,14; 47,68Ā±13,18 g/L pojedinačno. Kod teladi koja su napajana punim kolostrumom bez i sa dodatkom mineralnog adsorbenta (I i II grupa) utvrđena je statistička značajnost razlike u koncentraciji IgG u svim ispitivanim intervalima. Koncentracija IgG u krvnom serumu teladi koja su napajana kolostrumom sa dodatkom zeolita (II grupa) bila je oko 30% veća u odnosu na I grupu. Statistički značajna razlika u koncentraciji IgG utvrđena je i poređenjem I grupe sa III i IV u svim ispitivanim intervalima. Koncentracija IgG u krvnom serumu kod III grupe teladi bila je za 40% veća nego u I. Rezultati su ukazali da kod teladi koja su napajana kolostrumom visokog kvaliteta, u koji je dodat mineralni adsorbent, dolazi do maksimalne adsorpcije IgG. Određivanje proteinemije kod teladi u neonatalnom periodu je pouzdan pokazatelj uticaja mineralnog adsorbenta na resorpciju kolostralnih IgG. Koncentracija glukoze kod svih oglednih grupa se značajno povećava sa povećanjem broja uzetih kolostruma, bez većeg uticaja mineralnog adsorbenta

    Determination of influential parameters for composting of liquid manure with wheat straw

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    Production of compost from mixture of liquid manure and wheat straw is achievable process. In order to obtain final product of good quality, it is necessary to achieve total control of process. In the production process, essential changes in properties were recorded, compared to initial stage. Organic fertilizer of excellent quality was produced by composting the mixture of liquid manure and wheat straw. Prior to composting, components were mixed in fixed ratio. Production process involves aerobic treatment of mixture, by turning the mass frequently. Mixture of manure and straw was placed on the concrete surface in form of prisms, 3m wide and 1m high. Special machine for mass turning was used. The most important parameters for composting process, and their changes during treatment were monitored (changes in temperature, mass, height, bulk density, moisture content, N content, organic dry matter content, pH level C/N ratio)