4 research outputs found

    Water Masses Characteristics at the Sanghie Talaud Entry Passage of Indonesian Throughflow Using Index Satal Data 2010

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    Measurement of ocean physical parameters using the CTD was conducted by deep water expedition INDEX-SATAL 2010 (Indonesian Expedition Sangihe-Talaud) in July-August 2010. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of water masses around the Sangihe Talaud Water where there was an entry passage of Indonesian throughflow (ITF) at the west pathway that passed through the primary pathway i.e., the Sulawesi Sea and Makassar Strait and the secondary pathway (east pathway) that passed through the Halmahera Sea. The analyses were performed by the method of the core layer and was processed with software Ocean Data View (ODV). The results showed that in the Sangihe Talaud waters there was a meeting water masses from the North Pacific and the South Pacific. The water mass characteristics in main pathway through the Sulawesi Sea was dominated by surface and intermediate North Pacific water masses and carried by the Mindanao Currents. While the Halmahera Sea water mass was dominated by surface and intermediate South Pacific water masses carried by the New Guinea Coastal Current that moved along the Papua New Guinea and Papua coast enters to the Halmahera Sea

    Water Masses Characteristics at the Sanghie Talaud Entry Passage of Indonesian Throughflow Using Index Satal Data 2010

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    Measurement of ocean physical parameters using the CTD was conducted by deep water expedition INDEX-SATAL 2010 (Indonesian Expedition Sangihe-Talaud) in July-August 2010. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of water masses around the Sangihe Talaud Water where there was an entry passage of Indonesian throughflow (ITF) at the west pathway that passed through the primary pathway i.e., the Sulawesi Sea and Makassar Strait and the secondary pathway (east pathway) that passed through the Halmahera Sea. The analyses were performed by the method of the core layer and was processed with software Ocean Data View (ODV). The results showed that in the Sangihe Talaud waters there was a meeting water masses from the North Pacific and the South Pacific. The water mass characteristics in main pathway through the Sulawesi Sea was dominated by surface and intermediate North Pacific water masses and carried by the Mindanao Currents. While the Halmahera Sea water mass was dominated by surface and intermediate South Pacific water masses carried by the New Guinea Coastal Current that moved along the Papua New Guinea and Papua coast enters to the Halmahera Sea

    Studi Dinamika Ekosistem Perairan di Teluk Lampung: Pemodelan Gabungan Hidrodinamika-Ekosistem

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika ekosistem perairan di Teluk Lampung dengan menggunakan gabungan model hidrodinamika-ekosistem dengan pendekatan numerik. Secara umum, hasil simulasi pola arus residu M2 cenderung masuk dari mulut teluk sebelah barat, sebagian terus memasuki sampai kepala teluk dan sebagian keluar kembali dari mulut teluk bagian timur. Selain itu, terlihat pula adanya suatu eddy yang mengalir berlawanan arah jarum jam di sekitar kepala teluk. Pola penyebaran masing-masing kompartimen ekosistem hasil model memiliki kesamaan dengan hasil pengamatan di lapangan, serta konsisten dengan pola arus residu M2. Pengaruh suplai dari sungai, interaksi antara proses biologis seperti produktifitas primer, sekunder (pemangsaan), kematian alami plankton, serta proses dekomposisi oleh bakteri belum begitu berperan dalam neraca dan standing stock ekosistem di Teluk Lampung. Peranan suplai dari laut lebih dominan dibanding dengan proses-proses biokimiawi yang berinteraksi di dalam teluk. Hasil perhitungan tingkat efisiensi aliran energi dari proses dekomposisi dan produksi urine zooplankton ke produktifitas primer mengalami kehilangan sebesar 30.48 %, sementara dari produktifitas primer ke produktifitas sekunder (pemangsaan) mengalami penambahan 17.24 %