18 research outputs found

    "Blue-green" corridors as a tool for erosion and stream control in highly urbanized areas - case study of Belgrade city

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    Highly urbanized areas constantly need new surfaces for building of commercial, residential or infrastructure objects. Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is a large regional centre with a population of 2 000 000 dwellers, covering a territory of 3500 km2. The territory of Belgrade is intersected by 187 streams, with watersheds mostly rural in higher parts, urbanized and highly urbanized in lower parts. Torrential floods that once occurred rarely during pre-development period have now become more frequent and destructive due to the transformation of the watershed from rural to urban land uses. Authorities of Belgrade defined a strategy for erosion control and protection from torrential floods, based on the restoration of “blue-green” corridors (residuals of open streams and fragments of forest vegetation). The restoration of “blue-green” corridors helps the establishment of new recreational areas, the preservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of effects of climate change

    The cultural landscape: From conservation to planning concept

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    The interpretation of the concept of cultural landscape, as well as the interpretation of the general concept of landscape, depends on the context in which the process takes place. As an antithesis to natural landscape, and as notion of spatial and temporal interaction of man and nature, the cultural landscape is conceptualized in terms of scientific approach. The experiences prove that the traditional dichotomy in defining the landscape value (natural vs. cultural), as well as the aspect of its protection, evolving into a holistic approach, which is promoted in European Landscape Convention, at the beginning of XXI century. In the modern theory and practice of spatial planning and nature protection, the concept of cultural landscape appears as a holistic, multidimensional and multifunctional entity, which, in times of globalization, should be preserved and developed in accordance with its regional and local identity (character). The question is: what kind of methodological approach should be applied in determining the landscape value in the spatial planning and nature conservation? The aim of the research is to explain the evolution of landscape approach form reductionism to holistic problem-oriented transdisciplinary research that allows appropriate evaluation of the cultural landscape potential and its application in the spatial planning concept. At the same time, the aim is to explain the conceptualization of the cultural landscape in terms of the institutional protection of natural and cultural heritage and spatial planning in Serbia. The purpose of this paper is to point to legal instruments of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia which defining the obligations of determining the landscape character in the planning concept in spatial and urban plans, as well as the re-evaluation of existing values of cultural landscapes. The subject of the paper is theoretical concept of cultural landscape and the character of the cultural landscape Tršić-Tronoša. The value of the landscape character is interpreted and metrically expressed for the purposes of the Study of protection of the landscape of exceptional features Tršić-Tronoša - cultural landscape. At the end, the finding of the presented research confirming the applicability of the methods of landscape characterization in the spatial planning concept

    1986 u Jugoslaviji. Studentski protesti izmedju Istoka i Zapada

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    Stojakovic K, Kanzleiter B. 1986 u Jugoslaviji. Studentski protesti izmedju Istoka i Zapada. In: Radic R, ed. 1968. Cetrdeset godina posle. Beograd; 2008: 453-480

    Restoration of eroded surfaces in Serbian ski-areas

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    Torrential Floods in Serbia - Man Made and Natural Hazards

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    Application of vapor phase corrosion inhibitors for contaminated environments

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    Availability and accessibility to clean water for industrial applications such as hydrotesting and hydrostatic testing of pipelines, vessels, and plumbing distribution systems has been a challenging task especially when the job sites are in remote locations. When contaminated water is used in these tests, corrosion of the metallic components of the systems, during and after testing become a major concern. Vapor-phase corrosion inhibitors (VCI), can be added to water in small concentrations to prevent corrosion during testing, during wet storage and after testing. These inhibitors are to prevent corrosion of metallic components in three phases, within the solution, at the water line, and above the water line. Three commercially available corrosion inhibitors were evaluated in this investigation. Laboratory studies are presented in this paper, showed the effectiveness of VCI products in both fresh and salt water applications. Average corrosion rate dropped from ~10 mpy for salt solution to less than 1-1.6 mpy when various inhibitors was added. The effectiveness of these inhibitors is remarkable in the fresh water (less than 0.4 mpy). Exposure of the steel samples to these inhibitors did not show any loss in mechanical properties. Both strength and ductility of the low carbon steel samples was maintained


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    Encephalopathy in cholestasis results from accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) and hydrophobic bile acids (BA). Toxic BA and UCB induces neurotoxicity (apoptosis of neurons). Putrescine, spermidine and spermine are endogenous polyamines essential for cellular growth, regeneration and differen-tiation. Beneficial effects of putrescine in CNS injury have been attributed to anti-apoptotic ant anti-oxidant properties.The aim of the study was to examine the effect of putrescine at the level of lipid peroxidation in cholestatic brain injury.Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups: I-control, II-sham operated rats, III-treated only with putrescine, IV-bile duct ligated (BDL) rats, V-BDL rats treated with putrescine (150mg/kg BW ip.). The animals were sacrificed after the 9 -day treatment.Administration of putrescine in BDL rats reduces concentration of blood plasma UCB and BA (29.2±3.3 vs. 43.6±5.9 μmol/l and 11.4±0.8 vs. 22.8±2.6 μmol/l; p < 0.001). The lipid peroxidation (MDA) was increased in brain of BDL rats (4.98±0.54 vs. sham operated rats 3.99±0.32 nmol/mg prot; p < 0.001). Putrescine decreased MDA level in brain of V group vs. IV group rats (2.25±0.42 vs. 4.98±0.54 nmol/mg p; p < 0.001). The amplification of cerebral activity of polyamine oxidase (PAO) in BDL rats (1.25±0.09 vs. sham operated rats 0.81±0.09 U/mg prot; p < 0.001), resulted in high local concentrations of 3-acetamidopropanol and H2O2 which lead to oxidative stress and cell death. Administration of putrescine of BDL rats, decreased activity of cerebral PAO compared with BDL rats (1.02±0.07 vs. 1.25±0.09 U/mg prot; p < 0.001).Administration of putrescine in BDL rats results in normalization of cerebral oxidative stress and has protective role after the CNS injury in cholestasis