4 research outputs found

    Data security in mobile healthcare

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    Introduction/purpose: The digitization of healthcare has gained particular importance in the years since the emergence of COVID-19 and also has become one of the primary goals of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Telemedicine is a good solution when the patient cannot come to a healthcare facility. Mobile healthcare applications are already widely used, but in both fields the important challenge is data security. The aim of this paper is to review solutions for data security in mobile healthcare from the technical side and possible challenges in the process of digitization of the healthcare system in Serbia. Methods: This review is based on current papers in this area, on the available relevant literature and the authors' many years of experience in this field. Experiences in the process of digitization of healthcare in Serbia are based on available articles and regulations. Finally, possible challenges are presented from the authors' perspective based on everything presented in the field of data security in mobile healthcare. Results: The analysis of the papers reviewed from the point of view of data security showed that users are often ready to sacrifice their privacy for the sake of convenience provided by mobile applications. Conclusion: Based on the review of the papers and clear data security requirements that include the presented safeguards, one of the main tasks of the entire community is to raise awareness of information security and awareness of the need for cyber hygiene of each individual, which is the basis for the safe use of e-health services

    Application of multimedia services in the broadband environment to improve logistic needs of the army

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    The paper analyzes the flow of some multimedia services, and points to the possibility of applying some of the services in the broadband environment to improve the logistic needs of the army. The need to convey information in different forms (from text, data, graphics, still pictures to video motion pictures) is increasing continually. Requests for information transfer in high resolution require increasing the flow to several dozens of Mb/s. Broadband represents the platform for a wide range of multimedia services. Each multimedia service requires a certain flow which can be partially decreased with advanced coding techniques

    Optimization Geometry of zhe Body Presses for the fine punching using FEM Analyzis

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    Abstract Abstract: During the design process of vital structural components it is necessary to consider all engineering design aspects including the initial geometry, material selection, nominal loads, global and detailed stress-strain calculations. The objective of the present article is to outline the process of such multiparametric geometry optimization of a press for fine sheet-metal punching by using FEM analysis. An iterative process of the geometry optimization is illustrated on an example of the press exposed to high static loads under strict allowable deflection requirements. The initial press geometry is modified based on the obtained FEM simulation results. The static calculations are then performed repeatedly on the modified press models until the obtained stress and deflection values fell within the permissible limits. The press model adopted in the described process of iterative geometry modifications represents an input for the calculations under dynamic loads

    The method of “external spiral” for solving a large system of linear equations / Применение метода «внешней спирали» при решении систем линейных уравнений с большим количеством неизвестных / Metoda 'spoljašnje spirale" za rešavanje linearnog sistema sa velikim brojem nepoznatih

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    Solving a linear system of n × n equations can be very difficult for the computer, especially if one needs the exact solution, even when the number n - of equations and of unknown variables is relatively small (a few thousands). All existing methods have to overcome at least one of the following problems: 1. Computational complexity, which is expressed with the number of arithmetic operations required in order to determine a solution; 2. The possibility of overflow and underflow problems; 3. Causing variations in the values of some coefficients in the initial system, which may be leading to instability of the solution; 4. Requiring additional conditions for convergence; 5. In cases of a large number of equations and unknown variables it is often required that the systems matrix be: either sparse, or symmetrical, or diagonal, etc. This paper presents a method for solving a system of linear equations of arbitrary order (any number of equations and unknown variables) to which the problems listed above do not reflect. / Решение систем линейных уравнений n × n может представлять проблему для компьютера, особенно в тех случаях, когда требуется точное решение, и даже в тех случаях, когда количество уравнений и неизвестных относительно невелико (всего несколько тысяч). Все существующие методы сталкиваются с наименее одной из следующего ряда проблем: 1. сложность вычисления, выраженная количеством соответствующих операций, которые необходимо произвести для получения решения; 2. потенциальная возможность неограниченного роста значений результатов, что приводит к проблемам: overflow и underflow; 3. изменение значений некоторых коэффициентов в исходной системе, что приводит к неустойчивости решения; 4. дополнительные требования вследствие конвергенции; 5. в случаях большого количества уравнений и неизвестных необходимо, чтобы матрица системы была или не слишком наполнена, или была симметричной, либо диагональной, и т.д. В данной работе представлены методы решения системы линейных уравнений с произвольным количеством уравнений и неизвестных, на которых не отражаются перечисленные проблемы. / Rešavanje linearnog sistema jednačina n × n može biti problem i za računar, pogotovo ako je potrebno tačno rešenje, čak i kada je broj jednačina i nepoznat i relativno mali (par hiljada). Sve postojeće metode su opterećene bar jednim od sledećih problema: 1. složenošću računanja izraženim kroz broj potrebnih operacija koje je potrebno izvršiti kako bi se došlo do rešenja; 2. potencijalnom mogućnošću neograničenog rasta veličina među rezultata, što uzrokuje probleme prekoračenja opsega (overflow) i nedovoljne osetljivosti odnosno preciznosti (underflow); 3. promenom vrednosti nekih koeficijenata u polaznom sistemu, što uzrokuje nestabilnost rešenja; 4. dodatnim zahtevima, zbog konvergencije; 5. slučajevima velikog broja jednačina i nepoznatih koji zahtevaju da matrica sistema bude: ili slabo popunjena, ili simetrična, ili dijagonalna, itd. U ovom radu prezentuje se metoda za rešavanje sistema linearnih jednačina sa proizvoljnim brojem jednačina i nepoznatih na koju se navedeni problemi ne reflektuju