50 research outputs found

    ZaŔtitno arheoloŔko istraživanje u vranjičkome podmorju 2005./2006.

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    Tijekom 2005. i 2006., prilikom radova na obnovi zapadne i južne vranjičke obale, provedeno je zaÅ”titno podmorsko arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje. Tada su na svjetlost dana izaÅ”li mnogi zanimljivi nalazi iz prapovijesnoga i antičkoga doba. Neprikladni uvjeti rada znatno su otežali i ograničili pristup nalazima te uskratili mnoge vrijedne spoznaje o životu na otočiću nadomak Salone tijekom viÅ”e od tri tisućljeća

    Application of the State-Of-The Art Engineering Methods in Nautical Archaeology

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    Modern interdisciplinary projects are connecting researchers from seemingly unrelated fields, like naval engineering and archaeology. However, archaeological remnants of the present days, such as ancient ships and ceramic transport containers, were created by engineers and artisans of the past. It is therefore meaningful to consider their function and construction from an engineering point of view, complementing the archaeological research. One track of the interdisciplinary project Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring (AdriaS), founded by the Croatian Science Foundation, aims at better understanding of structural behaviour of the ancient seaborne structures, made of wood and ceramics. In addition, a reverse engineering method is considered in the analysis of underwater archaeological sites, by the simulation of capsizing of ancient ship. This paper presents the possibilities and limitation of the application of the state-of-the-art engineering methods in nautical archaeology. It focuses on the analysis of wooden and ceramics structures, particularly through the identification of open questions, and exploitation of proper material models. Moreover, it presents the complex fluid-structure interaction analysis of a ship capsizing event as a possible engineering tool for testing hypothesis

    Basic nautical archaeology terminology

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    Arheologija broda znanstvena je disciplina koja putem materijalnih ostataka, te pisanih, ikonografskih i etnografskih izvora proučava sve tipove brodova proÅ”lih vremena. Zdenko Brusić, pionir podvodne arheologije u Hrvatskoj, započeo je intenzivan rad u podmorju Å”ezdesetih godina proÅ”loga stoljeća, u viÅ”e navrata istražujući ostatke starih brodova. Sukladno suvremenoj metodologiji, u novije vrijeme pokazalo se kako je standardiziranje terminologije koja se koristi prilikom istraživanja proÅ”losti drvene brodogradnji neophodno za sustavno iznoÅ”enje rezultata istraživačkog rada, te poticanje znanstvene rasprave. U vrijeme dok je na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu joÅ” postojao predmet Drvena brodogradnja, Teodor Bernardi napisao je udžbenik Konstrukcija drvenih brodova, koji je u ovome radu, u neÅ”to izmijenjenom obliku, poslužio kao osnova za pripremanje osnovnog pojmovnika. Taj pokuÅ”aj rezultat je sve intenzivnijih istraživanja ostataka drvenih brodova u hrvatskom podmorju, koja nužno dovode do potrebe izvjeÅ”tavanja i objave rezultata na hrvatskom jeziku.Nautical archaeology is a scientific discipline that studies all types of ships from the past, based on material remains, and written, iconographic and ethnographic sources. Zdenko Brusić, the pioneer of Croatian underwater archaeology, started his intensive underwater research in the 1960s, and on several occasions explored the remains of old ships. In order to keep pace with modern methodology, it has recently become clear that a standardization of the terminology used in researching historical wooden shipbuilding is necessary to be able to systematically publish the results of research activities, and to promote scholarly discussion. At the time when the subject Wooden Shipbuilding was still taught at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb, Teodor Bernardi wrote a textbook entitled Konstrukcija drvenih brodova (Wooden Ship Construction). His textbook served as the starting point for compiling an initial Croatian nautical archaeology glossary. This paper builds on his glossary, and is the result of intensive recent excavations of wooden ship remains in Croatian waters, which have necessarily involved the need to report and publish results in Croatian

    Underwater/Submarine, Maritime and Nautical Archaeology: Discussing Some Terminological Issues

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    Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati povijest terminologije vezane uz znanstvene discipline podvodnu/podmorsku arheologiju, arheologiju pomorstva i arheologiju broda u okviru hrvatske arheoloÅ”ke znanosti, te predložiti moguća rjeÅ”enja za njihovu buduću klasifikaciju. Podvodna i podmorska arheologija Å”iroko su prihvaćeni tehnički termini kojima se uobičajeno označuju arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja koja se provode u posebnim uvjetima, a za čije je ostvarenje potrebno raspolagati odgovarajućom opremom i alatom. Precizna definicija termina arheologija pomorstva i arheologija broda omogućuje nam razlikovanje zadataka i ciljeva tih dviju disciplina, pojaÅ”njava njihov znanstveni doprinos unutar matičnoga polja i pruža znatno jasniju percepciju njihovog sadržaja i značenja.The objective of this paper is to review the history of terminology supporting the scientific disciplines of underwater/submarine, maritime and nautical archaeology within the framework of Croatian archaeology, and provide recommendations for future classifications. Underwater archaeology and submarine archaeology are generally accepted technical terms denoting archaeological research conducted under special conditions, and requiring appropriate equipment and tools. Proper definition of terms nautical and maritime archaeology makes it possible to differentiate between the tasks and objectives of the two disciplines and clarify their scientific contributions to archaeology in general, providing a much clearer perception of their content and meaning

    The study of sea-level changes at coastal archaeological sites

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    Promjene morske razine konstantan su proces za koji potvrde nalazimo u nizu geoloÅ”kih, geomorfoloÅ”kih, bioloÅ”kih i ekoloÅ”kih indikatora te u brojnim arheoloÅ”kim i povijesnim izvorima. Proučavanje tih promjena omogućuje nam rekonstrukciju obalne crte i ostalih geomorfoloÅ”kih značajki određenog obalnog krajolika tijekom povijesnih razdoblja. GeoloÅ”ki, bioloÅ”ki, arheoloÅ”ki i drugi indikatori daju nam podatke o relativnim promjenama morske razine, tj. o uzajamnom odnosu mora i kopna u određenom vremenu i na određenom prostoru. One su zbroj eustatskih, tektonskih i glacio-hidro-izostatskih čimbenika i, shodno tome, posljedice su globalnih, regionalnih i lokalnih pojava. U radu se sažeto prikazuje složena problematika promjena morske razine tijekom proÅ”losti, s ciljem približavanja svim stručnjacima koji se izravno njome ne bave, ali se s njome susreću tijekom arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja u priobalju i plitkome podmorju.Changes in sea levels are a constant process for which confirmations can be found in many geological, geomorphological, biological and ecological indicators, and in numerous archaeological and historical sources. The study of these changes makes it possible to reconstruct coastlines and other geomorphological features of specific coastal landscapes during various periods. Geological, biological, archaeological and other indicators provide data on the relative sea-level changes, i.e., on the interaction between sea and land in specific periods and in specific places. They are the sum of eustatic, tectonic and glacio- and hydro-isostatic factors and, consequently, of global, regional and local phenomena. This work concisely presents the complex topic of sea-level change over the course of the past, with the objective of bringing together all experts who do not directly deal with it but nonetheless encounter this problem during archaeological research at the shoreline and submerged sites

    The study of sea-level changes at coastal archaeological sites

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    Promjene morske razine konstantan su proces za koji potvrde nalazimo u nizu geoloÅ”kih, geomorfoloÅ”kih, bioloÅ”kih i ekoloÅ”kih indikatora te u brojnim arheoloÅ”kim i povijesnim izvorima. Proučavanje tih promjena omogućuje nam rekonstrukciju obalne crte i ostalih geomorfoloÅ”kih značajki određenog obalnog krajolika tijekom povijesnih razdoblja. GeoloÅ”ki, bioloÅ”ki, arheoloÅ”ki i drugi indikatori daju nam podatke o relativnim promjenama morske razine, tj. o uzajamnom odnosu mora i kopna u određenom vremenu i na određenom prostoru. One su zbroj eustatskih, tektonskih i glacio-hidro-izostatskih čimbenika i, shodno tome, posljedice su globalnih, regionalnih i lokalnih pojava. U radu se sažeto prikazuje složena problematika promjena morske razine tijekom proÅ”losti, s ciljem približavanja svim stručnjacima koji se izravno njome ne bave, ali se s njome susreću tijekom arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja u priobalju i plitkome podmorju.Changes in sea levels are a constant process for which confirmations can be found in many geological, geomorphological, biological and ecological indicators, and in numerous archaeological and historical sources. The study of these changes makes it possible to reconstruct coastlines and other geomorphological features of specific coastal landscapes during various periods. Geological, biological, archaeological and other indicators provide data on the relative sea-level changes, i.e., on the interaction between sea and land in specific periods and in specific places. They are the sum of eustatic, tectonic and glacio- and hydro-isostatic factors and, consequently, of global, regional and local phenomena. This work concisely presents the complex topic of sea-level change over the course of the past, with the objective of bringing together all experts who do not directly deal with it but nonetheless encounter this problem during archaeological research at the shoreline and submerged sites

    O podrijetlu toponima Prirovo u viŔkoj luci prilog toponimiji otoka Visa*

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    DosadaÅ”nje objaÅ”njenje toponima Prirovo u viÅ”koj luci zadralo se na razini pučke etimologije izvodeći ga od riječi ā€œpri rovuā€. Ovaj rad pokuÅ”aj je da se toponim objasni na posve drugačiji način, u smislu posvojnog tj. posjedovnog toponima izvedenog od titule ā€œpriorā€, za Å”to u povijesnim okvirima postoje stvarne mogućnosti. Imena su pouzdana poklada pučkog poimanja stvarnosti. U tome je njihova spomenička vrijednost. (P. Å imunović, Istočnojadranska toponimija


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    Podmorsko arheoloÅ”ko nalaziÅ”te na području splitskoga Spinuta otkriveno je polovicom 20. stoljeća. Rezultati zaÅ”titnih istraživanja započetih 2006. godine potvrđuju kako je riječ o zanimljivom nalaziÅ”tu iz antičkog vremena na kojemu je, usprkos dugogodiÅ”njoj devastaciji, preostalo joÅ” mnogo značajnih arheoloÅ”kih nalaza.Ever since 1958, archaeologists have known about underwater archaeological finds in the shallow sea in front of "Gusar" Rowing Club at Spinut, in the Poljud bay on the northern side of Split. This is when the first Dressel 20 type amphorae, originating from the Roman province of Hispania, and representing a rather rare find in the Croatian sea bed, became part of the Split Archaeological Museum collection. The site was, at the beginning, interpreted as the site of a shipwreck from A.D. 2nd century, but trial research lead by Nenad Cambi in 1974 proved it to be a coastal structure for the building of which, along with construction waste, Hispanic globular and North African cylindrical amphorae had been used. Such construction, according to the researchers, could have served for draining the marshy land indicated by the silty sea bottom of the bay and the origin of the name Poljud (Lat. palus). Already at the end of the 1950s, it was estimated that about 50 globular amphorae had been taken from the site. After the mentioned small-scale intervention, finds were being illicitly taken away from the site for decades, affecting thus the surface layer of the site. Over the last few years the site revived interest after local divers warned about its endangered state and value. Iron grids were laid to temporarily protect the archaeological finds that were visible on the surface. Protective archeological researches were carried out in 2006 and 2007 with the aim of determining the surface of the site and the composition of the cultural stratum. Eleven probes so far proved archaeological finds on a surface of 60 x 60 m, but aerial photographs and inspection of the surface indicate they extended on a surface twice as large. Along with the already known structure made of amphorae that in spite of merciless devastation still lies on the sea bottom, interesting structures made of wooden boards, columns and stakes have been found, similar to the ones recently found at several locations within the KaÅ”tela Bay. A stone bulwark was determined, while fragments of a column and a square urn indicate the existence of a settlement ashore. Preliminary analyses of small archaeological material indicate that the cultural stratum determined so far around the aforementioned structures belongs to the late Roman period, i.e. the 3rd and 4th centuries B.C. Several finds from deeper layers of the site, within the area of structures, belong to an earlier period, which indicates that this area had been used in A.D. 1st and 2nd centuries. Currently it is considered a presumption that needs to be testified by future systematic archaeological research. According to data known so far, the underwater site at Spinut could be interpreted as remains of farming complexes typical of the classical period. Such complexes, according to previously known finds ashore and recent interesting discoveries in the sea, could have stretched along the entire coast of the KaÅ”tela Bay whose geographical features facilitated the development of agriculture, maritime economy and trade. The position of the site within the ager of classical Salona, the immediate vicinity of the settlement Spalatum, and so far rather modest but interesting finds on the greater area of Spinut and Poljud undoubtedly speak in favor of the fact that the area, in classical times must have been exploited in a solid way. The results of small-scale underwater research support the aforementioned presumption and indicate the need for thorough research of the site that will certainly yield many scientific ideas important for interpreting the classical past of Split