44 research outputs found

    Efekti promena u tilakoidnim membranama - mera za ocenu otpornosti i adaptivnosti inbred linija kukuruza prema visokim temperaturama

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    The chlorophyll delayed fluorescence (DF) method, as a non-invasive bioluminescence method, is recommended for application in maize breeding and seed production in order to evaluate maize inbred lines for resistance and adaptability to increased and high temperatures. The following thermal properties of the photosynthetic apparatus of the studied maize inbred lines have been determined: the temperature dependence within a range of 23-60°C; critical temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thylakoid membrane were established and by means of it significant functional changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of the investigated maize inbred lines were detected. Activation energies (Ea, kJ mol-1) along- side the straight lines prior and after critical temperatures were calculated. Ea is a measure of occurrence of chlorophyll DF recombination processes and, simultaneously, a measure of total changes in the structure and functioning of thylakoid membranes. Thylakoid membranes in maize inbred lines underwent significant conformational changes in the part following the maximum intensity, i.e. in the part of its sharp linear decline. Such a state fits more a non-living than a living organism in relation to its both, structure and functions. The presented parameters of total thermal processes of chlorophyll DF such as temperature dependence, critical temperatures and activation energy can be an important factor for a more exact characterization of maize inbred lines in relation to their resistance and adaptation to increased and high temperatures, contributing to a more rapid and rational development of the selection process.Metod o zakasneloj fluorescenciji hlorofila, kao neinvazivni bioluminiscentni metod, kandiduje se za primenu u oplemenjivanju i semenarstvu radi utvrđivanja ocene inbred linija kukuruza na otpornost i adaptivnost prema višim i visokim temperaturama. Utvrđene su termalne karakteristike fotosintetičnog aparata proučavanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza i to: - temperaturna zavisnost u opsegu 23°S-60°S; - vrednosti za kritične temperature na kojima dolazi do manjih i većih strukturnih promena u tilakoidnim membranama, - vrednosti za energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) duž pravih linija pre i posle pojave kritične temperature u termalnom procesu. Utvrđena je različita monotonost u rastućem i opadajućem delu intenziteta termalne krive, što ukazuje na nejednaku otpornost i adaptiranost ispitivanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza prema višim i visokim temperaturama. Proučavane samooplodne linije kukuruza u odnosu na njihovu otpornost prema višim i visokim temperaturama rangiraju se na sledeći način: - pokazano je da je samooplodna linija kukuruza ZPPL 52 vrlo otporna prema visokim temperaturama, - samooplodne linije kukuruza ZZPL 14 i N 108 imaju zadovoljavajuću otpornost prema visokim temperaturama

    Termalne karakteristike fotosintetičkog aparata samooplodnih linija kukuruza

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    The delayed chlorophyll fluorescence method was used to determine the following thermal properties of photosynthetic apparatus of the observed maize inbred lines: the temperature dependence within the range of 25-60oC critical temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thylakoid membrane, and by means of it, significant functional changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of these inbred lines were detected. activation energies (Ea, kJ mol-1) alongside the straight lines prior and after critical temperatures were calculated. Ea is a measure of occurrence of chlorophyll DF recombination processes and by that a measure of the total changes in structure and functioning of the thylakoid membranes. Results and the discussion of presented parameters of total thermal processes of chlorophyll DF, such as: temperature dependence, critical temperatures and activation energy, can be an important factor for a more exact characterisation of maize inbred lines in relation to their resistance and adaptation to temperature and drought, contributing to a rapider and more rational development of the selection process.Metodom zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila utvrđene su termalne karakteristike fotosintetičkog aparata proučavanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza, i to: određena je temperaturna zavisnost u opsegu od 25 do 60oC, otkrivene su kritične temperature na kojima dolazi do faznih transformacija u tilakoidnoj membrani, a time i do značajnih funkcionalnih promena u fotosintetičkom aparatu ispitivanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza, obračunate su energije aktivacije (Ea kJ/mol) duž pravih linija pre i posle kritične temperature. Ea je mera nastajanja rekombinacionih reakcija povezanih sa uspostavljanjem zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila, a time i ukupnih promena u strukturi i funkciji tilakodinih membrana. Rezultati i diskusija izloženih parametara ukupnih terminalnih procesa ZF hlorofila, kao što su: temperaturna zavisnost, kritične temperature i energija aktivacije mogu doprineti egzaktnijem karakterisanju i trijaži samooplodnih linija kukuruza i linija u procesu selekcije u odnosu na njihovu otpornost i adaptivnost prema temperaturi i suši, što doprinosi bržem i racionalnijem odvijanju procesa selekcije

    The mechanism of the NH4 ion oscillatory transport across the excitable cell membrane

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    This paper presents results on typical oscillations of the membrane potential induced by the excitation of the cell membrane by different concentrations of the NH4Cl solution. The existence of four classes of oscillations of the membrane potential and several different single and local impulses rhythmically occurring were determined. It is known that the oscillatory processes of the membrane potential are in direct dependence on oscillatory transport processes of NH4 and Cl ions across the excitable cell membrane. A hypothesis on a possible mechanism of oscillatory transport processes of NH4 and Cl ions across the excitable cell membrane is also presented

    Uticaj proporcije i veličine vegetacionog prostora roditeljskih linija na broj semena hibrida kukuruza ZP 42A i ZP 704

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    The three-year four-replication trials with two sowing densities were set up according to randomized complete block design under conditions of irrigation in two locations in order to determine the effects of a proportion and a size of a vegetation area of parental lines on the number of seeds of maize hybrids ZP 42 A and ZP 704. Hemp was sown in border belts of 3.2 m in width that were the isolation between experimental variants. The number and the arrangement of parental rows were 4:2 in favor of a female component. The number of plants per area unit amounted to 55,000 and 65,000 per hectare. The inter-row distance for the female component amounted to 70 cm, while there were the following two distances for the male component: 70 cm and 50 cm. The proportion of areas under female component plants amounted to 66.7% and 72.2%. A statistically high significance of the environment (location x growing season), the inter-row distance of male component plants, the rows of female component plants and the density, i.e. the number of plants, was determined by the analysis of variance for the total number of kernels-seeds per ear of female component plants.Tokom trogodišnjih istraživanja u dve lokacije i dve gustine, utvrđen je uticaj proporcije i veličine vegetacionog prostora roditeljskih linija na broj semena hibrida kukuruza ZP 42 A i ZP 704. Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok-sistemu u četiri ponavljanja u uslovima navodnjavanja. Izolacija između oglednih varijanti bila je konoplja zasejana u trake širine 3,2 m. Broj i raspored redova roditeljskih linija bio je 4:2 u korist linije-majke. Broj biljaka po jedinici površine bio je 55.000 i 65.000 biljaka po hektaru. Za redove biljaka linije-majke međuredno rastojanje iznosilo je 70 cm a kod redova biljaka linije-oca bile su dve varijante: 70 cm i 50 cm. Učešće (proporcija) površine pod biljkama linije-majke iznosila je 66,7% i 72,2%. Analizom varijanse za ukupan broj zrna-semena na klipu biljaka linije-majke utvrđena je statistički visoka značajnost spoljne sredine (lokacija x vegetacioni period), međurednog rastojanja biljaka linije-oca, redova biljaka linije-majke i gustine tj. broja biljaka

    Međuzavisnost oscilacija i tranzijenata indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila u tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista kukuruza - reakcije na delovanje viših temperatura i suše

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    Standard induction processes of delayed fluorescence (DF) of chlorophyll (induction signals) occur when an intact leaf segment of maize inbreds and hybrids is kept in the phosphoroscope darkroom for more than 15 minutes (t > 15 min), and at the same time the leaf is illuminated with the intermittent white light. Resolved induction processes of DF chlorophyll into transients: A, B, C, D and E occur when the intact leaf segment of maize inbreds and hybrids is kept in the phosphoroscope darkroom for a significantly shorter period (500 s > t > 30 s), with the time rate t of 30 s, prior to its illumination with the intermittent white light. Induction transients: A, B, C, D and E are characterized with the time of their generation: tA = 31±6 ms (A), tB = 5 ± 0,5 s (B), tC = 15±5 s (C), tD = 360±20 s (D) and tE = 670±35 s (E), dynamics of changes in transients intensities (IA, IB, IC, ID and IE) and mechanisms of their generation. The induction processes of chlorophyll DF of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids resolved into transients: A, B, C, D and E are accompanied by the occurrence and different levels of activation energy (Ea, kJ mol-1) that correspond to critical temperatures ranging from 28 to 33°C. The generation mechanisms of induction transients A, B, C, D and E classify them into two groups. Transients A and B are of a physical character, while the transients: C, D, and E are of a chemical character. It is shown that the generation of the induction transients: B, C, D and E simultaneously follows establishing of the oscillations of induction processes of the DF chlorophyll. Oscillating of induction processes of DF chlorophyll is explained by the ion (K+, Na+, H+, Cl-) transport mechanism across the thylakoid membrane of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids grown under conditions of air drought, increased temperatures and water deficiency in the medium.U ovom radu ostvaruje se primena poboljšanog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog metoda u proučavanju složenih indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila, koji su razloženi na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E i kod kojih mogu da nastanu oscilacije. Međuzavisnost oscilacija i indukcionih tranzijenata: A, B, C, D i E javlja se kod intaktnih listova linija (ZPR 70ž i Oh 43) i hibrida (ZPDC 360, ZPSC 46A, ZPSC 704 i ZPSC 71) kukuruza koji su gajeni u staklari u uslovima različite vazdušne suše, delovanja viših temperatura i deficita vode u podlozi. Posebno se ukazuje na uslove pri kojima dolazi do uspostavljanja standardnih indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Daje se kraći opis standardne indukcione krive ZF hlorofila. Znatno detaljnije daju se eksperimentalni rezultati o razlaganju indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E. Pokazani su vremenski i fizičko-hemijski parametri za proučavane indukcione tranzijente. Objašnjeni su njihova priroda i mehanizmi nastajanja. Utvrđene su karakteristike i mehanizam nastajanja oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Dati su uslovi pri kojima dolazi do pojave pobuđenog stanja, nastajanja fluktuacija i uspostavljanja oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila u tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza. Izneta je hipoteza o mehanizmu nastajanja oscilacija. Objašnjena je međuzavisnost uspostavljanja oscilacija i tranzijenata indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila

    Značaj kontinuiranog unapređenja proizvodnje i kontrole osnovnog semena ZP hibrida kukuruza

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    High-quality seed is one of the key factors in the commercial maize grain production. In addition, hybrid seed production is conditioned by the production of basic seed of parental inbreds. According to the Law on Seed, 2005, the category of basic seed is defined as: original of self-pollinated plant species, hybrid components and potato elite, produced under control of the Ministry competent for agribusiness and is used for the production of certified seed of the first generation. This paper presents a chronological overview of the overall activity since1945. that led to the modern production of maize seed in our country. The activities have been based on scientific, technical and technological achievements within many fields, ranging from genetics and breeding, through growing practices, processing, quality control and legal regulations concerning all of this. Transition from maize breeding and production to hybrids has provided an amazing development of maize breeding and seed production and also included significant profit. Therefore, maize seed production has become high-technology industry. The scientific and professional work in improving the production of basic seed of ZP maize hybrids has been carried out in stages, and generally followed achievements in maize breeding and genetics, as well as developments in the growing practices and processing. In order to maintain a high quality of maize hybrid seed, as the end product, permanent efforts have to be invested into maize production improvement, drying, processing, storing, genetic purity of basic seed of parental inbreds of ZP maize hybrids, which are grown on the significant percentage of maize production areas not only in Serbia and countries in the region.U procesu proizvodnje kukuruza jedan od ključnih činilaca je kvalitetno seme, bez kojeg nema ni kvalitetne proizvodnje merkantilnog zrna. Takođe proizvodnja hibridnog semena je uslovljena proizvodnjom osnovnog semena roditeljskih linija. Po zakonu o semenu iz 2005. godine definicija kategorije osnovnog semena glasi: Osnovno seme jeste original samooplodnih biljnih vrsta, komponente hibrida i elita krompira. Proizvodi se pod kontrolom ministarstva nadležnog za poslove poljoprivrede (u daljem tekstu: Ministarstvo), a koristi se za proizvodnju sertifikovanog semena prve generacije. U radu se izlaže hronološki pregled aktivnosti od 1945. do danas koje su dovele do savremene proizvodnje semena kukuruza kod nas, a koje se zasnivaju na naučno-tehničkim dostignućima iz brojnih oblasti, počevši od genetike i oplemenjivanja, preko tehnologije gajenja, dorade, kontrole kvaliteta i zakonske regulative koja sve ovo prati. Prelazak na hibridni koncept oplemenjivanja i proizvodnje kukuruza omogućio je, uz stvaranje značajnog profita, zadivljujući razvoj u oblasti oplemenjivanja i semenatrstva kukuruza, pa je semenarstvo kukuruza postalo industrija visoke tehnologije. Naučnostručni rad na unapređenju proizvodnje osnovnog semena ZP hibrida kukuruza odvijao se po etapama, i uglavnom je pratio dostignuća iz oplemenjivanja i genetike kukurza kao i dostignuća iz tehnologije gajenja i dorade. Kako bi se održao visok nivo kvaliteta hibridnog semena, kao krajnjeg proizvoda, moraju se ulagati kontinuirani napori i u unapređenje tehnologije proizvodnje, sušenja, dorade, skladištenja, genetičke čistoće, osnovnog semena roditeljskih linija ZP hibrida kukurza, koji zauzimaju značajan procenat proizvodnih površina kako Srbije tako i zemalja u regionu

    Mehanizmi i parametri tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista kukuruza

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    The intact leaves of four maize hybrids: ZP 360, ZP 46A, Zp 633 i ZP 704 and two maize inbred lines ZPR 70ž i Oh 43, tolerant and resistant to the impact of increased and high temperatures and drought were observed in the present study. The improved, non-invasive photosynthetic-fluorescence method was applied in studying of complex delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes that were resolved into transients: A, B, C, D and E in which instabilities, fluctuations and oscillations can occur. The interrelationship between transients and oscillations of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes occurred in the intact leaves of maize inbreds and hybrids that were grown in the green-house under conditions of different air drought, impacts of temperatures and the water deficit in the medium, when their thylakoid membranes had been excited and significant structural and functional changes had occurred. The existence of transients: A, B, C, D and E of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was determined. The time and physico-chemical parameters of these transients were presented. The mechanisms of their generation were explained. The properties of oscillatory performances of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes were determined. The conditions under which instable state and fluctuations occurred and oscillations were established in the excited thylakoid membrane of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids were presented. The hypothesis on the mechanism of establishing of oscillations and their interrelation with transients of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was presented.Razloženi indukcioni procesi zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E nastaju kada se segment intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza drži u mračnoj komori fosforoskopa znatno kraće vreme (30 s ≤ τ ≤ 240 s), pre njegovog intermitentnog osvetljavanja sa belom svetlošću. Tranzijente indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E karakterišu njihovi vremenski parametri: tA, tB, tC, tD i tE, promena intenziteta tranzijenata, parametri i mehanizmi njihovog nastajanja. Razloženi indukcioni procesi ZF hlorofila intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E praćeni su pojavom i različitim nivoima vrednosti energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) koje odgovaraju različitim kritičnim temperaturama faznih prelaza u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani. Mehanizmi nastajanja tranzijenata indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E imaju dve prirode. Tranzijenti A i B su fizičke, a tranzijenti: C, D i E su hemijske prirode. Pokazano je da nastajanje tranzijenata: B, C, D i E istovremeno prati uspostavljanje oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Po našoj hipotezi, međuzavisnost tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila dovode se u neraskidivu vezu. Oscilovanje indukcionih procesa ZF hlororfila objašnjava se strukturnim i funkcionalnim promenama u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza koji su gajeni u uslovima vazdušne suše, povećanih temperatura i deficita vode u podlozi

    Uticaj promena u tilakoidnim membranama na otpornost i adaptivnost prema temperaturi i suši samooplodnih linija kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    The delayed chlorophyll fluorescence method, as a non-invasive bioluminescence method, is recommended for the application in maize breeding and seed production in order to evaluate maize inbred lines for their resistance and adaptability to increased and high temperatures, as well as, to drought. The flowing thermal properties of the photosynthetic apparatus of the observed maize inbred lines: the temperature dependence within a range of 25-60oC, critical temperatures at which phase transitions occur in the thylakoid membrane were discovered and by means of its significant functional changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of observed maize inbred lines were detected. activation energies (Ea, kJ mol-1) alongside the straight lines prior and after critical temperatures were calculated. Ea are a measure of occurrence of chlorophyll DF recombination processes and by that a measure of the total changes in structure and functioning of the thylakoid membranes. Thylakoid membranes underwent significant conformational changes in the part following the maximum intensity, i.e. in the part of its sharp linear decline. Such a state fits more to a nonliving than a living organism in relation to its both, structure and functions. Results and the discussion of presented parameters of total thermal processes of chlorophyll DF, such as: temperature dependence, critical temperatures and activation energy, can be an important factor for a more exact characterization of maize inbred lines in relation to their resistance and adaptation to temperature and drought, contributing to a rapider and more rational development of the selection process.Utvrđene su termalne karakteristike fotosintetičnog aparata proučavanih samooplodnih linija kukuruza, i to: određena je temperaturna zavisnost u opsegu od 25 do 60 °C, otkrivene su kritične temperature na kojima dolazi do faznih transformacija u tilakoidnoj membrani, obračunate su energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) duž pravih linija pre i posle kritične temperature. Ea je mera nastajanja rekombinacionih reakcija povezanih sa uspostavljanjem zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila, a time i ukupnih promena u strukturi i funkciji tilakoidnih membrana. Rezultati i diskusija izloženih parametara ukupnih terminalnih procesa ZF hlorofila, kao što su: temperaturna zavisnost, kritične temperature i energija aktivacije, mogu doprineti egzaktnijem karakterisanju samooplodnih linija kukuruza u odnosu na njihovu otpornost i adaptivnost prema temperaturi i suši. Sve ovo doprinosi egzaktnijem, bržem i racionalnijem odvijanju procesa selekcije

    Svojstva prestižnih samooplodnih linija kukuruza relevantna za savremenu proizvodnju kvalitetnog hibridnog semena

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    The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that there are maize elite inbred lines (ZPPL 62 and ZPPL 233) that are considered prestigious and are characteristic by their water status and a greater rate of a dry down during the grain maturation. Also, they are characteristic by their efficient photosynthetic-fluorescence photo-model, which is successfully used in the contemporary technological productions of maize hybrid seed. The presented results on the dynamics of grain dry down during the maturation period and on photosynthetic and fluorescence parameters: temperature dependency of the intensity of delay chlorophyll fluorescence, the Arrhenius plot for the determination of critical temperatures (phase transition temperatures), activation energy and the angle between the ear leaf and the stalk of the maize plant, show that traits of observed inbreds are mainly based on good effects and nature of conformational and functional changes that occur in their thylakoid membranes and other chemical structures of grain and leaf tissue. Some other properties of observed prestigious maize inbred lines relevant to the seed production were also analyzed in this study.U ovom radu potvrđuje se hipoteza da postoje elitne samooplodne linije kukuruza koje se smatraju prestižnim i koje poseduju, kako svojstvo stanja vode i njenog bržeg otpuštanja iz zrna u periodu sazrevanja, tako i svojstvo efikasnog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog fotomodela, koji se uspešno koristi u savremenim tehnologijama proizvodnje hibridnog semena kukuruza. Izloženi rezultati o dinamici otpuštanja vode iz zrna u periodu sazrevanja i o fotosintetično-fluorescentnim pokazateljima: teperaturnoj zavisnosti intenziteta zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila, Arenijusovim kriterijumom za određivanje kritičnih temperatura (temperature faznih prelaza), energija aktivacije i veličine ugla između lista na klipu i stabljike kukuruza, pokazuju da su svojstva proučavanih linija zasnovana na dobrim efektima i prirodi strukturnih i funkcionalnih promena, koje se odigravaju u njihovim tilakoidnim membranama i drugim hemijskim strukturama tkiva zrna i lista. U radu se analiziraju i druge relevantne semenarske karakteristike proučavanih prestižnih samooplodnih linija kukuruza

    Biofizička i genetička svojstva prestižnih inbred linija i hibrida kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova

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    This study confirms the hypothesis that there are elite maize inbred lines and hybrids with erect top leaves, which have a dominant property of an efficient photosynthetic and fluorescent model that is successfully used in modern breeding programmes and the production hybrid seed and commercial maize. This statement is supported by the displayed results on the erect top leaves, the dynamics of grain dry-down during the maturation period and photosynthetic and florescence parameters: the temperature dependence of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, the Arrhenius criterion for the determination of critical temperatures (phase transition temperatures) and the activation energies. The presented results show that properties of observed maize inbreds and their hybrids are based on the nature of conformational and functional changes that occur in their thylakoid membranes and other chemical tissues structures of grain and intact leaves, as well as, on positive effects in maize breeding. Moreover, other relevant significant breeding and seed production properties (commercial maize quality over grain structure, physical and chemical parameters) of maize inbred lines and their hybrids were analyzed in the present study.Proučavane su četiri prestižne inbred linije kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova: ZPPL 16, ZPPL 218, ZPPL 62 i ZPPL 233. Ove linije su, kao majka ili otac, uključene u stvaranje više od 50 hibrida kukuruza. U tekućem srednjeročnom periodu široku komercijalnu primenu našao je veći broj hibrida kukuruza: ZP 341, ZP 360, ZP 434, ZP 578, ZP 606, ZP 677, ZP 684 i drugi. U ovom radu analizirani su samo reprezentativni hibridi kukuruza: ZP 341 (FAO 300), ZP 434 (FAO 400), ZP 578 (FAO 500) i ZP 684 (FAO 600). Ovim radom potvrđuje se naša hipoteza da postoje elitne inbred linije i hibridi kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova, koji poseduju dominantno svojstvo efikasnog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog modela i uspešno se koriste u savremenim programima oplemenjivanja, proizvodnji hibridnog semena i merkantilnog kukuruza. Ovaj zaključak dobijen je uz primenu neinvazivnog fotosintetično-fluorescentnog metoda pogodnog za ocenu efikasnosti fotomodela. Dobijene fotosintetične karakteristike proučavanih prestižnih inbred linija kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova zasnovane su na efektima i prirodi promena zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila koje se odigravaju u njihovim tilakoidnim membranama, čiji su pokazatelji temperaturna zavisnost intenziteta zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila, Arenijusov kriterijum za utvrđivanje kritičnih temperatura (temperature faznih prelaza) u tilakoidnim membranama i energije aktivacije. Izloženi rezultati o veličini ugla između pravca prostiranja prvog lista iznad klipa i pravca prostiranja stabljike, kao i rezultati o dinamici oslobađanja vode iz zrna u periodu njegovog sazrevanja dodatno pokazuju da su svojstva proučavanih inbred linija kukuruza sa uspravnim položajem vršnih listova pogodni kriterijumi za egzaktniji, racionalniji i brži proces oplemenjivanja. Takođe su analizirana i druga relevantna selekciona i semenarska svojstva proučavanih prestižnih inbred linija i hibrida kukuruza (kvalitet merkantilnog kukuruza preko strukture zrna, fizičkih i hemijskih parametara)