83 research outputs found

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    37/Okołooperacyjna brachyterapia pulsacyjna (BT PDR) jako metoda podwyższenia dawki na lożę po guzie u chorych na raka piersi leczonych z zachowaniem narządu

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    Cel pracyWstępna ocena okołooperacyjnej BT PDR ze śródoperacyjnym umieszczeniem prowadnic w obszarze loży po usuniętym guzie u chorych na raka piersi leczonych z zachowaniem narządu (ang. breast-conserving therapy, BCT).Materiał i metodyPrzedstawiono materiał 53 chorych na raka piersi (T1-3N0-1M0, w wieku 38–64 lat) poddanych BCT, u których jako boost na lożę po usuniętym guzie zastosowano BT ze śródoperacyjnym wprowadzeniem miękkich prowadnic. U 7 chorych z guzem T2-3 przed BCT zastosowano chemioterapię. Zabieg operacyjny stanowił pierwotne leczenie (30 chorych) lub poszerzenie marginesu po uprzedniej biopsji ekscyzyjnej (23 chorych). Za wyjątkiem 9 chorych, u których nie stwierdzono w czasie zabiegu zmian przerzutowych w węźle wartowniczym, równocześnie dokonano usunięcia pachowych węzłów chłonnych. Podczas zabiegu dokonywano rekonstrukcji gruczołu. BT w dawce 15 Gy (1 Gy/puls/godz.) rozpoczynano następnego dnia, a napromienianie piersi wiązką zewnętrzną (RT) - po 1–4 tygodniach. Stosowano aparat microSelectron PDR zawierający źródło 192 Ir. Rozkład dawki w obszarze implantu wyznaczano komputerowo przy użyciu systemu planowania PLATO, stosując optymalizację geometryczną objętościową. Plany leczenia oceniano na podstawie naturalnego histogramu.WynikiUmieszczenie prowadnic do BT przedłużało zabieg o ok. 20 minut. U 51 chorych (96%) zastosowano implant 2-płaszczyznowyz użyciem 5–13 prowadnic (mediana 9). Średnia objętość leczona (V100) wynosiła 34.4 cm3. Zabiegowi nie towarzyszyło zwiększone krwawienie. BT PDR była bardzo dobrze tolerowana. Martwica tłuszczowa z koniecznością powtórnego wycięcia tkanek wystąpiła u 1 chorej, co spowodowało opóźnienie RT wiązką zewnętrzną o miesiąc. W okresie obserwacji od 3 do 25 miesięcy nie ujawniono nawrotu miejscowego raka, u 2 chorych wystąpiły przerzuty odległe i u 1 chorej - rak w drugiej piersi.WnioskiOkołooperacyjna BT PDR jest prostą, dobrze tolerowaną metodą podania dodatkowej dawki w BCT. Śródoperacyjne umieszczenie prowadnic umożliwia dokładne wyznaczenie obszaru wysokiej dawki, co zmniejsza ryzyko błędu lokalizacyjnego

    Hygienic Value and Mycotoxins Level of Grass Silage in Bales for Horses

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds which have adverse effects on humans, animals, and crops and result in illnesses and economic losses. The toxins may occur in storage under conditions favourable for the growth of the toxin-producing fungus or fungi. The highest forage concentration of toxins was found in horizontal storage methods such as bunker silos and feed piles, which were left open to oxygen. In any fermentation storage system, temperature and the presence of moisture is sufficient for toxin production. In a plastic covered storage system, oxygen penetration is slowed but not eliminated. The longer silage is stored, the greater the opportunity for significant fungus growth and toxin contamination. Although the effects of mycotoxins on horses are not well documented in scientific literature, in many situations mycotoxin problems appear to be significant e.g. colic, neurological disorders, paralysis and brain lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of mycotoxins in grass silage prepared in bales for horses

    Structures in multicomponent polymer films : their formation, observation, applications in electronics and biotechnology

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    Several strategies to form multicomponent films of functional polymers, with micron, submicron and nanometer structures, intended for plastic electronics and biotechnology are presented. These approaches are based on film deposition from polymer solution onto a rotating substrate (spin-casting), a method implemented already on manufacturing lines. Film structures are determined with compositional (nanometer) depth profiling and (submicron) imaging modes of dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry, near-field scanning optical microscopy (with submicron resolution) and scanning probe microscopy (revealing nanometer features). Self-organization of spin-cast polymer mixtures is discussed in detail, since it offers a one-step process to deposit and align simultaneously domains, rich in different polymers, forming various device elements: (i) Surface segregation drives self-stratification of nanometer lamellae for solar cells and anisotropic conductors. (ii) Cohesion energy density controls morphological transition from lamellar (optimal for encapsulated transistors) to lateral structures (suggested for light emitting diodes with variable color). (iii) Selective adhesion to substrate microtemplates, patterned chemically, orders lateral structures for plastic circuitries. (iv) Submicron imprints of water droplets (breath figures) decorate selectively micron-sized domains, and can be used in devices with hierarchic structure. In addition, selective protein adsorption to regular polymer micropatterns, formed with soft lithography after spin-casting, suggests applications in protein chip technology. An approach to reduce lateral blend film structures to submicron scale is also presented, based on (annealed) films of multicomponent nanoparticles

    OmpR controls Yersinia enterocolitica motility by positive regulation of flhDC expression

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    Flagella and invasin play important roles during the early stages of infection by the enteric pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. Our previous study demonstrated that OmpR negatively regulates invasin gene expression at the transcriptional level. The present study focused on the role of OmpR in the regulation of flagella expression. Motility assays and microscopic observations revealed that an ompR mutant strain exhibits a non-motile phenotype due to the lack of flagella. An analysis of flhDC::lacZYA chromosomal fusions demonstrated a decrease in flhDC expression in ompR mutant cells, suggesting a role for OmpR in the positive control of flagellar master operon flhDC, which is in contrast to the negative role it plays in Escherichia coli. Moreover, high temperature or osmolarity and low pH decreased flhDC expression and OmpR was not required for the response to these factors. Evidence from an examination of the DNA binding properties of OmpR in vitro indicated that the mechanism by which OmpR regulates flhDC is direct. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that OmpR binds specifically to the flhDC promoter region and suggested the presence of more than one OmpR-binding site. In addition, phosphorylation of OmpR by acetyl-P appeared to stimulate the binding abilities of OmpR. Together with the results of our previous studies revealing the negative role of OmpR in the regulation of invasin expression, these findings support a model in which invasion and motility might be reciprocally regulated by OmpR

    An Analysis of Basic Parameters of Ro-Pax Ferries in the Baltic Sea as Guidelines for its Preliminary Design

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    This paper presents results of an analysis of the operating and maneuvering parameters (length, width, draft, main propulsion power and maneuvering equipment, and windage area) of the Ro-Pax ferries over 150m in length. The analysis takes into accounts all ferries operating in the Baltic Sea in 2017. The work also includes route analysis of the collected Ro-Pax units. The influence of port infrastructure is also discussed. The mean optimal Baltic Sea Ro-Pax ferry and its parameters for short term and long term forecasts are presented. This paper may be used as a primary guideline for the determining the optimal Ro-Pax ferry dimensions size for the Baltic lines in terms of preliminary ship design

    Descriptive geometry in building

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    The dynamic development of economy require the presentation of descriptive geometry mainly in technical applications. The first course students must know the sense of learning of such difficult subject in reception. The descriptive geometry is a new subject for almost all students of technical universities. Thus there exists the necessity to go into the matter of young people with the mapping method. Thanks to this method it is possible to descript the geometrical projects of building structures. In the course of mechanics of building, on the base of the geometrical projects, there exists the possibility of determining of decomposition of interior forces. Moreover, in the course of metalic and complex constructions and reinforced concrete constructions, there exists a possibility of projection of construction section. The measure mapping has a great application to design of ground structures. In connection with the quick development of family buildings possessing an interesting architecture there exists a necessity to prepare students to geometrical plan of very complicated roofs. Moreover, during auditorial exercises students prepare geometrical plans of different coupling types using in sanitary engineering

    Poziom nierówności dochodowych a polityka redystrybucyjna w krajach Unii Europejskiej

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    The article addresses issues concerning the level of income inequalities in the countries of the European Union in 2010 and 2018. Subject literature and secondary Eurostat data were used in order to achieve the aim of the study. The obtained results confirmed the presence of a large variability in the level of income inequalities between countries of the European Union. Bulgaria and Lithuania were the countries characterized by the biggest income inequalities. The smallest income disproportions, independent of the interference of the state, occurred in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. In addition, in 2018, a relatively large drop in inequality in Poland, as well as an increase in inequality in Luxembourg, Sweden and the Netherlands was observed. The study conducted allows to confirm the hypothesis assumed at the beginning, which states that in countries that are part of the European Community, the governments effectively contribute to the reduction in income inequalities by means of taxes and social remittances. However, a decrease in so-called the Gini gap in most European Union countries means that the effective- ness of redistribution has been decreasing.Artykuł podejmuje kwestie dotyczące poziomu nierówności dochodowych w krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2010 i 2018. Do realizacji celu badawczego wykorzystano literaturę przedmiotu oraz wtórne dane Eurostat. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły występowanie dużego zróżnicowania poziomu nierówności docho- dowych między badanymi krajami. Państwami cechującymi się największymi nierównościami dochodowymi była Bułgaria oraz Litwa. Najmniejsze dysproporcje dochodowe niezależne od ingerencji państwa występowały w Czechach, na Słowacji oraz w Słowenii. Poza tym w 2018 roku zauważono relatywnie duży spadek nierówności w Polsce oraz wzrost nierówności w Luksemburgu, Szwecji oraz Holandii. Przeprowadzone w artykule badanie pozwala potwierdzić założoną na wstępie hipotezę, że w krajach Wspólnoty Europejskiej państwo poprzez podatki i transfery socjalne skutecznie wpływa na redukcję nierówności dochodowych. Odnotowano jednak spadek tzw. luki Giniego w większości krajów unijnych, co oznacza, że efektywności redystrybucji malała

    Kierunki zmian w handlu detalicznym w Polsce

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    The aim of the research was to present changes taking place in retail trade in Poland after economic transformation. The diversity of retail sales forms was presented. Five stages of transformation of this sector were isolated. The directions of changes as well as the perspectives for the development of retail trade were indicated. The period under study was the years 1990-2018. This article was prepared mainly on the basis of literature and data obtained from the GUS (Eng. Central Statistical Office) and studies of the former Instytut Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur (Eng. Institute for Market Research, Consumption and Business Cycles) in Warsaw. During the period under study, retail trade developed in Poland; both in terms of quantity and quality, in addition to a change in the structure of stores. Ensuing changes positively influenced the development of this sector, which, due to increasing demands of consumers, high competition, changes in legal regulations and technological innovations, will require further transformation. There are plans to create unmanned stores in Poland in the near future, without traditional cash registers, to use secure and fast payments thanks to biometrics and use artificial intelligence to optimise turnover and sales management.Celem badań było przedstawienie zmian zachodzących w handlu detalicznym po transformacji gospodarczej w Polsce. Przedstawiono różnorodność form sprzedaży detalicznej. Wyodrębniono pięć etapów przekształceń tego sektora. Wskazano kierunki zmian i perspektywy rozwoju handlu detalicznego. Okres objęty badaniem to lata 1990-2018. Pracę przygotowano głównie na podstawie literatury przedmiotu i danych uzyskanych z GUS oraz opracowań Polskiego Instytut Ekonomicznego (dawnego Instytutu Badań Rynku, Konsumpcji i Koniunktur w Warszawie). W badanym okresie nastąpił rozwój handlu detalicznego w Polsce, zarówno pod względem ilościowym, jak i jakościowym, oraz zmieniła się struktura sklepów. Zaistniałe zmiany pozytywnie wpłynęły na rozwój tego sektora, który z uwagi na coraz większe wymagania konsumentów, dużą konkurencję, zmiany w przepisach prawnych oraz nowości technologiczne, będzie wymagał dalszych przemian. W Polsce w niedalekiej przyszłości planuje się powstanie sklepów bezobsługowych bez tradycyjnych kas, wykorzystanie bezpiecznych i szybkich płatności dzięki biometrii oraz wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji do optymalizacji zarządzania obrotem i sprzedażą