6 research outputs found

    Pearls & Oy-sters: Gait Instability, Jaw Dystonia, and Horizontal Diplopia in a Woman with Anti-Ri Antibodies and Breast Cancer

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    A 40-year-old woman was admitted for 6 months of progressive gait disturbance, lower limb-predominant weakness, stiffness, falls, jaw dystonia, horizontal diplopia, and weight loss. Neurologic examination revealed horizontal gaze paresis, limited jaw opening with palpable masseter hypertrophy, and spastic paraparesis with sustained clonus and upgoing plantar responses. MRI revealed T2-hyperintense signal abnormalities in the dorsal pons, medulla, and upper cervical cord central gray matter extending to C3, without gadolinium enhancement. CSF showed mildly elevated protein and immunoglobulin (IgG) index with CSF-specific oligoclonal bands. Neural autoantibody testing was positive for anti-Ri in CSF and serum by mouse brain indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblot. Testing for aquaporin-4 (AQP4)-IgG and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-IgG by cell-based assay was negative. The patient received methylprednisolone 1 g for 5 days and IV immunoglobulin 2 g/kg over 2 days with prednisone taper and botulinum toxin injections for jaw dystonia. PET-CT revealed an enlarged left axillary lymph node with high FDG uptake. Left axillary lymph node biopsy confirmed high-grade, locally invasive breast adenocarcinoma. Neurologic stabilization was documented at 2-week follow-up after hospital discharge before modified radical mastectomy. Our case demonstrates a clinical triad highly suggestive of anti-Ri-associated paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome (Ri-PNS): gait instability, jaw dystonia, and horizontal gaze paresis. The more slowly progressive course and poor response to immunotherapy help distinguish it from AQP4-IgG-seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) and MOG-IgG-associated disease (MOGAD) that share similar radiographic features. Early diagnosis, prompt immunotherapy, and cancer treatment are paramount for disease stabilization

    Pathophysiology and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Detected after Ischemic Stroke (PARADISE): A Translational, Integrated, and Transdisciplinary Approach

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    Background: It has been hypothesized that ischemic stroke can cause atrial fibrillation. By elucidating the mechanisms of neurogenically mediated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, novel therapeutic strategies could be developed to prevent atrial fibrillation occurrence and perpetuation after stroke. This could result in fewer recurrent strokes and deaths, a reduction or delay in dementia onset, and in the lessening of the functional, structural, and metabolic consequences of atrial fibrillation on the heart. Methods: The Pathophysiology and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Detected after Ischemic Stroke (PARADISE) study is an investigator-driven, translational, integrated, and transdisciplinary initiative. It comprises 3 complementary research streams that focus on atrial fibrillation detected after stroke: experimental, clinical, and epidemiological. The experimental stream will assess pre- and poststroke electrocardiographic, autonomic, anatomic (brain and heart pathology), and inflammatory trajectories in an animal model of selective insular cortex ischemic stroke. The clinical stream will prospectively investigate autonomic, inflammatory, and neurocognitive changes among patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation detected after stroke by employing comprehensive and validated instruments. The epidemiological stream will focus on the demographics, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of atrial fibrillation detected after stroke at the population level by means of the Ontario Stroke Registry, a prospective clinical database that comprises over 23,000 patients with ischemic stroke. Conclusions: PARADISE is a translational research initiative comprising experimental, clinical, and epidemiological research aimed at characterizing clinical features, the pathophysiology, and outcomes of neurogenic atrial fibrillation detected after stroke. (c) 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved