28 research outputs found


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    Puntius bunau, neto species from the Seturan Watershed, Bulungan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia is distinguished from its congellers by the combination of the following characters: a black triangular bar all theside of the body under the dorsal fill, black spots behind the opercle, a black bar all the edge of the anal fill, 22-23 lateral line scales, predorsal profile convex, and eye diameter 21.28-29.73% of head length

    Biodiversitas I Kan di DAS Mendalam, Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun Kalimantan Barat [Freshwater Fishes Of Mendalam River System, Betung Kerihun Np, West Kalimantan]

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    Pengamatan fauna ikan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mendalam telah dilakukan selama 18 hari (dari tanggal 6 Mei sampai tanggal 24 Mei 1998) di DAS Mendalam dan 21 anak sungainya yang merupakan salah satu sub DAS Kapuas. Dari 44 stasiun pencuplikan ditemukan sebanyak 69 jenis ikan yang terdiri atas 12 familia, 39 genera dan 5 ordo berhasil dikoleksi. Jenis-jenis tersebut tergolong kedalam ft mil i Cyprinidae (47,88%), Balitoridae (14,08%) dan Cobitidae (12,67%). Sekurang-kurangnya 11 jenis ikan yang tergolong endemik Kalimantan ditemukan yaitu Garra borneensis; Grynocheilus pustulosus, Hampala bimaculata, Homaloptera stephensoni, Neogastromyzon niewenhuisii, N. pauciradiatus, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, Parachrossochilus acerus, Razor voltzi, Acrochordonichthys chameleon, dan Gastromyzon embalohensis. Sebagian besar ikan di kawasan ini merupakan ikan hias dan konsumsi yang bernilai ekonomis

    Kelimpahan Dan Distribusi Tiga Jenis Ikan Botia Di DAS Sibau Dan DAS Embaloh, Kapuas, Kalimantan Barat (Abundance and Distribution of Three Species of Botia in Sibau and Embaloh Watershed)

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    The study on the abundance and distribution of three species of botia namely B.hymenophysa Bleeker, B.macracantha (Bleeker,1852)W B.reversa (Roberts,1989) was conducted in Sibau watershed (from June 21 to July 10 1996) and in Embaloh watershed (from November 21 to December 10,1996 and from September 5 to September 25, 1997).It was found that the abundance of each B.hymenophysa, B.macracantha andB.tevctsz was not significant different in these two watershed.Among the fish species collected, these three species of Botia can b categorized as the group offish with low abundance.B.hymenophysa is the most widely distributed fish among three species o/Botia in these two watersheds.In these watersheds,this fish was more distributed in tributary sites than in mainstream sites of Embaloh and Sibau river.On the other hand, the distribution pattern of B.reversa in these watersheds was different. In Sibau watershed, this fish is more distributed in mainstream sites, in Embabh watershed however, this fish was more distributed in tributaries sites.In some localities the distribution of B.hymenophysa and B.reversa are overlaps. In Sibau river, B.macracantha was found both in mainstream sites and its tributary, but in Embabh river, it was found only in a tributary site. It was also found that these three Botia could co-exist with other species

    Komunikasi Pendek* Fauna Ikan Di Sungai Cikaniki, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Fish Fauna in Cikanini River, Mount Halimun National Park

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    Penelitian pendahuluan untuk mengungkapkan komunitas ikan di hulu S.Cikaniki Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, dilakukan dari tanggal 27 Desember 1995 sampai 5 Januari 1996.Penelitian dilakukan di sembilan stasiun, yang masing-masing berupa segmen sungai sepanjang ± 50 m; dengan jarak setiap segmen stasiun berkisar 50 m sampai 2 km, tergantung dari ketersediaan stasiun terpilih (ketersediaan beragam tipe habitat) dan kemudahan dicapai


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    The study on the abundance and distribution of three species of botia namely B.hymenophysa Bleeker, B.macracantha (Bleeker,1852)W B.reversa (Roberts,1989) was conducted in Sibau watershed (from June 21 to July 10 1996) and in Embaloh watershed (from November 21 to December 10,1996 and from September 5 to September 25, 1997).It was found that the abundance of each B.hymenophysa, B.macracantha andB.tevctsz was not significant different in these two watershed.Among the fish species collected, these three species of Botia can b categorized as the group offish with low abundance.B.hymenophysa is the most widely distributed fish among three species o/Botia in these two watersheds.In these watersheds,this fish was more distributed in tributary sites than in mainstream sites of Embaloh and Sibau river.On the other hand, the distribution pattern of B.reversa in these watersheds was different. In Sibau watershed, this fish is more distributed in mainstream sites, in Embabh watershed however, this fish was more distributed in tributaries sites.In some localities the distribution of B.hymenophysa and B.reversa are overlaps. In Sibau river, B.macracantha was found both in mainstream sites and its tributary, but in Embabh river, it was found only in a tributary site. It was also found that these three Botia could co-exist with other species


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    The scales of Latimeria menadoensis has a variety of the shape of the scales from oval, rectangular, footprint, elongated-pointed edge etc. The comparison in the portion of the exposed and embedded part of the total length of the scales of Latimeria menadoensis and Latimeria chalurnnae at the approximately similar part of the body i.e. scale on the dorsal region and scales located on the region extending lateral posteriorly until caudal, indicated that this portion is different. In L. chalumnae the exposed part are one third and the embedded part are two third of the total length of the scale. The exposed part in the L. menadoensis are more than one third (average 35.9% of total length), while the embedded part are less than tioo third, but 011 the other part of the body i.e. dorsal lobe fin, the embedded part was 73.9% or approximately three [ourth of the total lellgth of tile scale. The 175 loose scales were also examined and discussed.Some of the loose scales ioere examined 1111del' the scanning electron microscope (SEM) by using two kinds of preparations. It showed the apex region, the annular ridges, the radiating ridges and the denticles.Key words: Coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, morphology and structure of scales, microradiography, histological technique, exposed part, ernbeded par