1,013 research outputs found

    Perancangan Jaringan Transmisi Gelombang Mikro Pada Link Site Mranggen 2 Dengan Site Pucang Gading

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    Perencanaan link budget merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari pemasangan jaringan transmisi microwave ini. Analisa yang dilakukan secara menyeluruh dari tahap awal penentuan lokasi, yaitu site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terhadap path profil untuk lintasan transmisi untuk menghubungkan site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading diperoleh daerah fresnel dalam keadaan bersih dari halangan. Sehingga untuk perencanaan jaringan dapat dilaksanakan dengan optimal. Desain link budget akan dilaksanakan dalam microwave radio link point-to-point dari site Mranggen 2 dengan site Pucang Gading hasil dengan jarak 2.76 km, Menggunakan microwave RTN950 Frekuensi 23 GHz dengan antenna A23S06HAC berdiameter 0,6 meter, dengan pemancar daya 20 dBm dan menerima tingkat sinyal -31,65 dBm, Transmisi masih dapat bekerja dalam range KPI pada saat Power Transmit diturunkan ke 10 dBm up link Fade margin diperoleh 41,481 dB. saat down link diperoleh nilai Fade margin 41,870 dB

    Strategi Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Pemilihan Media Iklan Menggunakan Fuzzy Ahp

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    Advertising is all Forms of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services non-personal Certain Payments require a sponsor. Media Advertising is a tool to introduce the of products OR services marketed To Market, in addition to media advertising Many Ways to introduce of Company products, but ad Very Important role Marketing . The purpose of advertising is very dependent from company, good for the review to inform, persuade, OR warned. Research Strategy Decision Making In the Electoral Media Advertising Using Fuzzy AHP, expected MAY be used as a strategic alternative media choose the ads, research will study the problems Based on the criteria and sub-criteria Anything it takes formulate and Determine alternative development strategy Media Election ad, Research Model assessed According to a to Determine the scale of your priorities based on the weighted Priority Decision Making Media ad. From Preparation hierarchy Criteria Obtained 3 Criteria and 6 sub criteria and the four alternatives the which are used to review advertising media poll, based on the data processing Fuzzy AHP, Criteria for Internal factors, Vision, Mission and Target Market has the highest priority for review of choosing advertising media and newspaper Obtained Media Selected Notes Notes is based on the highest

    Kajian Tata Niaga Kayu Rakyat di Pulau Jawa Bagian Barat

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    Kebutuhan kayu di Pulau Jawa bagian barat khususnya Jawa Barat, DKI. Jakarta dan Banten, saat ini diperoleh dari hutan rakyat (HR), Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) dan HutanAlam (HA). Ketika pasokan kayu bulat yang berasal dari hutan alam produksi mengalami penurunan sementara pasokan kayu dari HTI belum dapat diandalkan, maka hutan rakyat diharapkan dapat berperan penting sebagai pemasok kayu baik untuk kebutuhan industri dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Peredaran kayu rakyat di pulau Jawa bagian barat, masih belum dapat diketahui sehingga dilakukan kajian mengenai tata niaga peredaran kayu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji rantai tata niaga dan distribusi pemasaran kayu rakyat di bagian barat Pulau Jawa yaitu Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama satu tahun mulai bulan Juli sampai dengan November 2009 di Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, rantai tata niaga kayu rakyatdi Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta dan Banten terdiri dari 6 (enam) saluran yaitu: 1) Petani-konsumen akhir; 2) Petani-pedagang perantara-konsumen akhir,3) Petani-pedagang perantara-industr ipengolahan kayu4) Petani-industri penggergajian-pedagang kayu-industri pengolahan kayu konsumen akhir, 5) Petani-pedagang perantara-pedagang kayu industri pengolahan kayu-konsumen akhir. Kayu yang diperdagangkan adalah kayu akasia, afrika, mahoni, jati, sengon, gmelina dan kayu durian, sedangkan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan marjin pemasaran, dari ke lima saluran tersebut saluran yang memiliki distribusi margin keuntungan paling besar adalah saluran satu. Kondisi tersebut terjadi karena saluran satu merupakan saluran terpendek dan petani langsung menjual kayu kekonsumen akhir tanpa melalui perantara

    Studi Deskriptif Pelatihan Karyawan pada PT. Graha Cendana Abadi Mitra

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Graha Cendana Abadi Mitra yang merupakan Perusahaan keluarga dimana bergerak pada industri koper. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memotret program pelatihan pada karyawan, yaitu dengan menganalisa kebutuhan pelatihan, menganalisa rancangan pelatihan, menganalisa implementasi pelatihan dan evaluasi pelatihan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara.Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program pelatihan telah terlaksana dengan baik, hanya pada langkah evaluasi yang perlu ditingkatkan lagi

    Implementasi Penagihan Pajak Sesuai Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 1997 Jo. Undang-undang Nomor 19

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    : Implementation of Tax Collection Under Law No. 19 of 1997 JO. Law No. 19 of 2000 (A Study on the Tax Office Primary Mojokerto). Tax collection carried out by Tax Office Pratama Mojokerto is the effort made by the billing section in securing tax debt to taxpayers who are not cooperative. This research aims to describe the implementation of tax collection in accordance with such provision, the barriers faced by billing section in collecting taxes, and the solutions that have been done by the billing section in face barriers / constraints. Results This study addressed that Tax Office Pratama Mojokerto rather billing section in carrying out tax collection has been largely in accordance with law, but there are some lack of fit in the implementation of tax collection are among others. Tax Office Pratama Mojokerto should perform additional employees in the billing section, make the transfer of knowledge to the old tax bailiff to bailiff new taxes

    Praktik Politik Nepotisme Dalam Pemilihan Walikota

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    Penelitian ini memusatkan perhatian pada berbagai bentuk nepotisme politik dalam pemilihan walikota. Penelitian teori grounded diadopsi sebagai pendekatan yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, yakni untuk menghasilkan model teoritis pada nepotisme politik dan perlawanan masyarakat. Perilaku aktor politik utama telah membentuk jaringan politik nepotisme daerah, dengan ciri praktik-praktik koersif dan hegemonik, konspirasi dan oligarki. Perilaku demikian mengakibatkan disafeksi politik temporer, yang ditandai dengan rasa ketidakberdayaan, ketidaktertarikan, ketidakpercayaan, ketidakpedulian, keterasingan, dan sinisme terhadap aktor-aktor politik, partai politik, lembaga-lembaga politik serta proses politik lokal. Ada tiga ranah tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh nepos dan nepotis, yaitu: meningkatkan popularitas Nepos, mendapatkan legalitas Nepos, dan meningkatkan elektabilitas Nepos. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa praktik nepotisme politik, baik untuk meningkatkan popularitas, mendapatkan legalitas dan meningkatkan elektabilitas, mengakibatkan berbagai bentuk perlawanan masyarakat, mulai dari stigmatisasi negatif, berbagai bentuk perlawanan simbolik, transaksionalisasi dukungan dan suara, dan akhirnya perlawanan elektoral yang tercermin dalam ketidakmauan memberikan suara bagi aktor. This study focuses on the various forms of political nepotism in mayoral election. Grounded-theory research adopted as the approach in accordance with the objective of the study, that is to generate a theoretical model on the political nepotism and people\u27s electoral resistance. The main political actors\u27 behavior have formed local political networks of nepotism, which is characterized by the practices of coercive and hegemonic power, conspiracy and oligarchy. Such behaviors resulted in a temporary political disaffection, which is characterized by the sense of helplessness, lack of interest in, distrust, ignorance, alienation and cynicism towards political actors, political parties, political institutions as well as the local political process. There are three domains of interest of political nepotism that the nepos and nepotis wanted to achieve, namely: increasing nepos\u27 popularity, getting nepos\u27 legality, and improving nepos\u27 electability. The study also concludes that the practice of local political nepotism, both to increase the popularity, to get legality, as well as to improve electability, lead to some forms of community resistance, ranging from negative stigmatization, various symbolic resistances, transactionalization of support and votes and finally electoral resistance reflected in the unwillingness to vote for the actors

    Identification of Morphometry and Carcass Composition of Local Sheep at Different Growth Rate

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    Sheep fattening farms have been recently growing rapidly to produce better quality of sheep meat and fullfill consumer's demand. Sheep fattening and breeding farms should be developed proportionally to obtain sustainable sheep flock in the market. Twelve male lambs (less than one year old) were selected based on their average daily gain (ADG), consisting into two groups: 6 fast growing (FG) and 6 slow growing (SG) sheep. Some morphometric parameters in body and head parts of sheep and their carcass production and composition were measured and compared between the groups. The results show that chest circumference, body height, body length, head length and muzzle, top and bottom neck circumferences of FG sheep were significantly higher than in SG sheep (P0.05). It is concluded that selection of fast growing sheep can be recommended by using some morphometric parameters. The selection would not also negatively affect the weight and percentage of carcass composition

    Analisis Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Animasi Interaktif Mengenal Bahasa Jepang

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    Analysis of animation instructional media interkatif know Japanese language aims to obtain a feasibility study media based on test validity and reliability and also to study the response of the user (user) regarding this interactive learning media. whereas in the design of interactive media is using the meotde development of multimedia applications, the steps being taken is the concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution (implementation). The results of calculations with the validity and reliability is obtained that the significance level (α) = 5% = 0.05. by using statistical test r-Spearman (Spearman rho) obtained critical value = value table (n-28) rtabel = rα; (N-2) = r 0:05; (28) = 0.3610. If tested the validity of each variable can be considered valid indicator entirely because r count larger than r table, and to test the reliability value of Cronbach's Alpha 0734 is greater than rtabel 0.3610. so its value is valid. It can be concluded that the media interactive animated learning Japanese language decent used to know

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kreativitas Akuntan

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    This study aims to examine the influence of internal factors for the creativity accountans. Accounting is considered as the science is far from creativity. This causes an accountant is prevented from being creative possibilities. Accountants will be closed opportunities and the chance to be creative. This study examined the influence of ethics to the creativity accountant by Bryant, et al (2011) and Nurcahyo (2012). Ethics is measured using the dimensions of idealism and relativism. In addition, this study also examines the effect of job tenure, gender and intellectual of the creativity accountant.The population of this study is the auditor who works in the firm in the city of Semarang. The sample was an auditor who works in the firm in the city of Semarang with sampling techniques through sampling covinience. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using multiple regressions.The results showed that the job tenure and gender had no effect on creativity accountant. In addition, intellectual and relativism significantly positive effect on creativity accountant. Idealism significantly negative effect on creativity accountant
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